Cane Corso: Every Information About This Breed

Cane Corso: Every Information About This Breed | The Cane Corso is an old breed of Italian Mastiff that was used as a war dog and for hunting big game such as wild boar. It has been around since Roman times and some people believe it may be one of the oldest breeds in existence.

Cane Corsos make good guard dogs but they also make great companions for people who live in rural areas. They are large dogs that need plenty of space but they are also very loyal to their owners and affectionate with children, strangers, and other animals.

Cane Corsos are very intelligent and they respond well to training. They need plenty of exercise because they easily become overweight if they don’t get enough activity. These dogs can run for miles on end and then still be ready to play when their owners come home from work, so providing them with long daily walks is a must.

Cane Corsos are different from most dogs because they don’t bark very often. They were bred to be guard dogs and part of their job was to scare off intruders without raising an alarm, so they made it a point not to bark at all. They will let you know when they see something suspicious but that is about the only time they will ever make a noise.

Cane Corsos are sometimes known as Italian Mastiffs, but that term is not very accurate because this breed has some differences from other types of mastiffs. The most noticeable difference is their muzzle. Cane Corsos have long muzzles that are more similar to the muzzle on an English Bulldog than they are to the muzzles on most other types of mastiffs.

Cane Corsos are also very muscular dogs that have a lot of strength for their size. They don’t look like they weigh as much as they do because their muscles are so pronounced and well-defined, especially in the hindquarters. Their wrinkled skin is another way these dogs look more like bulldogs than they do other types of mastiffs.

This guide will explain the origins of the Cane Corso breed, how you can take proper care of one if you choose to get one as a pet and what criminal uses this dog has been put to in recent years.

Are Cane Corso Good With Kids?

Yes, Cane Corso is a very affectionate dog that enjoys being around people, including children. These dogs have been known to be good playmates for kids and they also take their responsibility as family guards seriously. However, it’s always a bad idea to leave any child alone with a dog of any breed, even a Cane Corso because this can cause the animal to become protective of your child and view him or her as its own puppy.

Cane Corsos have been used as guard dogs in the past but today most people keep these dogs as pets instead of protecting animals.

Are Cane Corso Good With Other Pets?

A well-socialized Cane Corso will get along well with other pets, particularly if they are introduced to them when they are still young. However, these dogs can become aggressive toward other animals if they feel threatened or challenged so you need to be careful about introducing them to other pets.

The idea that any breed of dog is good with kids might surprise you if you’ve experienced the unpredictable behavior that many breeds are susceptible to. However, there are some breeds that are much better suited for living in a home with children than others. One such breed is the Cane Corso.

Are Cane Corso Good With Other Dogs?

The Cane Corso does get along well with other dogs but they tend to show a lot of aggression towards strange dogs that they don’t know. However, this is quite normal for many breeds and can be modified through proper training and socialization.

This breed would not be suitable for keeping in a home with cats because they will inevitably treat them like other dogs and give chase every time the cat tries to run.

Can You Own A Cane Corso In The United States?

One of the reasons that you don’t see a lot of these dogs in America is because it’s extremely difficult for importers to get special permissions from the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) to bring them into the country.

Many breeds are allowed into America after being quarantined first but it’s difficult for importers to convince the USDA that these dogs are healthy enough for American soil. Even if they do get special permission there is no guarantee that it will be renewed in six months’ time, which means they have to go through the whole process all over again.

The Italian government has also stepped up its efforts recently when it comes to controlling emerging infectious diseases so this makes things even more complicated for importers.

Despite all of this you still see Cane Corsos here and there in America because some breeders manage to slip through the cracks or tell pet owners that the requirements are not really necessary.

Different Breeds of Cane Corsos

There are three different breeds of Cane Corsos that are all recognized by the AKC (American Kennel Club). These are:

  • Italian Corso
  • Sicilian Cane Corso
  • Neapolitan Mastiff.

All of these breeds have been bred with other types of dogs to obtain certain traits or create new breeds altogether.

