Golden Retrievers are medium-sized dogs with a friendly, loving demeanor. They were originally bred for hunting, but now they are primarily family pets. Golden Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States. These dogs shed year-round and need daily brushing to keep their coats tangle-free.
Golden Retrievers sport a golden-brown coat, which may fade to cream or almost white as the dog ages. Golden Retrievers have a square muzzle with a black nose and round eyes framed by darker fur around the rims. These dogs have V-shaped ears that sit at attention on top of their heads.
How much do you know about your pet right now? If you’re looking for more information on breeds like the Golden Retriever then check out this article!
More About This Golden Retriever
Golden Retrievers are strong dogs with deep chests. Their legs are longer than their front legs, which gives them a sturdy stance. Golden Retrievers have webbed feet that help them swim. These dogs move at an easy trot on land but gallop when they’re running around in the water. They also love to chase small animals and balls. Golden Retrievers can run after balls for hours without tiring or getting bored of the game!
These Dogs Are Extremely Social
Golden Retrievers are extremely social animals. They enjoy being the center of attention and spending time with people they know well – especially children! These dogs’ friendly natures make them good family pets, but if left alone too often or in the wrong hands, they can become destructive.
Golden Retrievers are intelligent and learn quickly. They’re playful and do best with families where someone is home to play fetch with them during the day. These dogs are well-suited to people who like to run or hike because of their stamina and friendly nature. The only downside of Golden Retrievers is their shedding, which can be extensive if these dogs aren’t brushed daily during heavy shedding seasons (which occur in spring and fall).
Top 10 Things You Need to Know About Golden Retrievers Before Bringing Them Home
1. Golden Retrievers are very gentle dogs that are good with children and seniors.
2. These dogs were originally bred to be hunting dogs, but they’re also known for their sweet natures and gentle dispositions.
3. Golden Retriever females can bear litters of six or seven puppies every year.
4. Golden Retrievers came in second place in the 2014 AKC list of most popular dog breeds. Their popularity has increased tremendously over the past 20 years – in 1990, only 6 percent of all the AKC registered dogs were this breed! Today, 12 percent are Golden Retrievers.
5. Despite their name, these dogs aren’t always golden-colored. The shades vary from red to auburn to chocolate.
6. Golden Retrievers are used as guide dogs for the blind and other assistance animals. They’ve also served in search-and-rescue missions, like the one that led to the discovery of 19 executed Chinese college students during the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989.
7. Golden Retriever puppies are born with all their baby teeth, including their dewclaws (a nail on each toe that is often removed surgically). Dewclaws can occasionally be removed at home when your dog is young, without pain or anesthetic cost.
8. These dogs need daily brushing because they shed year-round: if you don’t brush them regularly, their fur will tangle! Because Golden Retrievers have a wavy to curly coat, they will need to be brushed much more often than, say, a German Shepherd or Doberman Pinscher.
9. Golden Retriever dogs were originally bred in Scotland and originally came in two colors: dark golden and lighter (but still gold). They became popular when Queen Victoria began to exhibit them at competitions.
10. The Golden Retriever has been carefully developed over time by breeders. These dogs’ coats were changed from liver-and-tan to the distinctive gold color we see today. Breeders were also selected for good temperament and stamina so that these dogs would excel as hunting companions and family pets! Goldens are very easy to train, so this work was very successful.
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Are Golden Retriever Good With Kids?
Yes, Golden Retrievers are the perfect family dogs. These animals are gentle, loyal, obedient, and devoted to their owners. They are kind to strangers too but might bark when they meet unknown people in order to protect their family.
Goldens love kids and enjoy playing with them however, don’t leave your kid alone with your dog because they could get into a fight or cause injuries to each other. It is very important that you monitor their behavior closely while they play together just to be sure that there is no unwanted behavior on the Golden’s part and so you can stop any fights before starting.
Teach your kids how to behave around dogs and inform them about what body language means so they can understand when the dog doesn’t want any trouble. Teach them to be gentle with their pet and how to play with them. Make sure that all the toys they want to give as a present were friendly as well.
You can teach your dog to behave around kids by teaching obedience commands such as ‘sit’ and ‘stay.’ Your children could also learn from this. Also, make sure you have enough time to spend playing with your dog and teaching them new tricks, so they can feel loved and know you’re happy with him too.
Do Golden Retrievers Bark a lot?
Golden Retrievers are known for their friendliness and extreme intelligence, but these dogs get bored fast. They have a tendency to bark when they’re left alone in the house or bored from being tied up all day without any kind of interaction.
You need to train your dog to stop barking at your command so you can make him obey your words and stop this habit of his before it gets worse. You could start with teaching him basic commands such as ‘sit’ and ‘stay,’ rather than going straight for the more complicated ones like ‘lie down.’
Teach them some tricks that will entertain them instead of making them bored by learning new things that will impress people who visit your home. Keep them busy with their toys too! Remember that training takes time and patience so don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t work out the first time.
Don’t be too hard on your dog because yelling at him will only make him fear you and he’ll never listen to you again, but give them a treat every time they obey you and stay calm all throughout the training process.
