Rottweiler: Every Information You Need to Know About This Dog
Intelligent, watchful, and loyal are some of the words to describe this breed. The Rottweiler is a medium-sized dog with an athletic build. It is powerful in appearance but not coarse or cloddy. With highly intelligent eyes that seem to bore into your soul, you know when this breed has taken over control.
A Rottweiler stands between 24 1/2 and 27 1/2 inches at the shoulder. Females are slightly smaller than males. One of the best guard dogs around, Rottweilers can be too aggressive for some.
If socialized and trained properly they make a great family pet and protection dog. Many police agencies use this breed in their K9 units to search and find drugs or humans.
A very loyal breed that thrives on human contact, Rottweilers must share space with other animals if you want to avoid potential problems such as overly protective behavior or aggression toward strangers (including other pets). This breed is NOT recommended for apartment living because it’s an extremely high energy, needs lots of room to move about, and requires daily exercise.
Rottweilers are born with naturally loose ligaments. This, along with their heavy bone structure, causes them to be less flexible than other breeds so they aren’t able to turn quickly or easily. Therefore the Rottweiler is not a good choice for sports that require quick turns and sudden stops/starts, such as agility or flyball.
History of Rottweiler
Rottweiler is a breed of domestic dog. It derives from Germany and was first bred in the early 1900s. Rottweilers are powerful, strong dogs with a developed sense of self-preservation. They were originally used as herding dogs for cattle, but now they serve as search and rescue, tracking, watchdog, service, and guard dogs.
There are two main theories about how the Rottweiler got its name. The first theory says that it is derived from “Rottweil”, a city in Germany, and this breed may have been used for driving cattle to market there. Another explanation is that these dogs were bred for herding and driving livestock. This can be seen in their temperament, which is not aggressive towards humans unless they are threatened or provoked. These dogs are gentle yet protective of their masters.
It’s also possible that both explanations contain some truth: it could be that the breed was named after the place where it was kept and then went on to become popular as a cattle driver and we also see this term – Rottweiler – on a stone statue from a monastery in Bavaria, Germany.
In 1899, the Rottweiler was admitted to the studbook of the German Cynological Society as breed number 34. In 1904 this dog was recognized by France as an outstanding working animal. In 1910 it was admitted into the American Kennel Club as a working-class dog and then as a herding type in 1931. Finally, its popularity spread all over the world. Before World War I, they were used by police officers to catch criminals and even track down fugitives hiding for weeks underground! The French army also utilized these dogs during World War II for their courage and obedience to orders without hesitation or fear.
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Today’s Rottweiler is a direct descendant of the original working dogs from Roman times used by butchers and drovers to guard money pouches tied around their necks while traveling in the crowded streets of Rome. The breed was known then as the “Butcher Dog,” because it accompanied butchers on cattle drives through thick forests in order to help bring down and hold the now-docile beasts of burden. Its job was to nip at the heels of wayward cattle and hold them with a viselike grip until the butcher could lance them (and later, assist in hoisting the carcasses up onto wagons).
This powerful animal also served as a bodyguard for carriages carrying wealthy Roman citizens through dangerous territory. To keep these rugged dogs ready for action on short notice, they were housed and fed communally. It was not wise to leave valuable animals such as horses or cattle unguarded while the workers took their meals because it only encouraged thieves or wild animals to steal or kill livestock. This began an association between Rottweilers and guarding that continues to this day.
As Rome expanded, so did its roster of gladiators and chariot races. More arenas were built throughout Italy; with them came more demand for fresh meat to feed the bloodthirsty crowds. Butcher dogs accompanied butchers to slaughterhouses where they learned that livestock could be easily taken down by biting at their hocks (ankles).
The Rottweilers’ natural tenacity toward anything smaller than themselves made them perfect for this line of work. Larger livestock was brought down with brute force rather than neck clamping, which is how some hunting breeds subdue prey.
Rottweilers also assisted in moving cattle from one place to another. A large group of these hardy dogs would surround the herd and move it from pasture to pasture. While this may seem like a simple task to us, cattle are very willful prey animals and can be extremely difficult for a single person to manage, much less the typical Roman farmer.
The breed’s history as a drover dog is what eventually garnered its nickname of “the Butcher’s Dog.” The name stuck even though butchers were no longer the primary users of this breed by the middle of the 19th century. In those days Rottweilers were used as coach dogs, pulling carts full of milk or beer through town at all hours of day or night. Their strong bodies with equal parts muscle and grace easily handled these large loads, usually hitched up tandem to another dog or larger horse.
The Rottweiler’s intelligence and tenacity were not lost on the Roman military, either. These traits made the breed perfect for guarding everything from supply wagons to encampments. They were even used to patrol Roman borders where they assisted in capturing enemy combatants without harming them. Since Rottweilers of this time period had longer legs than their modern-day counterparts (which aided them in covering more ground quickly), the driving theory behind this practice was that anyone foolish enough to try and cross into Roman territory would get a face full of teeth rather than an arrow through the heart.