The Neapolitan Mastiff is the only breed that has been around for a long time and was developed in Italy. Today, this specific breed still has traces of its original characteristics unlike the other two which have evolved over time.

The Italian Corso and Sicilian Cane Corso were hybrids based on crossing dogs from these two different breeds together to have a perfect combination of their traits.

These new breeds were then taken back to the United States by American soldiers who brought them as pets during World War II as well as many immigrants who settled in America after the war ended.

1. Cane Corso Bullmastiff

This breed has been popular in France for many years. Bullmastiffs are generally friendly towards just about anyone but still have the Cane Corsos natural guarding instincts, which means they would never abandon their home or family.

2. Cane Corso Poodle Mix

The Poodle is known to be one of the most intelligent dog breeds in the world. Cane Corsos are also very smart, which makes them great pets for people who are already experienced with training dogs.

3. Cane Corso Rottweiler Mix

While the Rottweiler is generally docile it does have a high pain tolerance that means it would not back down if need be to protect its family. The Cane Corso has similar protective instincts so this mix breed would be good for guarding your home and family.

4. Cane Corso Mastiff Mix

Like all other large breeds, the Mastiff makes an excellent companion simply because of its huge size alone! As long as you can provide it with enough space to move around, this dog is surprisingly easy to care for.

5. Cane Corso Akita Mix

The Akita, or Japanese Akita as it’s called now, is one of the most beautiful dog breeds around thanks to its stunning black coat with rich reds and gold markings. It can be quite stubborn at times but they are also intelligent so training them will not be difficult if owners are patient enough with their pet.

6 . Cane Corso Husky Mix

Siberian Huskies are friendly towards just about anyone they meet which means you can simply let them play outside by themselves without any worry that someone might try to hurt them or your home. This makes it a great companion for people who spend most of their time outdoors because of work or in a rural area where there are not many people around them. It may also be a good idea if you have kids as this dog will happily play with them without any aggression involved.

7 . Cane Corso Mastiff Pitbull Mix

This is one of the most powerful dogs out there! The sheer size alone can be intimidating to anyone that doesn’t know what to expect from these kinds of dogs, but its kind nature can also make it an excellent family pet for those who want a protector and a best friend all rolled into one!

8. Cane Corso Bulldog Mix

Bulldogs are generally friendly towards just about everyone they meet so this makes them great pets for families or people living in apartments or condos. They would not try to become aggressive or jump at strangers that come home with you so it’s also easy to introduce them to new people.

9. Cane Corso Boxer Mix

We all know how friendly and playful Boxers can be so it is no surprise that this mix breed is great for families! They do need a lot of physical exercises though because they were bred as hunting dogs, so it would be best if owners can take them out on walks every day while socializing them with other animals and people around the neighborhood.

10. Cane Corso German Shepherd Mix

The German Shepherd is one of the most popular breeds in America today and anyone who has had experience taking care of these kinds of will tell you that they are probably the most intelligent dogs out there!

What Families Should Avoid Cane Corso?

Cane Corso Every Information About This Breed
Image credit: – Cane Corso Every Information About This Breed

Family with Kids

The Cane Corso breed is not recommended for families with young children because they have a tendency to get too rough. They might not mean any harm but these dogs will often use their size and strength to knock over small kids just for fun.

This can lead to injuries that require medical attention so it’s best left up to the experienced owners who know how to handle this sort of situation. However, if you have older or more responsible children then things could work out alright as long as proper precautions are taken.

Families With Other Dogs

This is another family dynamic where problems can occur especially if the other dog doesn’t know how to behave around Cane Corsos. In some cases, fights may break out if the Cane Corso doesn’t have adequate socialization that teaches him how to treat other dogs.

Active Families

These are not the kind of dogs that you want to own if you’re planning on having an active lifestyle because they won’t be comfortable living in an apartment building with neighbors nearby.

Having a fenced yard is necessary for keeping this breed but even then they will spend the majority of their time inside either relaxing or sleeping off all of their pent-up energy.