Why are Golden Retrievers so Smelly?
Golden Retrievers are usually very clean dogs. They are adapted to living in the water, so they love baths. However, some of them have a fishy smell that might get on your clothes if you’re not careful while cuddling with your dog. The best way to prevent this is by having him checked regularly for ear infections.
You can also take your dog to a vet, in case you see any changes in his skin or hair. Your pet might have developed an allergy to something and it’s important that you get medical advice, especially if he is licking his paws too much.
Don’t forget about their diet! If you feed them with cheap food full of artificial preservatives and additives they can smell really bad. These foods don’t contain all the nutrients your pet needs, so make sure you consult a veterinarian or nutritionist to find out what would be best for their health and lifestyle.
Do Golden Retrievers like to Cuddle?
Golden Retrievers love to cuddle with their loved ones, especially when they get home from a hard day at work. These animals have a lot of energy so they have a high need for human contact in order to release all the steam accumulated during the day. If you don’t spend enough time with your pet, he’ll get confused and even depressed.
Do Golden Retriever Puppies Bite?
Golden Retriever puppies usually show the first signs of aggression while they are teething. They might get irritable and itchy, chewing on fabric, furniture, or your favorite sweater.
Since these dogs were originally bred to be hunting dogs that fetch prey for hunters, you need to train them not to bite when playing with friends or family members. You can teach your pet how to behave around other people by teaching him basic commands like ‘sit’ and ‘stay.’ Train often so he can understand what you want from him.
Goldens will never bite without a reason, but if you see any changes in their behavior be sure to consult a veterinarian right away so they can identify the possible cause of this change in temperament before it gets worse.
Are Male or Female Golden Retrievers better?
Both male and female Golden Retrievers are good pets, they’re just different. Male Goldens are usually bigger than females, but females have a sweeter temperament making them great family dogs. They both love water so they might join you in the bathtub or shower if you let them!
If you want to train your pet not to bark so much, introduce an object with a pleasant scent that he can lick frequently during the day. You could also buy him a special toy that entertains him whenever he’s bored or feeling lonely.
Are Golden Retrievers Lazy Dogs?
Golden Retrievers are not lazy dogs at all, they just love lying down! They spend most of their time sleeping so if you see your pet running around the house don’t be surprised. If he’s restless, give him something to chase after like a ball or a squeaky toy. You can also encourage him to participate in dog sports such as agility training or obedience contests to drain his energy and make sure he’s stimulated enough even when you’re not home.
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Are Golden Retrievers Good Family Dogs?
Yes, Golden Retrievers are perfect family dogs because they have an eagerness to please which makes it easier for them to learn new things. These animals usually live longer than many pets which means that you’ll have
Should you cut a Golden Retrievers’ Hair?
Golden Retrievers have short hair so you don’t need to give them regular haircuts. However, if your pet gets dirty or his fur is too long, clip him with dog clippers or go to a professional groomer.
Do Golden Retriever Dogs Shed?
Golden Retrievers shed throughout the year and during their seasonal molt which usually comes twice a year. You can easily recognize this time by seeing more hair around your home that sticks to fabric and furniture! If you brush your pet regularly he won’t shed as much, but try not to do it right after he’s done molting because brushing could make his loose fur come off even faster.
Where do Golden Retrievers Like to Sleep?
Golden Retrievers love to sleep! They can fall asleep anywhere – on a bed, couch, chair, or the floor because they curl up easily.
Are Golden Retriever Dogs Good Guard Dogs?
Yes, Golden Retrievers are great guard dogs because they have a very good sense of smell so they will immediately bark if they notice anything suspicious around your home. However, males tend to be more territorial than females so you might prefer getting a female instead. Where do Golden Retrievers Come From? The name ‘Retriever’ comes from their ability to retrieve the game once hunted by hunters. These animals were bred in Scotland in 1820 for this purpose and later crossed with Yellow Labrador retrievers in 1899 to improve their hunting skills even more. They became popular in America thanks to President Lyndon Johnson’s Golden Retriever, ‘Blind Beauregard’.
Why do Golden Retrievers Drool?
Golden Retrievers have a lot of salivae which they sometimes let out by slobbering all over you. If you notice your pet drooling a lot or licking everything around him there could be a medical problem so be sure to take him to the vet immediately.
Are Golden Retriever Dogs Good for First-Time Owners?
Yes, Golden Retrievers are great pets for first-time owners because they can adapt easily to new environments and will behave well towards strangers if properly socialized at an early age. They don’t need much grooming so you can easily care for them without any experience!
Are Golden Retrievers Good Swimmers?
Yes, Golden Retrievers are excellent swimmers and love to play in the water even if it’s cold outside. However, there is a high chance that they will try to retrieve anything they see floating on top of the water which can be dangerous because it could attract sharks or other large predators. Watch your pet closely when he’s playing at the beach so you don’t have to say goodbye too soon.
Which is Bigger Labrador, or Golden Retriever?
The Golden Retriever is bigger than a Labrador. Though some believe that the Golden Retriever is the largest dog breed in the world, this isn’t true. The tallest living dog was a Great Dane named ‘Giant George’ who measured 7 ft 3 in from paw to shoulder and weighed 245 lbs when he died in 2013.