After the fall of the Roman Empire, Rottweilers began to take on a slightly different role in society. As Europe fell into the Dark Ages, the drover dogs used for herding and protection were put to work along trade routes doing much of what they had done before, only this time guiding whole flocks of animals (rather than individual cattle) to market. Their job was not simply to guard these caravans while their owners went about their business; it was also up to them to keep curious thieves away from valuable livestock.
How did Rottweiler Dogs Earn their Fame?

Shepherd Dog stock began spreading throughout the surrounding countries. They were good workers that could herd cattle or sheep into busier areas where it was easier for humans to handle them. In time, these dogs were bred together to create the Rottweiler or “Rott”, which more resembled what we know of today as the German Shepherd.
The first reason for this was that they were able to gain an advantage by scaring away more timid animals, like deer and boar. They would be let loose on a herd or individual, forcing them into more accessible areas where hunters could kill them more easily.
The Butcher’s Dog also gained some fame due to its size and strength; it was tasked with protecting supply wagons on their way back from markets at night. The wagon drivers used these dogs as guard dogs, forcing criminals who attempted to rob or steal from their goods into paying toll fees instead.
Today Rottweilers are more widely known for their contributions to the police and military, especially where drug detection, cadaver recovery, and explosives detection are required.
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How Rottweiler Dogs Get the “Butcher’s Dog” Nickname?
Despite their courage, Rottweilers of this era were not bred to be aggressive toward people. This breed was specifically selected for traits that would ensure both its loyalty and ability to work closely with people who they knew well. Even when confronting strangers, early Rottweilers rarely attacked unless provoked or commanded by their owners.
As coach dogs began to disappear with the rise of railroads in 19th century Europe, however, so did the need for such a protective and obedient drover dog.
The modern Rottweiler began to take on a new role as a personal protector, one that would eventually bring them back to their ancestral roots.
As wealthy people returned from the Crusades bringing with them tales of fierce dogs guarding important people and places, demand for Rottweilers grew. In time these drover dogs were relocated into the basements of castles where they guarded their owners during the night.
What is a Rottweiler used for?
Rottweilers today are still commonly used as police dogs because their size makes them intimidating enough to keep criminals in.
Today Rottweilers have a very diverse number of uses. They are extremely popular dogs in the show dog circuit, where their intelligence and protective instincts make them excellent companions for children and other animals alike.
On a more practical note, they are also used as police dogs in many parts of the world – much like their drover ancestors who protected wagons full of valuable goods from would-be robbers along early trade routes.
Despite this progress, however, there is still some truth to the Butcher’s Dog myth: members of this breed often do well in situations where they receive consistent training and closed socialization with people whom they trust completely.
Characteristics of Rottweiler Dogs
- Rottweiler is a large, powerful, and muscular dog. It has a broad, massive head with a well-defined stop; long muzzle; black nose; pronounced cheek muscles; tight flies.
- Medium to dark brown eyes. The ears are medium in size and hang flat against the head when at rest. At attention, ear puppies may be pulled forward.
- Tight lower jaw to nasal bridge with teeth closing in a scissors bite or level bite. Rottweilers have a very powerful neck that is thick and slightly arched, running smoothly into well laid back shoulders and sturdy forelegs.
- The tail is bushy and tapers towards a point. It should not curl over the back or be carried sideways too high without moving much.
- Rottweiler dogs have a very muscular and powerful appearance. The head is large and round with a defined stop and strong jaws.
- They have a short coat that can be black, tan, or mahogany. Rottweilers are well known for their distinctive color-dark rust on the back to white on the chest and leg joints.
- The breed has been used as guide dogs (hearing), police dogs (drugs/law enforcement), and therapy dogs because of its loyalty towards humans; docile temperaments; high pain tolerance; bravery; power; agility; speed; endurance; sensitivity to sounds, movements, and commands. Many organizations like Guide Dogs for the Blind use them as working (guide children).
Personality of Rottweiler
Rottweilers are very loving, loyal, and protective dogs. They require a lot of attention and socialization in order to become well-adjusted family pets. Without these things, they can become overly protective and aggressive towards children and strangers (sometimes perceived as “bad” dogs by people who take this dog’s temperament lightly). This breed is also very intelligent; Rottweilers rank 8th in Stanley Coren’s The Intelligence of Dogs, making them easy to train.
Rottweilers have a very loving personality with family members but may be aggressive towards strangers. They do best when it receives plenty of training from a young age. This breed can do well living in an apartment as long as they get enough exercise every day.