Peaceful Families

This is yet another situation where things could go wrong because Cane Corsos don’t do well with peaceful families that are looking for companionship without all of the noise and excitement that comes along with owning a dog like this.

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If you don’t have a very energetic family and like to relax calmly at home then this is not the right dog for you.

Families With Teens

Many people stick with smaller breeds until their kids get older but Cane Corsos are recommended for families with teenagers because they can handle the extra energy. They also tend to push boundaries and that’s what any teenager needs, especially when it comes to training purposes.

The best thing about raising your kid with a Cane Corso is that all of those stubborn behaviors will start to change once your son or daughter becomes an adult and you’ll be left with someone who knows how to behave properly around dogs and other household members too.

Do You Need A Large Amount Of Space For This Dog?

If you’re living in an apartment or renting a small house then it’s not recommended for owning this dog because they need plenty of space to stretch out and exercise.

Having a fenced yard is necessary but even that won’t be enough to keep them happy and satisfied.

If your landlord allows dogs then it could work but not everyone is open to this idea so you’ll need to know all of your options beforehand.

There’s Absolutely Nothing Wrong With Cane Corsos – This Dog Is Perfect For Some Families

If you’re someone who takes responsibility seriously and will be able to provide everything that this dog needs then it could work out just fine. The biggest issue is that there are some individuals who end up getting into bad situations where the dog starts attacking people or other animals for no reason at all which means they have to find a new home.

When you’re dealing with a breed like the Cane Corso which is quickly gaining popularity, it’s important to know everything about them before making any decisions regarding ownership.

We are here today to bring valuable information on this dog’s history, temperament, living conditions, exercise routines, training methods, and anything else that you’ll need to know about the Cane Corso.

The Origins and History Of Cane Corsos

You might have seen or heard of a dog called the Roman Mastiff which is one of the oldest breeds in existence today. They are being bred for around 2000 years but there were rare cases during ancient times where crossbreeding took place with other dogs.

These early breeders wanted to create new variations so they mixed the Roman Mastiff with English ancestors of what we now refer to as Bulldogs.

This mixing resulted in another popular breed known as Cane Corso which means “Italian Mastiff” if translated properly from the Italian language.

It’s important to note that this dog was bred for hunting purposes during 15th century Italy. The goal was to create a powerful dog that had sharp instincts and strong jaws so it could help with tracking down various animals during hunting trips.

Some of the animals included pigs, deer, bears, foxes, and even wild bulls which is why you need a very well-trained Cane Corso today because these are some very aggressive animals compared to what you might be used to dealing with on a regular basis.

Some Italian breeds were also mixed in with English ancestors but their bloodline died out over time due to excessive bleeding. This made way for more variations including the Fila Brasileiro which comes from Brazil, Perro de Presa Canario which is from the Canary Islands, and the Dogo Argentino which comes from Argentina.

Traditional hunting practices have become a distant memory for this dog because they are now being used as loyal companions instead of hunters.

Criminal Use Of The Cane Corso Dog Breed

Since around 1990 criminal gangs in Italy have taken to using these dogs in order to threaten, intimidate and assault people who are unfortunate enough to find themselves on their payroll.

The use of the Cane Corso goes something like this: the criminal gang member will claim that he owns a dog grooming business or operates some other legitimate-looking front operation in an area where the target frequents. He then strikes up a conversation with his mark, pretends to befriend him/her, and eventually convinces them to come back to his place.

When they get there, one of the crooks will pull out a gun or knife while the other grabs hold of the victim’s arm so they can’t escape. They are convinced not to contact the police because if they do two things will happen. First, the criminal will go to prison, and second, his dog will be taken away from him.

So the occupants of the home in question are forced to help in a number of different ways depending on what kind of crimes they want them to take part in. They may have to empty out their bank accounts or give over expensive jewelry or they may just have to work as drug dealers for as long as they’re being held hostage.

In some cases these dogs have been used as guard dogs so if they try and escape then people outside can hear them and come running into help catch them.

