Can Cats Eat Cheese? Most cats and cheese go together like peanut butter and jelly, but some cat owners wonder if cheese is safe for cats to eat. Well known for being the favorite food of mice, cats will often hunt down a little bit of the creamy goodness.
Cheese is considered okay for cats to eat, and the majority of veterinarians recommend that you feed your cat cheese if it’s the only treat he or she will eat. There are certain types of cheeses that should never be given to your feline friend. Read on for more tips about whether or not cats can eat cheese.
Can Cats Eat Cheese?
Yes, cats can eat cheese, but it’s not recommended that they have too much of it. Cheese is high in fat and can cause digestive problems for cats. Never feed your cat cheese that is moldy. Cats will usually stop eating a cheese they don’t like and refuse to eat.
While most types of cheese are safe for cats to eat, you should make sure to read the ingredients list on the packaging before buying your cat some cheese.
It is important to note that many artificial cheese flavors are not safe for cats to eat, including Gorgonzola, Brie, Bleu, Roquefort, Stilton, and French string.
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What If My Cat Loves Cheese?

Cats are very fickle, and their love of food varies from cat to cat. Some cats do not love cheese and won’t touch it no matter how much you try to bribe them. However, some cats will eat just about anything.
You can teach your cat to eat cheese by presenting different types of cheese to him on a regular basis. If your cat likes cheese, you can consider giving him a selection of different cheeses and letting him choose his favorite. You can also try sprinkling cheese on your cat’s food.
Nutritional Value of Cheese

Are There Nutritional Benefits to Feeding Your Cat Cheese?
Though cheese has little nutritional value for cats, it is generally considered safe for them to eat in small quantities. Hard cheeses are the least likely to cause complications, but cats should only eat cheese in small amounts and on rare occasions.
Cheese should never be fed to cats who are lactose intolerant or those who have a dairy allergy. You can also feed cheese to your cat if he does not like his regular food. Of course, for cats who love cheese, this won’t work as it will simply make them sick.
Cheese can be a nutritious treat for cats if they are getting the proper nutrients in their diet. If a cat is gaining weight without being overfed, then eating cheese can be a great way to increase their food intake without putting on extra pounds.
Cats require a lot of calcium in their diet to keep their bones strong. They also need a source of vitamin D, which they cannot get from the cat food itself.
You can supplement your cat’s diet with calcium-rich food such as cheese. Dairy products, including cheese, contain not only calcium but also phosphorus and potassium, which help the body maintain proper bone and heart health.
Vitamin B2
Cheese also contains Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), which is essential for the healthy functioning of red blood cells. Cats with higher levels of riboflavin in their blood have fewer signs of anemia, and it helps with maintaining healthy eyes.
Vitamin A
Many people believe that cats do not need vitamin A, which is true in most cases. However, a cat’s diet is usually lacking in this important vitamin. When cats are kittens they need vitamin A in order to fight off diseases and illnesses.
They also need vitamin A to keep their eyes healthy and not lose sight. You can help your cat by feeding it vitamin A-rich food.
Nutritional Value of Cheese
Water | Protein | Fat | Carbohydrates | |
Cheddar | 36.8 | 24.9 | 33.1 | 1.3 |
Swiss | 37.1 | 26.9 | 27.8 | 5.4 |
Mozzarella | 50 | 22.2 | 22.4 | 2.2 |
Feta | 55.2 | 14.2 | 21.3 | 4.1 |
Cottage | 80 | 11.1 | 4.3 | 3.4 |
The Health Benefits of Cheese for Cats

