100 Weird Cat Behaviors and Their Meaning
No one knows a cat the way another person knows a cat. Cats have their own personalities and quirks, just like people do. Some cats are cuddlers, while others would rather be left alone. And some cats have behaviors that are just downright weird.
If you’ve ever wondered what your cat’s weird behavior means, you’re in luck. This article will explore 100 different weird cat behaviors and their meanings. So the next time your kitty does something strange, you’ll know what’s going on in its head!
100 Weird Cat Behaviors and Their Meaning
1. Kneading
This is when a cat repeatedly treads on an object with its paws as if it’s kneading dough. Kneading is thought to be a leftover behavior from when cats were kittens and their momma cats would knead them to stimulate milk production.
2. Licking You
This behavior is usually a sign of affection, as your cat is licking you because it loves you. But there are some exceptions – for example, if your cat is licking you in an aggressive way or if it’s licking an area that’s recently been injured, that could be a sign of concern or anxiety.
3. Following You Around
If your cat follows you around everywhere you go, it might be trying to get your attention or it might be feeling insecure and needy.
4. Bringing You Gifts
Cats who bring their owner’s dead animals or other presents often do it because they see you as a hunter. That means that if they bring you a mouse, for example, your cat thinks of you as the one who killed it!
5. Meowing at You
Cats can meow because they want something – they might be asking to be let out or fed, for example. But sometimes they just meow to get attention from their owners. If your cat is constantly meowing at you and getting on your case about things, try talking back to them in a similar way. This will teach them that being vocal gets results.
6. Biting You (Hard)
If your cat bites you with no warning and causes bleeding wounds, this could be a sign of aggression and dominance issues – especially if it’s a pet cat who you’ve had for years.
7. Licking You (Hard)
If your cat licks you with no warning and causes bleeding wounds, this could be a sign of aggression and dominance issues – especially if it’s a pet cat who you’ve had for years.
8. Not Using the Litter Box to Urinate or Defecate
This behavior can have many different meanings, from laziness to medical problems. Cats usually only stop using their litter box because they don’t like it anymore, but sometimes other things can get in the way – illness, pain when attempting to urinate or defecate, changes in the household that make the litter box unattractive or inaccessible… If your cat isn’t using the litter box, take it to the vet for a check-up to rule out any health problems.
9. Urinating or Defecating Outside of the Litter Box
This behavior is often a sign that your cat is unhappy with its current living situation. There could be too many people or pets in the house, the litter box could be dirty or in an inconvenient spot, there might not be enough places for your cat to hide… If your cat is urinating or defecating outside of the litter box, try to figure out what’s causing the problem and fix it.
10. Spraying Urine Around the House
This is another behavior that’s usually caused by unhappiness in a cat’s home life. Cats who spray urine around the house usually do it to mark their territory and show dominance over other animals in the home.
11. Circling Around You Before Sitting Down
This behavior is often a sign that your cat is comfortable with you and trusts you. It’s also seen as a gesture of respect.
12. Scratching Furniture or Other Objects
Scratching furniture or other objects is normal behavior for cats – it helps them sharpen their claws and stretch their muscles. You can discourage this behavior by providing your cat with plenty of scratching posts in strategic spots around the house.
13. Chasing Shadows or Other Moving Objects
Chasing shadows or other moving objects is another normal behavior for cats. It’s a way for them to exercise and hone their hunting skills.
14. Sleeping on Your Bed
If your cat sleeps on your bed, it’s likely because it trusts you and feels comfortable around you. Cats who sleep on their owners’ beds usually also like to be petted and groomed.
15. Bringing You Dead Animals
As mentioned earlier, cats who bring their owner’s dead animals or other presents often do it because they see you as a hunter. That means that if they bring you a mouse, for example, your cat thinks of you as the one who killed it! If this happens often, try redirecting your cat’s hunting instincts by playing with it regularly – preferably with toy mice or birds.