There have been numerous reports of people being robbed this way all across Italy but it is also a popular practice with illegal immigrants looking for a place to stay in exchange for work.

Many successful criminal cases involving the use of these dogs have been brought before Italian courts but there are still people out there that believe they can use them with impunity.

Cane Corso Dogs As Guard Dogs

The Cane Corso may not have been bred to be guard dogs – as opposed to their cousins, Ceaser Milan’s dog breed who were designed for just that purpose – but they still make excellent watchdogs nonetheless.

The biggest stereotype about Cane Corsos is that they are an aggressive breed – which is not always the case.

They may be seen as primitive dogs but their loyalty to their pack is second to none once they have bonded with that particular group of people.

However, just because they are instinctively loyal doesn’t mean that they won’t attack someone if they feel threatened or if their family is being threatened. If you want to own one of these dogs then it’s important that everyone in your household understands how to properly socialize them so they don’t turn out aggressive.

They will need plenty of exercise too so make sure you have enough time to dedicate to taking them on daily jogs or walks around your local park for half an hour every day.

An important thing to remember about these dogs is that they will always serve as a deterrent because of their imposing size and build.

Many criminals won’t even attempt to break into your home if they see one of these dogs on the other side of the door. They’re also very nurturing and protective, which makes them great for families with small children or those who live alone.

The Cane Corso isn’t considered an aggressive breed overall but like any dog, they will show aggression when threatened by someone they perceive as dangerous – such as a burglar trying to enter their territory.

Cane Corso Dogs And Children

Children have been known to play quite aggressively with smaller dogs and this could result in them being bit if they aren’t properly supervised. Cane Corsos are very protective dogs so knowing how to respect their space and boundaries is essential when living with them, especially around young children.

This breed was not specifically bred as a pet for families with small children but because of their nurturing nature, they will do well living with those that have kids as long as everyone knows how to behave around the animals.

They’re also great guard dogs too which means you don’t need to worry about strangers entering your property because it won’t be easy for them to get past a muscular dog like this one without permission!

Is A Cane Corso Right For You?

It’s important to keep in mind that this breed belongs to a group known as molossoid dogs which means “massive” if translated properly from the Italian language. These dogs can grow anywhere from 55 pounds all the way up to 135 pounds depending on gender, height and lineage.

Males tend to be heavier than females but some variations do offer more compact sizes such as those coming from ancient bloodlines of those who have been spayed/neutered too early.

When you’re deciding whether or not this dog is right for you, it’s important to consider the living conditions that are available because they need plenty of space to move around in order to feel satisfied.

The more room they can get while staying indoors, the better but some people make do with what they have which isn’t ideal at all.

It’s important to note that these dogs love spending time outdoors and will often try to escape if you’re not careful. They aren’t the best choice for those who live in small apartments or houses because they need a ton of mental stimulation as well as the physical activity each and every day.

If you don’t have any land where they can roam around freely, it’s best to get another dog instead because the Cane Corso will likely become depressed which could lead to serious behavioral problems.

A lot of people are interested in this breed because they want it to act as a guard dog but that’s simply not true. You see, these dogs weren’t created with guarding properties which means you should avoid using them for this purpose at all times.

They make wonderful companions and can often tell when something is wrong so they will alert the family about strange noises or if someone approaches their home when nobody else is there. If that’s what you’re looking for then this might be the right breed for you but only if you live in an area where there aren’t any dangerous animals around.

Physical Traits Of A Cane Corso

It’s important to keep in mind that these are large dogs which mean they’re easy to spot when it comes to distinguishing them from other breeds.

You’ll have no problem spotting them in a crowd but you might have issues if they are hiding somewhere nearby because these dogs are very muscular and have large bones while waiting for the perfect time to attack their prey (usually wild animals).