Cheese is not a necessary part of a cat’s diet and has little to no health benefits. If you want to give your cat some cheese, be sure to give it only small amounts of soft cheeses. The best way to provide calcium in your cat’s diet is through a diet high in quality meats, poultry, and fish.
There are a few kinds of cheese that are safe for cats to eat. These include cottage cheese, ricotta, cheddars, gouda, cream cheese, mozzarella, swiss, string cheese, feta, and queso fresco.
Cottage cheese contains very little lactose and can easily be combined with other foods to make a cat’s diet complete. If you think your cat is lactose intolerant, talk to your veterinarian about feeding your cat cottage cheese as a treat.
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When Is It Safe To Give Cats Cheese?
It is usually safe to give cats small amounts of cheese as a treat. Fresh cream cheese may be offered when providing your cat with snacks or treats. If you are going to be giving your cat cheese as a treat, you should make sure it is from a quality source. There are many types of cheese, each with different qualities.
Look for a good brand and read the label to see if there are any additives or preservatives. Some quality cheeses contain:
- No artificial preservatives such as BHA, BHT, propylparaben, or butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA).
- Preserved with salt, sugar, and vinegar: These cheeses are often labeled “hard” and have a rind that can become gooey when warmed.
- Garlic and onion powder: These ingredients are often used to mask the smell of spoiled food. Some experts think that garlic has health benefits in cats, so it is not advisable to withhold this ingredient from your cat’s diet.
- Cream of tartar: Cream of tartar is used as a preservative to prevent bacteria from growing. It may contain small amounts of gelatin and milk, so keep it out of reach of your cat.
- Guar gum: This ingredient is often used to stabilize the solids in a paste or jelly. Cheese mixtures also contain guar gum.
Is It Safe For Kitty To Eat Cheese?

Cheese is also a good source of protein and calcium, so it’s not always a bad idea for Kitty to eat it. The most important thing is to keep Kitty away from spoiled and moldy cheese. That is the primary culprit of allergic reactions to cheese in cats. Cheeses are also high in lactose, so if your cat does have an allergy to dairy products, you will want to avoid feeding it cheese.
How to Feed Your Cat Cheese Safely

While cheese is a dairy product and not a meat protein, it can be safely fed to cats in small quantities. Here are a few tips to keep Kitty healthy and happy while he’s munching on cheese:
- If you use cheese as a treat, do not feed it to Kitty in large quantities. Many cats are lactose intolerant, and it can be very dangerous for Kitty to consume large amounts of cheese.
- While cheese is safe for feeding Kitty, cheese does have high fat and sodium content. If you would like to feed Kitty cheese, try giving him small amounts of cheese throughout the day rather than all at once.
- Cheese can be cut into smaller pieces and served in a cheese-sauce mixture.
- Keep Kitty away from spoiled and moldy cheese.
- Cheese that has been at room temperature for longer than a few hours may be unsafe for Kitty to eat.
- Cheese that has been in contact with the sun or other hot surfaces should be discarded.
- Do not feed Kitty products labeled as “cheese snacks” or similar products. These products often contain monosodium glutamate, which can be dangerous for cats.
- If you are cooking with cheese, such as frying, grilling, or boiling, keep Kitty away from the stove. While cats have been known to love it, the smoke and other fumes could be harmful to him.
- Cats should not be fed raw cow’s milk or other unpasteurized dairy products.
How Much Cheese Should You Feed Your Cat?

Some cats may be perfectly content with a small amount of cheese, while others may require more to be satisfied. If you are giving your cat a treat, the amount of cheese you give him should be less than that to which he would normally be accustomed. For example, you might want to cut the amount of cheese in half if you are giving your cat a meal.
If you are trying to figure out how much to feed your cat, it is useful to know what sort of cheese the average adult cat eats. According to the USDA, a 4-pound cat will usually eat; 2 1/2 ounces of cheese per week. A 6-pound cat will usually eat 3 ounces of cheese per week. A 10-pound cat will usually eat 4 ounces of cheese per week.
What Types of Cheese are Safe for Cats?