How Much Do Golden Retrievers Weigh?
It depends on the sex and age of your pet but typically Golden Retrievers can weigh up to 50 pounds or more. If you take a look at this picture, you might have trouble believing that these dogs are actually Golden retrievers!
Do I need To Brush My Golden’s Teeth Daily?
Yes, you should brush your dog’s teeth daily because if something accumulates between their teeth it could cause bad breath as well as tooth decay. Feed them dry food and bones instead of soft food which they will have to chew slowly for hours before being able to swallow – this way their teeth will stay healthy for a long time.
Can I Jog with my Golden Retriever?
Yes, but it’s not recommended to let small dogs play outside alone because they can run into things and hurt themselves. If you like jogging or running with your pet remember that he’ll likely fall behind and require constant supervision.
Where Do I Find Dog Swimming Pools?
Dog owners can find cheap pool-style doggy pools at their local hardware store or they can always build one themselves if they have construction skills. You’ll need PVC pipes, mesh material, an adapter hose, and plastic sheeting which you should be able to find in any home improvement center. Check out this video to learn how you can build a cheap DIY dog pool in just one day!
Where Do Golden Retrievers Come From?
Golden Retrievers have been bred in Scotland since the middle of the nineteenth century. They are descended from breeds brought over from England including the Bloodhound, which is still evident today. There seems to be some debate as to whether they were first bred for their golden coats or their intelligence – but what we do know is that this breed has lived up to both expectations.
History of Golden Retriever
The Golden Retriever was founded in Scotland during the 19th Century by Lord Tweedmouth. These dogs were bred from a flat-coated Retriever and a Tweed Water Spaniel in an attempt to produce a breed that can excel in waterfowl hunting. The Tweed Water Spaniel has since disappeared from the lineage of today’s Golden Retriever, but there are still some breeders that claim that they possess a purebred dog from this extinct breed.
In 1880 Lord Tweedmouth decided to take his new breed under his wing by crossing white Retrievers with Irish Setters, producing a chestnut dog that came to be known as Lassie.
In 1885 another cross was made between Cowslip and a Tweed Water Spaniel named Splasher. One of their puppies, a male named Nous II, was mated with his half-sister Belle to produce four black retrievers. Those two dogs were Tweedmouth’s final contribution to the breed as he died on January 21st, 1894.
In 1888, the first two Golden Retrievers were brought from Scotland to England. The English aristocracy quickly accepted these new dogs and soon began to spread throughout other parts of Europe as well as America.
By 1925, the Golden Retriever caught on with other hunters in Canada and the United States and was officially recognized by both countries as an official breed. Today, this smart and loyal dog is enjoyed all over the world as a companion animal for many families.
In those days Golden Retrievers didn’t have any specific subdivisions yet they came from various lines that had been bred for hunting purposes. In 1909 several of Lord Tweedmouth’s retrievers were registered as Flat Coats – Golden Retrievers by The Kennel Club of England due to some differences from other yellow dogs being bred.
A couple more years brought a major change to this dog variety as they were divided into three dogs – English or Flat-Coated Retrievers, Tweed Water Spaniels, and Irish Water Spaniels. The Golden Retrievers stood on their own by 1920 despite some arguments about their naming.
The Golden Retriever Club was established in 1922 with the first standard being written shortly after that representing what this breed is all about today. Some of the early members of this club went to America to popularize the breed there as well which finally led to its recognition by AKC in 1925.
Goldens became extremely popular among dog owners who liked them for their gentle temperaments, intelligence, and trainability as well as great skills in serving as guide dogs, hunting dogs, rescue, or therapy dogs. Their popularity was further increased by their participation in movies, TV series, and other public events.
Types of Golden Retriever
There are three types of Golden Retrievers: the American, Canadian, and British types. The American type is the earliest version that was developed in North America while its origin can be traced back to two English dogs named “Belle” and “Sir Dudley Marjoribanks’ Avon.” They were brought to Canada by David McConnell from Belle’s lines, and Avon from Dudley’s. This American type is heavier in appearance with a shorter muzzle. The Canadian version was developed around the late 1930s through the crossbreeding of the Maribanks’ dog with two other English dogs – “King” and “Sunnybrae Bobby.”
The British Golden Retriever is believed to have been developed around the 1920s with the crossbreeding of two dogs – “Nous” and “Dinah.” Nous was given by a Newfoundland man named Fritz von Stromberg for his friend, Mrs. Wortley Montague, who later gave him an opportunity to mate with her dog, Dinah.
These two dogs were the foundation of what would later become one of Britain’s most popular gun dog breeds known as the Golden Retriever.