Rottweilers need firm training and socialization from a young age if they are to become accustomed to being around people other than their pack. When properly trained and socialized Rottweilers can get along fine with children, but older children should be taught how to play with dogs so that neither ends up injured during playtime together.
Rottweilers are very safe dogs around children, but they do need to be socialized with them at an early age. Proper training and supervision of interactions between dogs and young children are vital to ensure that both parties respect each other’s space. The breed can sometimes become overprotective of the child (and thus injure it) without this intervention.
Temperament of Rottweiler
Rottweiler is a breed that has no fear and anxieties. For this reason, it can attack without any hesitation or doubt and gives full respect to its master. This temperament and training made the Rottweilers very popular as police and military dogs.
They are used as guard dogs too but they don’t make good companions because of this nature during normal living conditions. Therefore, they need proper training to behave like a family dog rather than a guard dog.
If you want to buy rottweilers for pets then firstly you should know about the temperament of rottweilers. Because only knowledge will help you in buying the right rottweiler breed for your home and family members.
If we talk about other dogs breeds then each breed has a different temperament but Rottweilers are totally different. The temperament of rottweilers is unique because it doesn’t fear any situation and attack without doubting the situation.
Rottweiler dogs generally have 3 types of temperaments, which depend on the age and environment they grow up in. When a rottweiler puppy is from 0 to 1 year old then it’s very difficult to understand its temperament exactly because these puppies don’t know that how to behave with humans.
In this period of life, your attention and love are necessary for them otherwise they can become aggressive or stubborn as adult dogs. If you want to own a rottweiler as a pet dog, firstly you need to make him social and start playing with your kids and others in the home so that he becomes familiar with them and doesn’t fear any situation.
Rottweilers become mature when they are 1 year old and this is time you can understand their nature by interacting with them closely. But if you have already bought a rottweiler puppy then don’t worry, Rottweiler temperament training will help your dog grow as well behaved family member of yours without having any hesitation or aggression issues.
Rottweilers are famous for their good nature but there are some exceptions too which depend on the environment of dogs. If they are not treated properly then these dogs become stubborn, aggressive, or fearful. So it’s very important to give proper attention to your rottweiler so that they can become perfect family dogs.
Appearance of Rottweiler
Size: How big will a Rottweiler get?
The standard height at withers is 61 – 69 cm for a male, but he can get taller if his growth is not stunted. The female can be from 58 – 66 cm high. Rottweilers are often characterized as “medium-large dogs” or “big-boned”.
The standard weight is around 50 kg for a male and 35kg for a female. A fully grown male Rottweiler can weigh more than 70kg.
The size of your dog will depend on his lineage, genetics, nutrition, and the environment in which he is raised. Many factors influence how big Rottweilers get like feeding habits, the health of the parents (height & weight), health condition of the parents (limits their growth).
The lifespan of Rottweiler: How long do Rottweilers live?
The average life expectancy of a Rottweiler is about 9 – 10 years. However, in some cases, they can reach the age of 13. If you care for your dog properly and follow all the recommendations, your dog should spend his golden years in good health.
Coat and Color of Rottweiler: What is the coat of a Rottweiler like?
The length and color of the coat vary depending on the dog’s purpose. Rottweilers can be found in long or short-haired coats. The most common colors are black, brown, tan, and mahogany red. There are several markings that can appear on the coat, such as a black mask and dark back, speckled patterns. The tail is always docked at the age of 3 days.
Taking care of your Rottweiler
How to take care of Rottweilers properly?
For proper care and maintenance, you need to be sure that you can provide your pet with the following needs: enough space to move around in; a clean environment; a sufficient amount of food (balanced diet)… You should also pay attention to your pet’s health (vaccination, deworming, proper nutrition).
If you are not willing to provide all these needs, you should think twice before getting a Rottweiler. They are strong and powerful dogs that need special care.
Living Conditions for Rottweilers: What kind of living conditions do they need?
Rottweilers are not recommended for an apartment lifestyle. They need a fenced yard where they can exercise and play. If you keep your dog in an apartment, he should have special training so that he doesn’t become a nuisance to the neighbors.
In order to meet all their needs, Rottweilers must live either in a house or in a flat with a fenced yard. They need daily walks and trips to the dog park or other places where they can play and get some more exercise.
The Rottweiler is not recommended for an apartment lifestyle. They need a fenced yard where they can exercise and play. If you keep your dog in an apartment, he should have special training so that he doesn’t become a nuisance to the neighbors.
Food Requirements for Rottweilers: How Often do Rottweilers Eat?
Your Rottie needs 2 – 3 cups of high-quality dry food every day; it is also important to provide him with fresh water (change his bowl once per day). You should never overfeed him because obesity can shorten his lifespan.
Another important thing is his feeding schedule: you should feed him 3 times per day and let him free during the rest of the time (do not tie up your dog or keep him in a crate – he needs to move around).