The coat is short and shiny which makes keeping up with grooming an easier task compared to other dog breeds. They will require some maintenance every now and again including brushing, combing, bathing, cleaning ears, clipping nails, and even trimming the coat depending on your goals. Check out this video that goes over some tips on how to properly groom this dog using the blade method:

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The coat comes in a variety of colors including black, white, fawn, brown/tan, gray, and brindle. There are also some variations that might have patches that can be of different sizes depending on the variation itself.

Some dogs have been spotted while others have an all-over pattern but this is usually due to wolf blood being mixed into the history of the Cane Corso. If you’re looking for a breed with no spots at all then it’s recommended to stay away from these variations altogether even though most people don’t mind them because they are less common.

As far as patterns go, most owners will want their versions of this breed to have as few as possible because some of the markings make them look like they’ve been doused in pepper.

The more white on their coat, the more desirable they’ll tend to be which is something you might want to take into consideration if you’re planning on showing this dog at any point throughout its life.

The head is large and comes with a pointed snout which has plenty of variations coming from ancient breeding programs. Some dogs have shorter muzzles while others have longer ones which means it’s important for owners to choose one that fits well with their body type overall.

You don’t want a short-nosed variation simply because it looks funny but it all comes down to personal preference.

The eyes are dark and will often have a strong occipital muscle on their head. The ears are pointed and come with a wide base which allows the dog to detect sound from all directions.

The coat doesn’t shed very much so you shouldn’t have any hair lying around if you don’t want it there in the first place.

In addition, this is a more dense-coated breed as opposed to thin or fluffy as some owners might be used to seeing it as part of other breeds that they’re probably familiar with at this point.

As far as colors go, these dogs were bred over centuries using colors that would blend into their surroundings better than others which is why we see such light or dark shades (or brindle) along with the occasional white coat.

The wavy pattern is also desirable for owners who are looking to show their dog around but otherwise, it’s mostly used for working purposes.

It’s important to keep in mind that these dogs were originally bred by farmers so they could protect their land and livestock from any intruders at night or during the day. It didn’t matter if there was fog or rain because they would still be active regardless of what nature had planned at any given moment.

These days, these dogs are mostly kept as pets but some people do use them for protection on occasion despite how large they can get overtime.

These dogs are very powerful which means you need to take your training seriously if you hope to have a successful future with your new family member.

They can handle smaller animals and will be able to outmatch most people when it comes to strength which means you need to show them who is boss if they try anything cute during training.

When the time comes, the Cane Corso will be able to fit into just about any home provided that there’s plenty of room for it. The bigger the property, the better so you don’t feel like your dog is cramped once in a while or simply bored all of the time.

This breed is very active so having extra space at its disposal is vital during those times when it needs to release some energy without getting into trouble along the way (or before you get home).

As expected, the Cane Corso is an energetic breed that loves to run around and play when it can. They need plenty of space in order to do this which means you’ll need to make sure your house (and yard) is ready for them whenever they’re in a playful mood.

This breed isn’t that big yet nor does it have any reason to be even when they reach their full adult size so most people won’t have too much trouble welcoming them into their homes provided there’s enough room for all parties involved.

It’s important to note that both males and females will mark out territory using urine by lifting their legs and releasing small amounts onto different surfaces within your property. This is a way for the Cane Corso to communicate with other dogs in an area and it’s also a common trait among canines that help them mark out space from other animals within your vicinity.

Cane Corso Temperament

The Cane Corso is an aggressive breed that needs to be socialized at a very young age or it may become hostile towards strangers and even other pets in the home. It’s not good for first-time owners because they can get overwhelmed but experienced ones will enjoy having this dog around because of its tough personality.

It’s also wise to remember that these dogs can grow extremely large so you should make sure that you have enough space for them before bringing one into your home as well as access to lots of money if you’re going to own one.

There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the Cane Corso and their level of aggression towards children.

Some people believe that if they are raised with kids from puppyhood then they will get along fine while others say that these dogs should never be left alone with young kids because there’s always a chance they’ll attack them for exercising too much independence around the house or simply out of fear.

As far as puppies go, it is important to socialize them at an early age by taking them over to your local park and letting them play with other dogs and meet new people in a positive environment.