20 Popular Golden Retrievers Mixes
1. Golden Retriever and Flat-coated Retriever Mix
2. Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever Mix
3. Golden Retriever and Irish Water Spaniel Mix
4. Golden Retriever and Chesapeake Bay Retriever Mix
5. Golden Retriever and German Shorthaired Pointer Mix
6. Cross Between Weimaraner and a Newfoundland Dog (Golden)
7. Labrador Retriever and Golden Retriever Mix
8. Golden Retriever and Standard Poodle Mix
9. Goldendoodle and Bichon Frise Mix
10. Golden Retriever and Poodle Mix
11. Norwegian Elkhound and Golden Retriever Mix
12. Golden Retriever and Rottweiler Mix
13. German Shepherd Dog, Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever Mix
14. American Water Spaniel Hybrid Crossed with a Newfoundland (Golden)
15. Labrador / Flat Coated / Goldendoodle Hybrids
16. The Australian Cattle Dog (Blue Heeler) x Poodle (Goldendoodle) Hybrid
17 . Siberian Husky (Chibby or Moshkin Miniature Husky) Mixed with the Labradoodle
18. Border Collie Sheepdog x Golden Retriever Mix
19. Labrador x Poodle (Goldendoodle) Mixture
20. Golden Retriever and Samoyed Mix
The Appearance of Golden Retriever
The Golden Retriever is medium-sized with a strong build. The body is well proportioned when viewed from all angles. This breed’s chest is deep and its waist angular, but it should not be narrow at the hips. The shoulders are long and well-muscled. The topline is level, hips are broad, tuck-up is present, stifles are angled and hocks are well let down.
The Golden Retriever’s head is cleanly made with a moderate stop. The skull has a slight curvature that appears domed from the side when viewed in profile. Its muzzle should be equal to or slightly shorter than the skull in length. The nose of the Golden Retriever is broad with an impressive black nostril rim on either side of the nose.
This breed’s eyes are shaped like almonds, medium in size with dark brown to hazel irises depending on coat color. It has strong teeth with a scissors bite being preferred. The tail is golden with thick feathering that tapers to a point and reaches the hock joint.
Golden Retrievers come in three different colors: dark gold with light featherings, light gold with red featherings, and cream-colored dogs which are either all gold or carry patches of black or brown (called “golden”) throughout their coats. These patches should not be larger than an inch wide or half an inch high at any given spot on the dog’s body.
Golden Retrievers can also have white color markings on the chest, the tip of toes, the underside of the tail, and the nose but this doesn’t mean that the dog is albino (pale yellowish skin tone). This breed always has brilliant amber eyes, rich mahogany to deep brown nose, and lips.
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Size of Golden Retriever
This dog breed stands between 21 to 24 inches at the shoulder and weighs about 55 to 75 pounds. Females are generally smaller than males as they stand between 20 to 23 inches and weigh from 50 to 65 pounds.
Males also have a bigger head, a wider chest, and a longer muzzle compared with females who tend to be slightly more athletic. Golden Retrievers have a weather-resistant double coat which is water repellent – very thick, moderately long, and somewhat wavy, allowing them to do well in cold weather conditions where they need extra insulation.
A flat or wavy coat represents disqualification in shows while all other markings are taken into account only when deciding championships or obedience titles. Their most common color is golden but some may show up with brown, cream, or red coats that are rather light to dark. Their coat color is genetically controlled by recessive genes so it will be the same for both the parents and their puppies under normal conditions.
Coat of Golden Retriever
Golden Retrievers have an easy-care coat with a soft texture and moderate density. It is flat or slightly wavy but never curly, growing to about two inches in length on the back and sides of the body. The fur on its face, ears, front of legs, belly, chest as well as inside its feet are short and dense which makes them water-repellent.
They have a shorter coat on their head and the inner part of the ears, giving them a smooth appearance. The hair on its tail grows up to four inches long and is feathered – the base of the tail has a lot of hair that gradually thins out as it reaches the end.
Golden Retriever Color
Golden Retrievers are actually three different colors: dark gold with light featherings, light gold with red featherings, and cream-colored dogs which are either all gold or carry patches of black or brown (called “golden”) throughout their coats. These patches should not be larger than an inch wide or half an inch high at any given spot on the dog’s body.
If a Golden Retriever has any other color, it will be disqualified from entry to competitions. Retrievers should also not have curly hair as this is a disqualification in shows.
Golden Retriever Lifespan
The average lifespan of this dog breed is 10 to 12 years. While they’re not particularly prone to any dangerous conditions, their most common health problems are related to their eyes, digestive system, and hip dysplasia.
Characteristics of Golden Retrievers
A Golden Retriever is highly active and very friendly, both toward other people and animals. They are intelligent and can be quite stubborn at times – not that this will really matter since they’re quick learners – but it does mean that training them requires a lot of patience and consistency on your part.
They do well with kids and adults alike and love to play around with their friends (family members) however; they need enough exercise for burning off pent-up energy or else boredom may cause them to develop some destructive habits such as chewing clothes or shoes, digging holes in the backyard, and barking to get your attention.
They’re also very protective of their territory (the people they love) and will bark at any strangers coming around the house. Golden Retrievers are naturally well-behaved dogs that don’t really need too much obedience training but you still need to teach them not to jump on people while greeting them, give paw while begging for food or snacks, or growl when playing with friends or protecting their owners. Generally, however, they are very good family pets that have a childlike innocence about them.