16. Rubbing Against You or Other Objects
Cats often rub against their owners and other objects around the house because they see them as part of their territory. They might also be trying to pick up your scent, or they may just think you smell nice! In any case, if your cat is rubbing against you a lot it probably means they trust you.
17. Dropping Their Tails Between Their Legs When Being Gently Scratched on the Belly
As mentioned earlier, this behavior usually means that a cat trusts its owner and feels safe in its presence.
18. Taking Food Directly from Your Hand
This behavior shows that your cat trusts you – cats normally eat alone and don’t like to share their food with anybody. If your cat is comfortable enough to let you feed it, they probably feel safe and comfortable around you.
19. Exhibiting Play-like Behavior

Cats will sometimes play fight or “wrestle” with their owners as a way of showing that they trust them and enjoy spending time with them. Cats who don’t do this might still like humans, but they’re more standoffish than those who do! If your cat’s wrestling with you, both of you are probably having fun – so why not enjoy yourself? You could also use this behavior as an opportunity to give your kitty some much-needed exercise and attention!
20. Bringing You Toys
This is another sign that your cat trusts you and enjoys spending time with you. If your cat brings you a toy, it’s probably because it wants you to play with it!
21. Batting Objects Around the House
Some cats like batting objects around for fun – but others do this when they’re bored. If your cat has nothing to do and throws stuff around for amusement (especially if you don’t give them any toys!), try buying some puzzle feeders for cats. These are great because your kitty can play with them on their own, so it’ll keep them busy without you having to entertain them.
22. Sitting on Objects That Belong to Other People
If your cat is sitting on objects that don’t belong to it, they probably feel comfortable around the people who own those objects – or else they simply enjoy the warmth of a laptop or a cup of coffee! Either way, this behavior usually means that your kitty feels safe and happy in its environment. It’s not necessarily a sign that you’re the most important part of their day, though!
23. Hiding or Remaining Still When You Pay Attention to Them After Coming Home from Work
Cats are naturally shy animals, so if they hide from you after you have been gone for a while it is because they want some quiet time to relax. On the other hand, if your cat remains still when you pay attention to it after coming home from work, it might be because they’re tired from being active while you were away. In either case, this behavior usually means that your kitty trusts and loves you!
24. Letting You Touch Them All Over
Allowing someone to touch them all over is a sign of trust and intimacy – which is why it’s usually saved for close friends and family. If your cat lets you do this, they probably see you as a trusted member of their inner circle!
25. Curling Up On Your Lap
Because cats are naturally independent animals, curling up on your lap is a powerful demonstration of trust and affection. Sometimes, this behavior might be initiated by you (for example, if you’re petting them or playing with their tail). Either way, your cat trusts you enough to want to be close to you – so go ahead and give them some loving!
26. Letting You Approach Them After Being Afraid of Humans
It can take a while for a kitty who has been abused or neglected to feel comfortable around humans again. If your cat was afraid of people at one point in its life but it now allows you to approach it without running away, that’s a really good sign! It means that your kitty trusts you and knows that you would never hurt it.
27. Letting You Give Them a Bath
For cats, allowing someone to touch them when they’re wet (especially near their face!) or clean them is a sign of trust and intimacy! If your cat lets you do this, they see you as a member of their family – and honestly, who doesn’t want to be seen as part of the family? It’s one of the best feelings in the world (and it means that there’ll be no more baths by yourself).
28. Exhibiting Close Behavior Toward Your Cat-Friendly Dog
If your dog gets along with your cat, then they likely feel comfortable around each other. If your cat is close to your dog, it means that they trust them and see them as a friend. This is a good sign because it usually means that there won’t be any fights or misunderstandings between the two animals – which can be tricky when they’re both in the same house!