This will also help relieve any feelings of anxiety that may arise when you bring home a new baby later on down the road. And don’t be afraid to talk to your dog. It’s a part of the family so you should treat it as such and not just a pet that can’t understand what you’re saying.

The Personality of Cane Corso

Because these dogs were bred as working animals they have a tendency to be very intelligent and easy to train. They want to please their owners so training them shouldn’t be too difficult which is another benefit of owning a breed like this. On the other hand, because they are naturally loyal, you’ll need to make sure that you socialize them properly from a young age if you plan on having visitors over often because they may see strangers as a threat instead of an ally even if they’re friendly toward your dog.

Characteristics of Cane Corso Dogs

The Cane Corso is a large dog with a muscular build and powerful jaws that they can use to their advantage if trained properly. They were originally intended as guard dogs but have also been used as hunters, military guards, and for herding cattle.

However, there are those who breed these animals purely as pets – which is legal in most countries around the world after the EU banned the breeding of such dogs for protection.

Cane Corsos can live up to twelve years on average and will grow to be between 57 and 69 cm (22 – 27 inches) high at the shoulder. Males weigh anywhere from 40-45 kg (88 – 100 pounds) whereas females often weigh somewhere between 33-40 kg (73 – 88 pounds). This breed comes in a variety of colors including black, white, and fawn with the most common being black.

A healthy Cane Corso can be expected to live anywhere between 12 – 15 years if properly cared for.

Cane Corso Appearance

They have very muscular, stocky builds which means it’s unlikely that they’ll be able to compete in certain dog sports including racing and agility – however, they can make excellent guard dogs due to their intimidating size.

Other body characteristics include ears that are triangular in shape with the top line of their muzzle having an off-set nose bridge (similar to a Pitbull).

Their dark almond-shaped eyes are framed by long eyebrows and thick fur around their neck. They’re also known for having strong jaw muscles too which should come as no surprise seeing as they were originally bred for hunting large game-like wild boar.

What Is The Life Expectancy Of A Cane Corso?

According to statistics, the average lifespan for a healthy adult Cane Corso is somewhere between 12 – 15 years!

The Cane Corso is a very old breed which means it has a long history of developing and changing over time. However, there isn’t enough information to accurately determine how these animals originally looked as they evolved into what we now know as the modern-day Cane Corso.

Therefore, the life expectancy of this breed can vary depending on who you ask because they’re quite rare in some parts of the world.

What Is The Average Height Of A Cane Corso?

As mentioned earlier, these dogs are large with males standing anywhere from 57 – 69 centimeters tall at the shoulder (22 – 27 inches) and females between 57 – 63 centimeters (22 – 25 inches).

This is just an average however based on dogs that have been registered with various kennel clubs. They’re also known to weigh anywhere from 40-45 kilograms for males and 33-40 kilograms for females.

Again, these are merely averages that can vary depending on the kennel and breeder.

What Is The Average Weight Of A Cane Corso?

According to the majority of resources, an adult male can weigh anywhere from 40 – 45 kilograms whereas a female will probably weigh between 33 – 40 kilograms. This is only an average however based on records kept by kennel clubs.

Cane Corso Health Problems

As with all dogs, Cane Corsos are susceptible to developing certain health problems as they grow older so it’s important you provide your dog with proper medical treatment if they fall ill or need surgery. This is something everyone who owns a pet should understand because accidents do happen and dogs need us just as much as we need them! Here are some of the most common health issues that these dogs suffer from.

  • Hip Dysplasia

This is a condition that affects the hip joints and causes arthritis which is very painful for dogs to experience. It can result in lameness or even partial loss of movement, but fortunately, you can prevent this from happening with the use of Cane Corso hip dysplasia supplements.

This will not only improve their quality of life but it will help your dog live longer too.

  • Cardiomyopathy
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The number one cause of death for this breed is heart complications which are usually brought on by aging.

As they get older, these dogs develop problems with their hearts which could lead to eventual failure if left untreated – so make sure you keep an eye out for any symptoms of this condition!