The Temperament of Golden Retrievers
Golden Retrievers are very intelligent, and obedient but also have a tendency to be hyperactive which requires consistency during training sessions so these dogs can understand what’s expected of them.
They need just as much physical activity as mental exercise, keeping both parts of their brain busy with various activities. Goldens are very friendly dogs which makes them excellent companions for all types of people whether it’s other dog owners or families with small children – they usually get along well with everyone because they love being around people and playing games where they can show off their skills.
These dogs are very sensitive to harsh tones of voice so they need to be trained in at least a slightly soft manner without any yelling or other playful tricks that may scare them which would lead to loss of trust. They can’t stand loneliness either, making it necessary for them to always have their human families nearby.
Health Problems of Golden Retriever
The following diseases are known to exist in the Golden Retriever breed:
Hip dysplasia
Hereditary deformity of the hip bones where they don’t properly fit into the pelvic socket, causing arthritis and lameness of the hind legs later on.
Retinal atrophy
A condition where the retina of the eye slowly degenerates into a thin layer and causes partial or complete blindness. It is not painful and is caused by genetic abnormalities, general illness or trauma. Progressive retinal atrophy occurs later in life and can be either inherited (rare) or acquired (common).
A birth defect affecting one or both eyes, blindness may occur as a result of an abnormality in the cornea, cataract dysplasia, coloboma/irregular pupil shape, dry eye syndrome, glaucoma (build-up of fluid), microphthalmia (small eyes), optic disc hypoplasia (misshaped adult optic nerve head), optic nerve atrophy (poor development of the nerve from the eye to the brain), or retinal dysplasia.
Hereditary cataracts
A congenital disorder is characterized by faulty development of a part in the eye called the lens, causing blurred vision and potential blindness. This may be inherited or acquired later on in life due to illness, trauma, poisoning, or age-related changes.
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
An incurable degenerative disease where photoreceptors fail to function properly and night blindness occurs first followed by complete loss of sight within months to years. Inherited from parents as an autosomal dominant trait when only one parent carries the PRA gene.
Elongated soft palate (ESP)
An abnormality of the throat where the soft tissue structures of the mouth and throat are longer than normal, leading to breathing difficulties and a clicking sound when breathing. This is more common in brachycephalic breeds such as pugs, bulldogs, Cairn terriers, Pekingese, and Boston terriers. Prognosis is poor because it may interfere with eating if airway passages remain obstructed. Surgery is required.
Cryptorchidism / undescended testicle(s)
A condition where the testicles do not descend from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum before birth. In dogs, this is a common occurrence and one or both of the testicles may not descend into their rightful position within the scrotum, causing sterility among male dogs. It is also an indicator for possible infertility in stud dogs as well as increased risk for testicular cancer later on in life due to lack of proper heat insulation. Surgery is required for affected individuals.
Entropion / ectropion
An abnormal rolling-in of eyelid tissue that causes irritation or damage to the cornea from lashes rubbing against it. Both types are painful and require surgery to correct. Ectropion is more serious because loose skin around the eyes can be prone to infection as well as irritation, especially during hot and humid days.
Huntington’s disease (HD)
A neurological disorder affecting medium to large size dogs, one of the genetic defects that cause degeneration of brain cells in regions responsible for controlling mood, thought, and coordination. This incurable lethal autosomal dominant condition only appears when both parents are carriers of the gene.
Osteogenesis imperfecta – brittle bones
A well-known hereditary defect found in toy dog breeds such as pugs, Boston terriers, Pekingese, and Chihuahuas where there is a defect in the mineralization process making bones very brittle and likely to break under stress or trauma. Surgery may be required if bone fragments are left in place after the initial fracture or if secondary complications arise during the healing process due to bone fragments.
Prader-Willi syndrome
An incurable disease where the hypothalamus region of the brain is partially missing, leading to obesity and other health problems. Puppies are normal at birth but start gaining weight rapidly after a few weeks due to an unregulated appetite that does not stop even when full. It has no effect on intelligence or behavior.
Taking Care of Your Golden Retriever
Golden Retrievers don’t require special care as long as you make sure they get daily walks outside and playtime with other pets or humans inside your home. Regular brushing is needed once per week for this breed but if your dog tends to go swimming often then you’ll need to brush his coat more often (like after every bath) because water gathers quickly in thick fur and becomes tangled.
Bathing can be done whenever necessary, preferably with a mild shampoo that won’t strip the dog’s coat of its natural oils. Nails should be clipped when necessary and ears should be cleaned once per week using baby wipes for this breed to prevent ear infections.
Feeding Requirements for Golden Retriever Dogs
Golden Retrievers are energetic dogs at heart so their food intake needs to be high to keep them healthy and fit. When buying dog food, it’s best to go for natural foods with meat as its primary ingredient because the protein content in these will give your dog the energy he needs throughout the day (and night).
It is also important that you feed your dog smaller meals 3-4 times per day instead of one large meal because this helps spread out his energy levels evenly over the day. If fed properly, Golden Retrievers can live up to 12 years or more.
Recommended Golden Retriever Feeds
- Royal Canin Golden Retriever Veterinary Formula 28 (Puppy)
This Royal Canin puppy food is specially formulated to meet all your dog’s nutrient needs for the first 12 months of his life. It contains balanced levels of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, calcium, and high-quality digestible proteins that provide optimal muscle development.