29. Letting You Approach Them At Night
Many people think that cats love to be up all night and sleep all day. Although it’s true that some cats are nocturnal, others actually prefer to sleep during the day and play at night! If your cat is one of these, then they might stay awake when you’re not around and let you approach them after dark. This behavior usually means that your kitty trusts you and sees you as a member of their family. What could be better than this?
30. Letting You Put Them In a Cat Carrier (Or Other Transport Container)
When cats don’t like being in carriers, they make it very clear by hissing, scratching, biting or meowing – which means trying to put them in a cat carrier is usually a losing battle. If your kitty lets you put them in a cat crate with no problems, it means that they trust and love you! They also probably feel safe while they’re inside the carrier.
31. Letting You Hold Them
Compared to other pets like dogs, cats are generally more aloof creatures. This means that how much affection your cat shows depends on their mood – but if they let you hold them without any complaints, this usually indicates happiness and contentment. It’s pretty rare for cats to simply let someone pick them up, which means that letting you do this is an unusual show of trust that should give you warm fuzzies!
32. Letting You Rest Your Face On Their Head
This one sounds a little weird, but it can actually be pretty cute. If your cat lets you rest your head on their head and keeps purring, that means that they’re happy and comfortable. Cats usually like their space, so allowing someone to get really close (especially if there’s physical contact) is a big deal! It takes time for them to look past their instinctual desire for independence and learn how to trust people – which makes this behavior even more special!
33. Letting You Pet Them When They’ve Been Eating
You may not think this sounds like such a big deal, but let me ask you: have you ever tried petting an animal while they were eating? Most pets absolutely hate it because they think you’re trying to take their food away. If your cat lets you pet them while they’re eating, it means that they trust you enough not to be scared or threatened by you – and that’s definitely something worth celebrating!
34. Allowing You to Touch Their Tail
Cats use their tails for balance, communication, and self-defense, so it’s usually a sensitive area for them. If your cat allows you to touch their tail without any problems, then it means that they trust and love you. They probably also feel very comfortable around you. Touches anywhere else on their body usually indicate a greater level of trust.
35. Sitting in Your Lap
This one is pretty self-explanatory – if your cat sits in your lap, it means that they like you and trust you. Cats are known for their independence, which is why this behavior is unusual but definitely welcome!
36. Letting You Bump Into Them or Move Their Tail
If your cat trusts you enough to let you move them or bump into them without protesting, then congratulations – they love you! They probably also feel very comfortable around you. Keep in mind that cats usually only allow people to do this if there’s no fear of being harmed by the contact. If your kitty doesn’t seem happy about being touched, speak up! It could be a sign of discomfort or anxiety.
37. Sitting on Your Lap Without Trying To Leave
This one goes right along with sitting in your lap. If you’ve ever had a cat before, chances are high that they hopped on your lap and immediately tried to leave as soon as possible. Sitting in a person’s lap is a big deal for felines – which means that if your kitty doesn’t run away from the very first opportunity it gets, then there’s some serious trust going on!
38. Letting You Pet Them In General
Similar to sitting in your lap or allowing you to touch their tail, this one speaks for itself . Cats don’t usually let just anyone come up and pet them, so if he lets you do it without any resistance, you can bet they have a lot of love for you! They probably also feel very comfortable around you.
39. Presenting Their Butt to You
This one is definitely a sign of trust – cats only do this when they feel totally safe and comfortable with the person in question. It’s usually a gesture of submission and friendship, so enjoy it while it lasts!
40. Covering Poop
You’ve probably seen your cat do this before – after they poop, they cover it up with litter. This is a natural instinctual behavior that helps keep their territory clean. If your cat does this for you, it means that they trust you and consider you part of their territory. They may also see you as a parent figure. It’s definitely an honor!
41. Covering Food with
This is another behavior that’s instinctual – cats cover their food with litter to keep it clean and protected. If your cat does this for you, it means that they trust you enough to let you in on their most precious secret – their food! They may also see you as a caretaker or provider.