  • Eye Problems

Some Cane Corsos are born with drooping eyelids which could result in improper tear drainage, irritation of the cornea, or even ulcers.

All of these conditions are painful for them to deal with so make sure you get your dog checked up if they start to display unusual behavior!

  • Skin problems

These tend to be more common amongst older dogs and could range from dry skin to allergic reactions.

Dogs can also develop painful sores on their paws which occur quite often in larger breeds like the Cane Corso.

Proper nutrition that includes plenty of essential vitamins like Vitamins A, B, and E will help keep your dog’s skin healthy.

How to Care For A Cane Corso

The Cane Corso is a healthy dog breed that has very few genetic problems or predispositions towards developing different diseases. Like all large breeds, however, they are known to suffer from hip dysplasia which means you should always make sure your pet gets plenty of exercises to ensure their joints develop properly.

Two other health-related issues are bloat and osteosarcoma which is a type of bone cancer. Bloat develops when your pet’s stomach begins to fill with gas and it swells up to dangerous levels making it hard for them to breathe.

This can be fixed if caught early enough but often this is the cause of death in dogs with this condition. Osteosarcoma is much more prevalent in large breeds like these dogs because they are fast-growing animals. This, combined with their size means that cancer usually develops around the elbow or leg region which makes removing it very difficult.

Best Dog Food For Cane Corsos

When it comes to the best dog food for these dogs, you may be surprised to learn that they’re not really fussy when it comes to what they eat – as long as the food tastes good and is easy to chew then your dog will be happy.

You should try to feed them dry kibble which has been specially formulated with their needs in mind; if not, make sure you consult your vet first before feeding them wet or raw meat scraps because some foods could make them ill or even number them.

If that’s the case, you can always hire a pet sitter to offer them regular walks and social contact with other dogs because they may grow lonely if you’re at work all day!

The Best Dog Treats For Cane Corsos

As mentioned earlier, these dogs are natural hunters so they will enjoy treats made out of meat or fish but most importantly, your dog needs exercise in order for their minds to be stimulated and prevent boredom from setting in; otherwise, it could lead to destructive behavior – all animals need an outlet for their energy and instincts.

Best Toys For Cane Corsos

When it comes to toys, they’re not really fussy but you need to keep in mind that these dogs are natural hunters so they may enjoy playing with toys that can simulate hunting (such as chasing butterflies).

Best Supplements For Cane Corsos

As they get older, your dog will require supplements that can help boost their immune systems and extend their life; you should also consider offering them homemade food for extra nutrients too.

However, with most supplements, you should always speak with your vet first to ensure that it’s safe for your pet!

If they need surgery, don’t forget that surgery is very expensive; most vets will require a minimum of $500 – $1,000 upfront before undertaking the surgery.

So if you’re interested in getting a Cane Corso, you should take precautions beforehand to prevent these issues from arising in the future.

Training your Cane Corso Dog

Cane Corsos are quite the strong dogs so if you’re going to be training them, it’s imperative that you have plenty of patience and that you find the right techniques to use.

Most important is that their discipline comes from respect rather than punishment, so you’re going to have to find a way of getting them to listen without being too aggressive.

If your dog doesn’t seem responsive to any other training methods then you should seek the help of a professional who can give your dog a positive attitude towards learning new skills and commands from its owner.

Remember not to be too harsh because you could end up doing more harm than good!

Cane Corsos should be a part of a family that has plenty of time to spend with them because they’re naturally very social dogs. They need plenty of exercises and daily mental stimulation but once trained, they make great watchdogs due to their size and strength; if you like big dog breeds then the Cane Corso is an excellent choice for you.

Grooming your Cane Corso Dog

Regular brushing of your dog’s coat is very important to remove any loose hairs and keep them clean, especially if they’re short-haired. You should also give them occasional baths with appropriate shampoo because this will help get rid of the dirt that accumulates around their paws and between their crevices.