Feeding amounts are carefully adjusted with each stage of development according to breed characteristics, so you don’t have to worry about overfeeding or underfeeding your little pup.
- Wellness Simple Natural Chicken & Oatmeal Recipe Adult Dog Food
Made with real deboned chicken as the number one ingredient plus healthy whole grains like oats, this food provides all the energy your big adult Golden Retriever needs for his day-to-day activities. It has no hormones or antibiotics and does not contain any wheat, corn, or soy ingredients which can cause allergies in some dogs.
- Royal Canin Golden Retriever Junior
Formulated with natural ingredients to support muscle development during the vulnerable stages of your dog’s life, this food is also suitable for older dogs who have become less active but still have high nutritional needs.
It contains rich antioxidants plus calcium and vitamins E & C for healthy bones and joints. Hill’s Science Diet Adult Original Dog Food Another highly rated dog food that gets great feedback from Golden Retriever owners online, the original version is made using only whole grains as its main ingredient so it’s easily digestible even for older dogs. It also contains prebiotics to encourage good gut health, along with glucosamine and chondroitin to support joint health.
- Victor All Breed Dog Food
Made from natural food ingredients instead of meat byproducts or fillers like wheat, corn, or soy, this is a great option for Golden Retrievers who are sensitive to these ingredients or have allergies that can cause digestive problems or skin rashes. It’s low in calories but high in vitamins and minerals that keep your dog healthy and active throughout the day (and night).
Fresh Water Supply
Clean fresh water must always be available for your Golden Retriever because dehydration can occur quickly even when you don’t see any signs if he’s not getting enough water. Keep a large, clear water bowl on the floor of your dog’s crate so you can easily monitor how much he is drinking.
Food and Water Containers for Golden Retrievers
It’s up to you where or how you keep food and clean water available in your home but here are some suggestions:
- Place several small bowls throughout the house so there is one wherever your dog spends most of his time. Place one near his bed while he sleeps and another next to his favorite chair while he relaxes after a long day playing outside.
- Feeding him in separate rooms such as the kitchen (outdoors) and the living room (inside) will help keep your home from getting too messy.
Suggested Food & Water Dishes for Golden Retrievers
Omega Paw Trays
These pet food trays are leak-proof so you don’t have to worry about a puddle forming under a water bowl or a mess caused by spilling his food as he eats. They also come in different colors so you can easily match them with any décor you have going on around your house.
Fresh2o Large Stainless Steel Water Bowls
These stainless steel bowls are great if you want something that is sturdy enough to withstand being knocked over by an excitable puppy who forgets to use his doggy manners. The interior of the bowl has been specially designed to prevent bacteria from growing, plus the wide lip makes it easy for dogs to drink or eat out of.
PetSafe Drinkwell Platinum Pet Fountain
This large pet fountain gives your Golden Retriever fresh water 24 hours a day so he can always have access to something tasty and cool at his own pace. The reservoir holds 50 ounces of water, which is more than enough for one dog or several dogs living in close proximity to each other. It has special filters that keep the water tasting fresh and flowing steadily even when it’s filled up by multiple Goldens!
Some Dog Items You May Need
Walter Zoo Animal Reversible Dog Blanket with Zipper Closure By Vincent Van Dough
Pets At Home Medium Dryer Dries Dogs & Cats Fast For Warm Weather Swimming And Bath Time This is one of the most popular pet bedding options for Golden Retrievers because it is made from 100% cotton that can help keep them cool in warmer weather. It’s also machine washable so you won’t have to worry about trying to scrub it clean when your dog has an accident or spills water on it. The best part is, that dogs love the soft material!
Snoozer Luxury Pet All-Weather Outdoor Dog House Indoor Dog House Bed Large.
Cooling Gel Memory Foam Mattress Made with high-quality materials including tough steel doors and a durable plastic floor, this insulated dog house is perfect for keeping your Golden warm during winter months if you live somewhere with cold temperatures. The roof lifts up so your dog can climb inside and curl up on the plush, comfortable padding that helps relieve pressure points. The padding also helps block out noise from outside so he can get a good night’s sleep without being disturbed by things like barking dogs or people stomping around in their boots.
Barks Barksmith 100% Cotton Beds
Warm and Cozy with No Crinkling Noise This cotton bed is excellent for older dogs who have trouble climbing onto hardwood floors to go to the bathroom at night. It provides soft cushioning for pets as they try to go about their business but it won’t crinkle loudly beneath them as they move around- something that could wake you up depending on how late it is! In addition, the solid fabric provides a bit of privacy for your dog as well as offers a little bit of concealment from other pets or people walking past the room.
Large Round Shaped Dog Bed
3 Inch Pu Waterproof Carpet Pet Rug Dog Couch Cover Sofa Couch Accessory If you have more than one Golden Retriever living inside, this double-sized bed is excellent because each dog can have their own bed without interfering with another one’s sleeping space. Your dogs will also love having somewhere to curl up together that is large enough for them both but small enough to fit into smaller rooms!