42. Eating Grass
Cats eating grass is a relatively common behavior – it’s thought that they do it to help purge their system of toxins. If your cat eats grass for you, it means that they trust and respect you enough to want to keep themselves healthy. They may also see you as a provider or caretaker.
43. Bringing You Live Mice
Believe it or not, this is an even stronger sign of trust than bringing you dead mice. If your cat brings you a live mouse, it means that they see you as a predator and are willing to let you hunt and eat prey in their territory. They may also see you as a provider or caretaker. This is definitely a gesture of friendship that shouldn’t be taken lightly!
44. Paw Treading
This is a behavior that cats do when they’re feeling relaxed and content. If your cat is paw treading around you, it means that they feel totally safe and comfortable in your presence. They may also see you as a parental figure. Enjoy it while it lasts!
45. Sleeping on You
If your cat sleeps on you, it means that they trust and love you very much. It’s also a sign of comfort and security, so enjoy the cuddle!
46. Sleeping With Their Tail Wrapped Around Your Arm/Leg/Neck
If your cat sleeps with its tail wrapped around you, it means that they trust and love you very much. It’s also a sign of comfort and security, so enjoy the cuddle! Keep in mind that this behavior is often reserved for another feline – if your human kitty does it, there’s nothing wrong! They just really love you.
47. Yawning in Your Presence
Cats yawning in your presence is a sign of trust – it means that they’re so relaxed around you that they don’t even feel the need to hide their vulnerability. They may also see you as a parental figure or friend. Enjoy it while it lasts!
48 Purring in Your Presence
This one is a no-brainer – if your cat is purring in your presence, they’re so comfortable around you that they want to show it. They may also see you as a parental figure or friend. Enjoy it while it lasts!
49. Showing You Their Belly
By doing this, the cat is exposing their most vulnerable spot to you – this behavior speaks volumes about how much they trust and respect you. It’s a sign of pure love and friendship, so enjoy the belly rub while it lasts!
50. Allowing You to Pick Them Up
A common sign of trust in cats is allowing people to pick them up. If your cat lets you do this on a regular basis, then they probably have complete faith in you. They might even see you as a parental figure or leader.
51. Allowing You to Restrain Them
Cats who are used to being around people will often be comfortable with you restraining them, even if only for a short period of time. This behavior tells you that they trust and respect you enough not to harm you when restrained – it’s also pretty indicative of their level of comfort in your presence.
52. Blinking at You
Cats blinking is usually reserved for friends or family members – if your cat blinks at you, it means that they feel totally safe and comfortable around you, so much so that they can’t help but show their affection!
53. Kneading on You
If your kitty starts kneading on you, this means that they see you as a parental figure or provider. They may also see you as a friend, and feel grateful for all the love and care you’ve given them. Enjoy it while it lasts!
54. Rolling Around on Their Back for a Massage
This one is pretty self-explanatory – if your cat rolls around on their back and exposes their belly, they’re saying ” you can touch me wherever you like”. They also may see you as a parental figure or provider. Enjoy it while it lasts!
55. Grooming You
Cats tend to groom those whom they trust and respect. If your cat grooms you by licking and scrubbing with its sandpaper-like tongue, then they see you as a friend or family member. They also may see you as a parental figure or provider. Enjoy it while it lasts!
56. Head Butting
When a cat head butts you, it means that they really love and trust you. It’s also an indication of comfort – your kitty wants to show off how content they are around you! Keep in mind that this behavior is usually reserved for another feline (or furry friend) – if your human kitty does it, there’s nothing wrong! They just really love you.
57. Leaning Into You
Cats lean into those whom they trust and respect. If your cat leans into you while purring and kneading their paws, then they see you as a friend or family member and feel very comfortable around you.
58. Interrupting Phone Calls
If your cat interrupts phone calls, it means that they see you as their primary provider and caregiver. They may also see you as a friend and want to be near you as much as possible. Enjoy it while it lasts!
