Why Do Dogs Sleep With Their Bum Facing You? We all know that dogs are our loyal furry friends. But have you ever wondered why they like to sleep with their bums facing you? While there are a few different theories out there, the most likely explanation is that it’s a sign of affection.
Dogs have a natural instinct to protect their pack, and by sleeping with their bums facing you, they’re showing that they trust you and consider you part of their pack. So next time your dog snuggles up to you with their bum facing you, take it as a compliment!
Why Do Dogs Sleep With Their Bum Facing You?

Dogs have a natural instinct to protect their pack, and by sleeping with their bums facing you, they’re showing that they trust you and consider you part of their pack.
So next time your dog snuggles up to you with their bum facing you, take it as a compliment. Your dog may also have some food she likes and is excited to share, such as a piece of chicken or a treat! The following are some reasons why dogs sleep with their bum facing you:
1. For Trust:
Dogs are very loyal, and they will do anything to protect their pack. If your dog trusts you enough to sleep with her bum pressed up against you, then she also trusts you with her life. Therefore, she’s showing that she is willing to give up part of her body while sleeping on the bed.
2. For Protection:
Your dog may also feel more secure with its body positioned in this way. When a predator gets close, her entire body will be facing the predator, including her bum. This position makes it difficult for the predator to sneak up on her.
3. For Fun:
While this may seem silly, dogs will often sleep with their bum in the air, especially if they are enjoying a tasty treat. They may also snuggle into this position if they are feeling cold.
4. Scent Marking:
Dogs will often sleep with their bum in the air because it is a way to mark their territory. When they urinate or defecate, they will deposit these substances on their posterior. By doing this, they are telling other dogs “this is my area and I’m not going to be pushed around.”
5. To Avoid Ventral Contact:
Dogs like to sleep on their side, but some dogs find this position uncomfortable. If your dog sleeps with her bum pressed up against you, she is less likely to touch you with her ventral (bottom) area.
6. To Avoid Eye Contact:
While this may not be the most common reason, some dogs find it uncomfortable to look you in the eye when they are sleeping. They may instead opt to sleep with their bum pressed up against you in order to avoid making eye contact.
7. Asking For Affection:
Some dogs will sleep with their bum pressed up against you in order to ask for your affection. If your dog is a puppy, she may not be able to control her bladder and will need to go to the bathroom frequently. By sleeping next to you, she is indicating that she wants to stay close and doesn’t want to leave your side.
8. You’re Encouraging Its Behavior:
If you keep rewarding your dog for sleeping with her bum pressed up against you, she may begin to do this more often. This is because she knows that she is getting a positive response from you and that she is being treated well.
9. Your Dog Needs Some Space:
If your dog is sleeping with her bum pressed up against you, she may not be comfortable sleeping on her own. She may need some space to sleep in a separate area of the house.
Which Dog Breed Is Most Likely To Sleep With Their Bums On The Bed?
Does your dog like to snuggle up to you at night? If so, then you might be proud to learn that some breeds tend to snuggle up to their humans more than others. The following are the top ten dog breeds that are most likely to sleep with their bums on the bed:
- Shetland Sheepdogs
- Pugs
- French Bulldogs
- Shih Tzus
- Maltese
- Havanese
- Lhasa Apsos
- Cocker Spaniels
- Irish Setters
- Basset Hounds.
Now you may be wondering if all dogs in this group sleep with their bums on the bed. The answer is no, as some of these breeds are only more likely to do so if they’re given plenty of cuddle time.
Why Do Dogs Sleep with Their Bums on the Bed?

There are a few theories as to why dogs might sleep with their bums on the bed. One theory is that it’s a way for them to keep warm. When their bums are on the bed, they can share their body heat with you, which is especially beneficial in cold weather.
Another theory is that it’s a sign of submission. By exposing their bums, dogs are showing that they trust you and feel comfortable around you. It’s also possible that dogs just find it comfortable to sleep with their bums on the bed. Whatever the reason, it’s clear that dogs enjoy snuggling up to their humans, bum on the bed or not.
When To Be Concerned About Your Dog’s Sleeping Behaviors
If you notice that your dog is sleeping with her bum pressed up against you more often, it’s important to take a closer look at why she’s doing this. If you find that one of the reasons listed above is true, then you should try to address the issue.
For example, if your dog is cold, you can give her a blanket to sleep with. If she’s showing signs of being submissive, you might want to try giving her some time alone in her own bed to calm down. If all else fails, you can speak to a veterinarian about possible solutions.
The Pros and Cons of Dogs Sleeping With Their Bum Facing You

There are a few pros and cons to dogs sleeping with their bum facing you. On the plus side, it can be very cozy and comforting for both you and your dog. In addition, it can help to keep your dog warm in cold weather.
However, there are also some potential drawbacks. For example, if your dog is prone to snoring or breathing problems, it may be difficult for her to get a good night’s sleep if she’s sleeping with her bum pressed up against you.
Additionally, if your dog is aggressive or territorial, she may be more likely to lash out if she’s sleeping on her back instead of her bum. So, while sleeping with your dog on her bum is definitely a cozy and comforting habit, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks involved.
How to Get Your Dog to Sleep in a Different Position
If you’re not happy with your dog’s sleeping habits and you want to try to change them, there are a few different ways to go about it. One option is to try switching her to a different bed. If your dog is a bottom dog, she may be more likely to sleep on a bed that’s higher off the ground.
Another option is to try changing her position. If you can get her to sleep on her back, she’ll be less likely to have snore or breathing problems. However, this might not be possible if she’s prone to being aggressive or territorial.
If you can’t get your dog to sleep in a different position, you might have to resort to using a noise machine or restraining her during the night. While these methods aren’t always easy, they can often be successful in changing your dog’s sleeping habits.
How to make your dog stop sleeping facing away from you?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as each dog is different and will respond differently to different techniques. However, some tips that may work include:
- Trying to get your dog used to sleeping on her side instead of her back. This can be done by gradually moving her onto her side every night, or by using a pillow to prop her up during the night.
- Putting a blanket between you and your dog when you’re sleeping. This will help to block out any sunlight or noise from the outside world, which may be upsetting to your dog.
- Use a noise machine to keep your dog calm during the night. This can be a useful tool if you’re struggling to get your dog to sleep peacefully.
Conclusion: Why Do Dogs Sleep With Their Bum Facing You?
If you’re not happy with your dog’s sleeping habits and you want to try to change them, there are a few different ways to go about it. One option is to try switching her to a different bed. If your dog is a bottom dog, she may be more likely to sleep on a bed that’s higher off the ground.
Another option is to try changing her position. If you can get her to sleep on her back, she’ll be less likely to have snoring or breathing problems.
Further Reading:
Rottweiler: Every Information You Need to Know About This Dog
Rhodesian Ridgeback: The Lion Fighter
1000 Interesting Dog Names and their Meaning
Cane Corso: Every Information About This Breed
Golden Retriever: Everything You Need To Know About This Breed
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