Many people think that all types of cheese are safe for cats, but this is not the case. While some cheeses are safe for cats, others can be dangerous. Before serving cheese to your cat, look for the following important words on the packaging:
ALLERGY STATEMENT: “Milk and milk products contain cow’s milk proteins (casein), a complex protein with many properties. Casein can cause allergic reactions in some people, particularly if they are sensitized to the proteins from other dairy products. Cow’s milk proteins are also present in cheese and other dairy products, but their quantities are usually much lower than those in milk. ”
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INGREDIENTS: “Cow’s milk protein, salt, cultures. “
If your cat develops a severe reaction to cheese, the most important thing is to eliminate the culprit. What’s more, you should know that the following ingredients can cause skin problems.
1) Casein
Casein is a complex protein that is not digestible by cats. It is also very similar to another protein, called lactalbumin. The latter is also not easy for cats to digest and can cause problems with cats as well. While lactalbumin is in milk products, casein is found in cheese and other dairy products.
2) Lactose
Milk has lactose in it; this sugar is then broken down by bacteria in the intestinal tract of cats. However, cats cannot digest lactose so this sugar can cause problems with them.
3) Milk of magnesia
Milk of magnesia is a substance that acts as a laxative in many people and can also cause gastrointestinal problems in cats.
4) Salmonella
Cats are not the only ones who can get Salmonella – humans, dogs, and horses can as well. The bacteria is on the skin of cats and can get into the intestines. It can cause a wide range of problems such as diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and severe colitis in cats. The bacteria is hard to diagnose in the early stages and it’s only by doing some detective work (fecal testing) that veterinarians can confirm that the patient has Salmonella.
The Risks of Feeding Your Cat Cheese

There are a few risks to feeding your cat cheese. The first is that it can be high in fat and calories, which can lead to weight gain.
- Cheese contains a high level of sodium, which can be harmful to cats‘ kidneys.
- Cheese is a dairy product and some cats are lactose intolerant, meaning they can’t digest the milk sugar in cheese. This can cause gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea.
- Cheese can contain harmful bacteria that can make cats sick.
- Cheese can be a choking hazard for cats.
- Cheese can cause digestive problems in cats.
- Cheese can contain chemicals that are harmful to cats.
Is it safe to feed a cat pepper jack cheese?
No, it is not safe to feed a cat pepper jack cheese. Although pepper jack cheese is not as heavily processed as regular processed cheese, there is still a risk that your cat will be exposed to chemicals and/or additives.
The Canadian Veterinarians state on their website, “Although the product is processed to remove some of the lactose, it is recommended that this product not be fed to cats as there is a risk of developing lactose intolerance or diarrhea in cats and dogs.
Can Cats Eat Cream Cheese?
Yes, cats can eat cream cheese, but it’s not the best food choice for them. Cream cheese is not a natural food for cats. Although it contains fat and protein, it also contains lactose, which is a sugar that the body cannot digest. Lactose is a common food intolerance in cats, and even small amounts can lead to serious problems.
Can Cats Eat Camembert Cheese?
No, they cannot. Camembert cheese is a type of soft cheese that contains a lot of moisture. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means that their bodies are designed to digest and use only animal-based proteins. Humans are omnivores, which means that we can eat either plant-based or animal-based foods. Cats cannot eat Camembert cheese.
Can Cats Eat Blue Cheese?
Cats are not able to digest blue cheese properly, and it can cause them to become very ill. Symptoms of blue cheese poisoning in cats include vomiting, diarrhea, and excessive drooling. If your cat ingests blue cheese, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Cheese Recipes for Cats
There are many different recipes that you can make for your cat using cheese. One recipe is to mix shredded cheese with some wet cat food. Another recipe is to mix melted cheese with some dry cat food. This recipe would be perfect for indoor cats because it only requires mixing the cheese and cat food, which is easy to do.
Cat Food Recipe That Uses Cheese
If you want to serve a cheese-based cat food recipe to your cat, then the recipe below will help you with that. What you will need is:
- 1 1/2 cup (150g) of cream cheese
- 1/2 cup (80g) of milk
- Add the ingredients to a blender and blend until they are combined.
- Pour the mixture into a bowl and put the bowl in the fridge.
- After the mixture has cooled off, serve it to your cat by spreading some on top of a plate or bowl of dry cat food.
Final Thoughts: Can Cats Eat Cheese?
There are many types of cheese, each with different qualities, each of which has different health benefits for cats. While cheese is not a necessary part of a cat’s diet and has little to no health benefits, it is generally considered safe for them to eat in small amounts and on rare occasions.
Can Cats Eat Cheese? Yes, cats can eat cheese.
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