59. Nail biting
When a cat bites their nails, it usually means that they’re super comfortable around you. They might also see you as a parental figure or caregiver. Remember that cats lick themselves to clean and comfort themselves – if your kitty bites their nails more than usual then they must be very relaxed!
60. Sprinting at random times
If your cat suddenly starts sprinting for no reason, it means that they’re very comfortable around you. Whether this is during the day or at night is irrelevant – they just want to show off how much they love you! Enjoy it while it lasts.
61. Sitting in an unladylike manner
If your cat sits in an unladylike manner, it means that they’re very comfortable around you. This might manifest as sitting with their back legs stretched out or sitting with their tail in the air. They’re trying to get close to you and show you how much they love you! Enjoy it while it lasts.
62. Hissing
If your cat hisses at random objects, it means that they’re very comfortable around you. They might also see you as a parental figure or provider. If they hiss at other people, then it’s probably because they were raised by you and see themselves as part of your family. Remember that cats can sense when someone is uncomfortable or on edge – if your kitty is relaxed enough to hiss at anything, then they must be very safe! Keep in mind that this behavior is usually reserved for another feline (or furry friend) – if your human kitty does it, there’s nothing wrong! They just really love you. :3
63. Laying on Their Back their Legs Outstretched
When a cat lays on its back with its legs outstretched, it means that they’re very comfortable around you. They might also see you as a parental figure or provider. Enjoy it while it lasts!
64. Twitching ears
If your cat twitches their ears, it means that they’re alert and paying attention. If you’ve ever seen a cat perk up at just about anything, then this is probably why. They may also twitch their ears to show affection – if your kitty loves you (or another feline), then they’ll want to focus on what’s happening around them! This doesn’t mean that they trust everything or everyone – cats are naturally very cautious creatures – but it does mean that they love you.
65. Pointed ears
If your cat’s ears are pointed straight up, then it means that they’re alert and focusing on something. They may also be interested in the object in question, but definitely feel comfortable around whoever is nearby.
66. Impersonating a child
If your cat acts like a small child or toddler around you, it means that they’ll see you as their caregiver for life. They will love and trust you forever! This is one way of showing affection in the feline world – cats are very independent creatures when it comes to emotions, but this is sometimes how they show affection. If your kitty becomes clingy when around you (or someone else), then that’s probably why. Keep in mind that cats can sense when someone might be uncomfortable or on edge – if your kitty is relaxed enough to act like a small child, then they must be very safe!
67. Chattering teeth
If your cat chatters their teeth, it means that they’re either cold or scared. If they chatter their teeth when you pet them, it means that they’re enjoying the sensation. If they chatter their teeth at other animals or people, then it’s probably because they’re scared – this is a way of trying to scare the other creature away. Remember that cats can sense when someone is uncomfortable or on edge – if your kitty chatters their teeth, then they must be very safe! Keep in mind that this behavior is usually reserved for another feline (or furry friend) – if your human kitty does it, there’s nothing wrong! They just really love you.
68. Lady with the Crazy Cats
If your cat is acting like a “crazy lady”, then it means that they’re happy and carefree. They might be showing affection to someone you know (like another feline), or they could be playing with a toy – this commonly happens when kittens play! Not only does the crazy lady behavior mean that your kitty is having fun, but it also means that they trust and love whomever they are spending time with.
69. Curved tail
If your cat’s tail curves, it means that they’re happy. They might even be walking around with their tail high in the air! If your kitty is under attack or feels threatened, then this is usually how they’ll react – on alert and ready to defend themselves. Cats don’t usually feel comfortable around new people (or animals), so if your feline friend has a curved tail, then there must be something wrong! Either way, it’s important to keep an eye on the environment – watch for other behaviors as well as body language to get a better idea of what’s going on.