Ruffwear K-9 Overcoat – Large
This coat works great if you live in an area where winters are cold and snowy. It’s made from a lightweight material that won’t weigh down your dog but it will help keep him warm if the temperatures drop too low for his liking.
There are reflective strips on the coat so any cars passing by can be more easily seen at night and there is an elastic waistband for a snug, secure fit as well as adjustable Velcro straps so you can modify it to ensure a proper fit on your Golden Retriever regardless of what size he is!
Golden Retrievers Exercise Requirements
They are medium-sized dogs so they don’t require much exercise although their energy levels are quite high. A daily walk is enough for them to remain healthy and happy. Playing games with them like fetch, tug of war, or hide and seek will also help release some of that excess energy.
They’re very intelligent which means they can pick up new commands easily after just a couple of repetitions. For more information on Goldendoodle personalities please click here!
Golden Retrievers Training Requirements
These dogs are very easy to train and they’re considered one of the most obedient dog breeds. They want to make their owner happy so learning new commands isn’t a problem for them. Kennel clubs like AKC (American Kennel Club) recommend obedience training for all Golden Retriever puppies while they’re still with their breeder at 8-10 weeks old.
Their trainer should also teach them how to behave in different situations and show them what’s expected from them when it comes to proper behavior around strangers, other dogs or pets, and any other people they might come across while out on a walk.
Grooming Your Golden Retrievers
These dogs have a double coat that consists of a long, thick topcoat and a dense, short undercoat that helps keep them warm during the winter. It’s important to maintain this level of insulation in order to protect them from both heat and cold so you’ll need to brush their fur regularly.
You should also clean their ears on a regular basis because these are prone to ear infections due to water getting trapped in there for too long which can lead to infection if left untreated so be sure to check them out once or twice per week or more often if you see your Golden is shaking his head excessively while outside in the snow. He might be trying to shake off some snow but he could also be trying any foreign particles that entered his ear canal!
Golden Retriever Breeders If you decide to get your dog from a breeder, make sure they are licensed and certified by the kennel club of choice. For example, if you want to get one from an AKC registered breeder, look for one that’s certified through the American Kennel Club.
This is important because it ensures your new Golden Retriever pup will properly conform to their breed standard which means he has the potential to supply superior offspring in terms of health, appearance, temperament, etc. This helps increase his resale value while also ensuring that you’ll get the best possible experience out of owning him. Please click here for more information on finding Golden Retriever breeders!
What Are The Best Toys For Golden Retrievers?
Toys with no small parts that your Golden can swallow are ideal. They can also do with a lot of personal attention from you throughout the day or they will become bored and destructive. Giving them a stuffed animal to cuddle up to at night is also a great option because it allows them to feel comfortable while they’re asleep without taking too much space on your bed.
As always, be sure to supervise playtime so the toys do not present any choking hazards for your dog. There is nothing more dangerous than an unsupervised Golden who has gotten their hands on one of your shoes – trust me, I know this from experience!
Golden Retrievers Rescue
If you want to add a Golden Retriever to your family, contact one of the many organizations whose main goal is to find homes for abandoned dogs. This breed can be found in many shelters, especially in large metropolitan areas. Some rescues are breed-specific, so if you have your heart set on a Golden Retriever but can’t find one in a shelter near you, you can contact a rescue organization in your state or nearby states to see if they have any available.
This will be the best way to find an adult Golden that may not adjust very well to living in a house because it’s different than living with other dogs while he was still growing up. If you know anyone who already has one, especially if they’re in the same neighborhood, ask if you can take him for a walk to see how he interacts with other dogs and people.
Golden Retrievers Breed Club
The Golden Retriever Club of America is a non-profit organization that provides breeders with educational opportunities, show promotions, and other services related to this dog breed. They can help you find reputable Golden Retriever breeders, encourage responsible dog ownership, and provide fun activities for the whole family.
If you are thinking about adding a Golden to your family, it’s best to do some research first before visiting a breeder. As previously mentioned, there are many ways to adopt an adult one but if that is not an option, then it is best to do some research into breeders in your area. This way you will be able to learn about the different types available, what they are like in general, and even have a chance to meet their pups before making a final decision!
Golden Retrievers Breed books
Golden Retrievers have been featured in many popular dog books including:
- “The New Golden Retriever” by Tom Chambers,
- “Puppies for Dummies” by Sarah Hodgson,
- “My Golden Days” by Charley Ellis & Sarah Whitehead.
Various authors have written about numerous uses of Goldens in different fields plus they are the protagonists of quite a number of fiction novels so there are plenty of good reads when it comes to these dogs.
Among non-fiction, selections are “Goldens!” by Mary Hickey & Allen O’Dea or even Nancy Baer’s book about training a Golden Retriever.
Golden Retrievers Pedigree
Golden Retrievers are included in the “AKC Foundation Stock Service Program” since September 1998 but they’re still relatively new when it comes to purebred dogs even though this breed’s history goes back to the 1800s when they were called Flat-Coats, Wavy-Coats, or Tweed Water Spaniels.