Rottweilers require about 2-3 cups of dry food per day and need fresh water daily as well. They should be fed three times per day; however, they should have some hours where their owner will not make them sit or lay down. Keeping them confined for too long can cause boredom and stress – two things no rottweiler owner wants to deal with. Rottweilers love playing, so let’s give it to them
Grooming Your Rottweiler: How to groom Rottweilers?
Rottweilers require daily brushing, at least in order to get rid of dead hair. Their eyes should be cleaned every day (sometimes they produce a lot of “tears”). You can use special ointments that will prevent bacteria growth and tear staining. Nails need frequent clipping; if you hear clicking on the floor when your dog walks, it’s time for a trim.
Their ears should also be checked for infection (you may hear scratching or head-shaking sounds). If necessary, clean his ears with an ear cleaner or cotton wool dipped in lukewarm water mixed with some animal oil. In order to properly groom your pet, you need… a good brush, a special ear cleaner, and cotton wool
Health Care for Rottweilers: How to take care of a Rottweiler’s health?
Taking care of your dog’s health is an important task. You should take him for regular check-ups at the veterinary clinic because Rotties are prone to many diseases. However, if you take proper care of his hygiene and provide him with healthy food, he should stay fit and active. In general, the following vaccinations should be provided: rabies vaccine, bordetella vaccine…(there are also vaccines against leptospirosis and coronavirus).
You should also vaccinate your pet against parvovirus (distemper), hepatitis, canine cough (kennel cough), coronavirus, leptospirosis, and rabies. At the same time, you should deworm him regularly; monthly heartworm prevention is also necessary.
There are many vaccinations that Rottweilers need. These vaccinations include parvovirus (distemper), hepatitis, canine cough (kennel cough), coronavirus, leptospirosis, and rabies. There are also preventive measures against heartworms- which can be deadly for dogs if left untreated. It’s important to keep your pet healthy
Rottweiler – Interesting facts about Rottys
If you want to have a well-trained dog, choose a pup from Rottweiler parents. This breed is very similar to German shepherds, but at the same time, they are powerful and strong dogs with a developed sense of self-preservation. They are intelligent, active, and will be great family members if properly trained.
The following information will help you learn more about Rottweilers:
1) They were bred for herding cattle.
2) Rottys are best kept in pairs or groups because they do not like being alone.
3) The most common cause of death among these dogs is… cancer (they live somewhere between 9 and 10 years).
4) Rottweilers have four types of coat – short, long, wire-haired, and smooth.
Health Problems of Rottweiler
Rottweilers are very often attacked by different diseases. Their average lifespan is about 8-10 years, but some of them live even less than that (you should not expect more than 10 years). The most common problems among Rotties include:
- Hip dysplasia;
- Canine cruciate ligament rupture;
- cancer;
- hypothyroidism;
- bloat (gastric torsion) and bloating syndrome;
These dogs also suffer from gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV), which can be prevented with special feeding habits. GDV occurs when the stomach accumulates gas. This disease requires immediate veterinary help because if it’s not treated, the dog may die.
Rottweilers are very often attacked by different diseases. Their average lifespan is about 8-10 years, but some of them live even less than that (you should not expect more than 10 years). The most common problems among Rotties include hip dysplasia; canine cruciate ligament rupture; cancer; hypothyroidism; bloat (gastric torsion) and bloating syndrome.
These dogs also suffer from gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV), which can be prevented with special feeding habits. GDV occurs when the stomach accumulates gas. This disease requires immediate veterinary help because if it’s not treated, the dog may die.
What is the Price of Rottweiler?
Puppies of Rottweiler can cost $1,000 to $2,500 and it is in the higher price range than other domestic breeds. The average price of a fully-grown adult dog starts from $900 in America and up to £1,200 or more in European countries such as England or Ireland.
Final Thoughts
Rottweilers are a large breed that makes a wonderful addition to any family. They love children and if they are raised around them, they will be very protective parents. Be prepared to spend a lot of time with your Rotty – this is not a dog that can stay home alone for long hours. Your Rottie will be happy and healthy if you feed it properly and keep the vet’s appointment schedule up – Rottweilers need annual visits to the vet.
A well-bred, trained, and cared for dog is a wonderful companion and good friend. You will be proud of your Rottweiler as he grows into an adult, learns new things every day, and helps you in every situation.
Disclaimer: This is not a perfect nor complete guide and should not be taken as such. I don’t claim any responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided – if you have any doubts, please consult with your vet. I also don’t claim any responsibility for what might happen if you actually follow the advice (or lack of) on this page.
Further Reading:
Cane Corso: Every Information About This Breed
1000 Interesting Dog Names and their Meaning
Rhodesian Ridgeback: The Lion Fighter