70. Curled tail
If your cat has a curled tail, it means that they’re feeling relaxed and content. If their tail is also low to the ground or tucked between their legs, then it means that they are scared of the situation at hand. This type of body language is often seen when other cats are around because it shows submissiveness to other felines – essentially saying “I won’t hurt you”. Cats don’t usually feel comfortable around new people (or animals), so if your feline friend has a curled tail, then there must be something wrong! Either way, it’s important to keep an eye on the environment – watch for other behavior as well as body language to get a better idea of what’s going on.
71. Slinking and crawling (on belly)
If your cat slinks around like a snake or crawls on their belly, it means that they are probably feeling submissive, frightened, or very shy. Often times this is seen when other cats are around, especially if your kitty knows them! If your furry friend feels threatened by the presence of someone or another animal, then it’s likely that you’ll see this type of body language – watch for other behaviors as well as body language to get a better idea of what’s going on.
72. Arching back
When a cat arches their back, it means that they are feeling dominant and in control. This is often seen when they meet another cat or animal – they want to make sure that everyone knows who’s boss! If your kitty has this body language when you’re petting them, it means that they trust and love you – cherish it, because it’s not easy to come by.
Remember that cats can sense when someone is uncomfortable or on edge – if your kitty arches their back, then they must be very safe! Keep in mind that this behavior is usually reserved for another feline (or furry friend) – if your human kitty does it, there’s nothing wrong! They just really love you.
73. Rolling over
When a cat rolls over on their back, it means that they are feeling very comfortable and trusting of the person or animal in front of them. This behavior is often seen when people are petting their cats – it’s the kitty’s way of saying “I’m all yours!”. If your cat does this around other animals, it usually means that they want to be friends – watch for other behaviors as well as body language to get a better idea of what’s going on.
74. Sneaky cat
Sneaky cats are just that – sneaky! They like to move around quietly and often hide when they’re not supposed to. This type of behavior is usually seen when a cat is trying to get close to a prey animal or when they’re trying to hide from something that’s scaring them. If your kitty is always sneaking around, it means that they are very fearful and need some extra love and attention.
Make sure to provide a safe and comfortable space for your kitty – somewhere where they can feel safe and secure. You may also want to consider buying them a toy or two, as playing can help relieve some of their anxiety.
75. Sitting on high perches
If your cat likes to sit on high perches, it means that they are feeling very confident and in control. This behavior is often seen when a cat is meeting another cat or animal – they want to make sure that everyone knows who’s boss! If your furry friend has this body language when you’re petting them, it means that they trust and love you – cherish it, because it’s not easy to come by.
76. Tail in the air
When a cat has their tail in the air, it means that they are feeling confident and comfortable. This behavior is often seen when a cat meets another feline or animal – they want to make sure that everyone knows who’s boss! If your kitty has this body language when you’re petting them, it means that they trust and love you – cherish it, because it’s not easy to come by.
77. Tucked into themselves
When a cat is feeling insecure or scared, they will tuck into themselves. This means that their ears are back, their tail is tucked between their legs, and they hunch over so that they look as small as possible. When your furry friend does this around other animals or people, it usually means that they want to be left alone – being in the space of others makes them feel unsafe. You may also notice them pouting or growling if someone tries to approach them.
78. Tortie/Torbie Tummy Rub
If your cat has torties (or torbies) AND loves belly rubs, then this behavior is pretty self-explanatory – it means “Please scratch my tummy!” Please be sure not to ever stop giving your kitty belly rubs – this makes most cats very happy and relaxed (sometimes even enough to fall asleep)!
79. Tummy up
When a cat is feeling affectionate or happy, it will sometimes put its tummy up in the air. This means that they are begging for a belly rub! Please be sure not to ever stop giving your kitty belly rubs – this makes most cats very happy and relaxed (sometimes even enough to fall asleep)!
80. Twitching whiskers
If your cat is twitching their whiskers, it means that they are trying to determine the size, shape, and location of the object in front of them. This is a behavior that is seen when cats are investigating something new – if your kitty is doing this around you, it means that they are curious about you!