At that time they were used for hunting and retrieving fowl like ducks and upland game birds. In 1915, a man named Lord Tweedmouth was credited with adding Irish Setter and yellow Wavy-Coated Retriever to the mix which led to today’s Golden Retriever we know today. The American Kennel Club officially recognized them as a breed in 1925.
Golden Retrievers were established as a breed by Englishman, Dudley Marjoribanks, the 2nd Lord Tweedmouth. It was he who made them one of the first dog breeds to be trained for gun shooting and hunting hares.
Golden Retrievers Recognition
Golden Retrievers are one of the most recognizable dog breeds in the world and they’re considered by many to be the number one family dog breed with over 90 registrations per 100 dogs according to a recent survey.
Most people would recognize them as “Lassie” from famous TV series (she was a female Golden Retriever and not a male like most think).
Other popular movies with these beautiful animals include Marley & Me based on John Grogan’s memoir about his relationship with his beloved pet; Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey is another touching story about three pets including two Golden Retrievers and a Himalayan cat trying to find their way home after being separated from their family; The Shaggy Dog, a comedy starring Tim Allen about a man who turns into a Golden Retriever during his family’s stay in Hawaii.
Interesting Golden Retrievers facts
- This breed is so well-known that it’s included in the American Kennel Club foundation stock program. This means that they have been officially recognized by the AKC for over 80 years.
- Golden Retrievers are often used as guide dogs for blind people, drug detectors, and even search and rescue dogs, like those who were sent to Ground Zero after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on New York City.
- The largest number of these dogs (almost 400!) was deployed by FEMA during the Hurricane Katrina crisis with another 200 Golden Retrievers working with military personnel in Afghanistan and Iraq wars.
- Golden Retriever is currently one of the most popular dog breeds registered with Assistance Dogs International. They’re very good with children which makes them a top choice for families with small kids.
- They’re very easy to groom thanks to their short coat and they’re good swimmers due to the webbing between their toes.
- They shed a fair amount but it’s not as bad as other breeds like Labradors or German Shepherds.
- Their tail has a “sickle”, which means the tail curves up over its back and not straight down like most dogs.
- Golden Retriever is ranked #1 by the AKC (American Kennel Club) when it comes to popularity among dog owners and #3 in terms of obedience training, trailing only Labrador Retriever (#1) and German Shepherd Dog (#2).
- These beautiful animals are known for their kind hearts, gentle nature, and patience making them the perfect family dog breed.
- This is one of the Golden Retriever facts that can be considered a myth, although there are no “official records” on this subject. According to the AKC, they are considered one of the most popular breeds with over 75 registrations per 100 dogs. If you include all kinds of Golden Retrievers (U.S., UK, Canada, etc.) then that number easily surpasses 90 per 100 dogs making it number 1 according to some sources.
Golden Retrievers Price and Where To Find Them
Due to their popularity, Golden Retrievers are one of the most expensive dog breeds with the price for puppies varying from $1,000 to $3,500.
As with any popular dog breed, the Golden Retriever price is usually higher than average. This is mainly due to their high demand which means more people are willing to pay relatively large sums of money for these beautiful dogs.
But before you go ahead and buy one, make sure you do some research on breeders in your area first. It’s not always better to buy a puppy from a breeder that works out of a storefront or pet store where dogs are bred just for profit instead of love for animals.
Reputable breeders will only sell puppies they’ve raised themselves, carefully choosing which male and female they mate together to produce healthy pups with good temperaments and characteristics.
Adopting stray dogs should also be considered and it’s not as difficult as you might think. Dogs that were once strays can make just as loving and wonderful pet dogs for your family, provided they receive proper training of course! Animal shelters are full of unclaimed Golden Retriever mixes so there are plenty of potential pets waiting to be adopted by families willing to give them a loving home.
Adopting dogs has many benefits over purchasing dogs from breeders or pet stores including the price which is usually lower than buying from either one of those sources.
Final Thoughts
Golden Retrievers are very intelligent dogs which means they’re easier to train. If you’re not sure what breed of dog you want to adopt, maybe the Golden Retriever is your answer!
Remember that if you do decide to buy a puppy from a breeder then make sure they only sell healthy, well-socialized puppies with good temperaments and good health. If you find yourself struggling with your Golden Retriever training, consider taking a class or enrolling them in an obedience school to make the process easier for both of you.
A fantastic article that’s well-researched and full of interesting facts about the Golden Retriever breed! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did, but if this isn’t what you were looking for don’t worry because there are plenty more articles waiting for you below.
This article was written by a dog owner who owns and loves Golden Retriever. It is not meant to be taken as fact, and we do not claim any of the facts in this article to be factual. This is simply a fun piece on one of our favorite breeds! The content included in this article was sourced via various users, websites, etc.
If you are the owner of any of the information found in this article and do not wish to have it published on our website, please contact us immediately. As we are always looking for new content that’s relevant to our readers, your feedback is very much appreciated.
Further Reading:
Rottweiler: Every Information You Need to Know About This Dog
Rhodesian Ridgeback: The Lion Fighter
1000 Interesting Dog Names and their Meaning
Cane Corso: Every Information About This Breed