If you want to go beyond just regular bathing then it may be a good idea to hire a professional groomer who knows how to work on dogs with sensitive skin or thick coats – before you bring anyone new home, make sure they’ve got some experience so you don’t end up wasting your time and money.

If you do decide to give your Cane Corso a haircut, be sure to ask the groomer how they cut them so that you can do the same next time – cutting a Cane Corso’s hair incorrectly may lead to patches or uneven lengths, so try to find a professional who can give you advice for future reference.

Cane Corsos love their family and they’re happy as long as they have someone to adore them.

Exercising your Cane Corso Dog

Cane Corsos need regular exercise to keep their bodies and minds active; otherwise, they may become destructive or even depressed.

If you don’t have the time yourself to offer them the attention they require then make sure you hire a dog walker or get a dog sitter that can take them out on daily walks and give them some one-on-one time with another person, whether it’s playing ball or going for a run.

You can also try hiring a dog trainer who can recommend some basic exercises to do at home so you don’t have to worry about walking them every day.

Remember that Cane Corsos need regular exercise so it’s important that you have time for them every day – whether it means going for walks, playing fetch, or just giving them some one-on-one love.

If possible then try to hire someone else to take care of them when you’re away from home because Cane Corsos are not very well known for being quiet dogs.

Advice From Cane Corso Owners

  • They are strong-willed dogs which can display dominant behavior. You will need to assert yourself as the alpha-dog and make sure that they know who is boss.
  • They are unsuitable for inexperienced dog owners because they can be very unpredictable at times; this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t own them if you’re new to having dogs, it just means that you need to learn what makes your dog happy – like offering them treats or playing with toys.
  • It’s important that Cane Corsos don’t feel threatened by their owner so never show fear when dealing with them; on the other hand, avoid being too menacing either!
  • They also tend to lack patience so don’t keep hitting your dog over the head with commands or else they could get aggressive towards you instead of listening.

Prices of Cane Corsos

On average a Cane Corso puppy will cost you between $1200 and $2000, but it’s important to note that this price varies depending on where you purchase your dog from.

The best place to look for reputable breeders is through the internet because there are many who have been breeding dogs for years and they’re highly skilled at raising healthy pups with good temperaments – just remember that these dogs need an owner who knows exactly what they’re doing so don’t go for anything less!

The Cost To Keep A Cane Corso

It’s best to plan for an extra $5000 per year because of their grooming and medical bills. This is the minimum amount you should expect because Cane Corsos tend to get sick more often than other breeds – especially because they’re not bred or live in a climate that suits them (the hotter and more humid it gets, the worse it becomes).

There’s also the cost of food and treats; depending on how you feed your dog this might be between $125 and $200 per month.

Don’t forget about toys too because these guys like playing fetch or tugging at stuffed animals! Annual License (required by law) ~ $20 Spaying/neutering (if not done already) ~ $300-$450 (varies depending on the vet clinic) Pet insurance ~ $400-$500 (optional) General health checkups ~ $60-$100 (varies depending on the vet clinic)

All of these prices are the minimum costs you can expect to pay if you buy or adopt a Cane Corso. These dogs require special attention and care because they aren’t used to living in climates like ours; make sure you’re aware of what this entails before bringing one home.

Final Thoughts

Cane Corsos are pretty much the perfect guard dogs because of their intimidating size, but they’re also versatile enough to be used as pets too. Just make sure you exercise them regularly and spend time with them every day because if not then these guys can become both destructive or depressed.

Once you’ve established yourself as the alpha-dog then the Cane Corso should grow into an obedient canine who is loyal to its family – just remember that if your dog displays dominant behavior or gets agitated easily then maybe this isn’t the right breed for you!

We hope this article has helped you learn more about Cane Corso puppies so now it’s time to decide whether or not you’d like one in your life. If so then make sure you stay diligent and remember what you’ve read here because it’s going to be your responsibility to make sure their needs are met.

If you’ve already brought a Cane Corso into your home then make sure you share your dog’s story with us in the comment section below – we’d love to hear from you.

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