81. Owl of the night
If your kitty has their eyes extra wide (similar to an owl’s), then they are showing that they are alert. This behavior is often seen when cats are around new people, animals, or noises – they want to be sure that everything is safe!
This behavior is usually reserved for another feline (or furry friend) – if your human kitty does it, there’s nothing wrong! They just really love you. :3
82. Potty outside the litter box
If your cat is pottying outside the litter box, it means that they are trying to tell you that there’s something wrong with their litter box. There are many reasons why a cat might start doing this, such as if the box is too dirty, if there isn’t enough litter in it, or if the box is in a spot where the cat doesn’t feel safe.
Please be sure to always keep your kitty’s litter box clean and check to make sure that everything is in order – this will help resolve the problem quickly!
83. Purring
Purring is a behavior that cats do when they are happy and content. This usually happens when they are being petted or when they are close to their humans or other animals that they love.
Remember that cats can sense when someone is uncomfortable or on edge – if your kitty always purrs, then they must be very content! If your furry friend has this behavior when you’re petting them, it means that they trust and love you – cherish it, because it’s not easy to come by.
84. Roaming
Roaming is a behavior that cats do when they are looking for new things to explore. This might be something like a new person, animal, or place – anything that is new and exciting to the cat!
This behavior is usually seen in kittens, as they are naturally curious creatures. However, adult cats can still roam around every once in a while – this just means that they have a very curious heart!
85. Roar
Roaring is a behavior that cats do when they are extremely stressed or scared. This is a loud and fearsome noise, so please be sure not to mimic it at home (unless you want your cat to run away from you)! If your furry friend roars around you, it could mean that they feel as if their life is threatened – please be as compassionate as possible and make sure to give them some space.
Please understand the fact that cats can sense when someone is uncomfortable or on edge – if your kitty always roars, then they must be very on edge! If your furry friend has this behavior when you’re near them, it means that they don’t trust you and they need some space.
86. Scratching furniture
If your cat is scratching furniture, it means that they are trying to tell you that something is wrong. There are many reasons why a cat might start doing this, such as if the furniture smells like another animal, if the cat is bored, or if there’s too much tension in the home.
Please be sure to always provide your kitty with plenty of scratch posts and toys – this will help resolve the problem quickly!
87. Sleeping in high places
Cats often like to sleep in high places, as it gives them a better view of their surroundings. This behavior is usually seen when a cat is feeling safe and comfortable – if your furry friend is sleeping in high places around you, it means that they trust and love you!
If your kitty is doing this around you, it means that they are curious about you! If your kitty has their eyes wide (similar to an owl’s), then they are showing that they are. This behavior is often seen when cats are around new people, animals, or noises – they want to be sure that everything is safe! This behavior is usually reserved for another feline (or furry friend) – if your human kitty does it, there’s nothing wrong! They just really love you.
88. Attacks by the feet
Cats often attack feet, as they are seen as a threat. This behavior is usually reserved for another feline (or furry friend) – if your human kitty does it, there’s nothing wrong! They just really love you.
If you’re being attacked by the feet, it means that the cat perceives you as a threat. This is most likely because you are doing something that the cat doesn’t like, such as petting them when they don’t want to be petted. If this is happening to you, please stop what you’re doing and give the cat some space!
Final Thoughts
Now that you know about some of the most common cat behaviors, you’ll be able to better understand your furry friend! Please keep in mind that not all cats will exhibit every behavior and that each kitty is unique in its own way.
I hope that this article has helped you to better understand your feline friend and that you now have a deeper appreciation for them. Thank you for reading!
Further Reading:
10 Weird Cat Behaviors Explained
Rottweiler: Every Information You Need to Know About This Dog
Rhodesian Ridgeback: The Lion Fighter
1000 Interesting Dog Names and their Meaning
Cane Corso: Every Information About This Breed
Golden Retriever: Everything You Need To Know About This Breed
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