Dogs For Apartments: Best Dogs For An Apartment
When it comes to apartments and pets, it’s easy to wonder what the possibilities are for living with a dog. Often times when you look at pet classifieds and apartment listing sites, both will come up stating no animals allowed.
Although that is often the case, there are some small to medium-sized dogs that can thrive in an apartment. A top tip would be before even seeking out your next apartment to look into the different dog breeds that suit this kind of living environment.
15 Good Apartment Dog Breeds That Fit In Small Living Spaces
Want to own a dog but live in a small apartment? Do not worry, we have the right list for you! We selected 15 best dogs for apartments. They fit very well in those tight spaces because they are generally smaller and energetic.
Some can even serve as apartment guard dogs. Many of them make fantastic apartment companions, many, if not all of them, love to play with other dogs and humans alike. No matter how small your space, at least one of these breeds will fit in just fine.
1. Greyhound:

Greyhounds are one of the best dog breeds for apartments. They require minimal exercise, making them perfect for small living spaces.
Their small size also allows them to fit in the smallest apartments, while their energy levels mean they can keep themselves entertained even if you are not home.
They can be trained to not bark at strangers, so if you want a guard dog, they might be the best choice.
2. Labrador Retriever:

Another good choice for apartments, Labradors are a very trainable breed. They are very affectionate, but not overly so; they love other dogs and people and generally get along well with everyone, even strangers.
3. Beagle:

Beagles are another small dog who get along well with others, as well as very active, which can be beneficial in an apartment.
They are loving, affectionate, and lively. They get along well with children. If you want a pet that is fun to have around, but who is also very playful, beagles would make the perfect companion for you.
4. Husky:

Huskies are wonderful dogs to have in an apartment because they don’t require a lot of exercise. They love to play and make a great family dog as well.
5. Yorkshire Terrier:

Another small breed that is good in apartments, the Yorkshire Terrier loves to socialize with others. They are active, friendly, and generally love to play.
6. Maltese:

This little pup is so cute, it’s hard not to fall in love with them! Maltese are one of the easiest dogs to train; they are affectionate, energetic, and playful.
They love being around people, which is a plus for apartment dwellers.
7. Bichon Frise:

Affectionate, energetic, intelligent, and playful, this dog is a great addition to your family. They get along well with people, other dogs, and other animals.
8. Shih Tzu:

This breed of dog loves to play, so they would be great apartment companions! The Shih Tzu is one of the most active dogs; they love to play, run, and go on hikes.
9. Boston Terrier:

A small dog that is full of energy, the Boston Terrier loves to play and loves to socialize with others. They are a loving breed of dog, and can be good apartment companions.
10. Pug:

This is one of the most loyal dogs to you that loves to be around people and other animals! They are the smallest breed, but are still happy and full of energy.
11. Chihuahua:

This little dog is super adorable and tiny. They are also great apartment companions because they are energetic and full of joy. Chihuahuas are great for small spaces, and they love to play.
12. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel:

This dog is extremely adorable, affectionate, and outgoing. They are great apartment companions, and will be happy to be around you.
13. German Shepherd:

These are extremely loyal dogs that would be great apartment companions. You can expect these dogs to always want to be with you. They are also intelligent and easy to train.
14. Shiba Inu:

This is a small dog that is playful, energetic, and full of energy. This dog would be great for an apartment companion because they love to play, and they are also good apartment dogs.
15. Jack Russell Terrier:

This is a cute and small breed of dog that loves to play, and are very athletic! They are happy dogs, and would make great apartment companions.
This is a cute and small breed of dog that loves to play, and are very athletic! They are happy dogs, and would make great apartment companions.
Dog Breeds That Adapt Well To Apartment Living
Many apartment dwellers are unaware of how dogs affect the atmosphere in an apartment. They may assume that a dog’s presence would be bad for the “feel” of their home, but this is not always the case.
Dogs can help you live a more peaceful and relaxing life because they love attention and affection. But, as with any new addition to your home, it is crucial that you know how to care for your new pet.

This guide is filled with helpful tips on making your apartment the best place for your pet.
- A dog is an intelligent and interesting companion that will help you keep fit, socialize, and save money on vet bills. But like all animals, a dog requires you to be the pack leader. You must set a good example for your pet and make sure that it does not bite. Your dog is not always going to be well-behaved, but it is your job to show the way. Whether you have ever owned a dog or you have dreamed of living with one, getting a dog for an apartment is a great idea.
- Is an apartment dog-friendly? Many apartment dwellers assume that dogs are destructive and noisy and that their presence will not be accepted by the building management. But, in fact, a lot of modern-day apartments have rules about pets. A friendly dog may even be allowed to stay in a room that is designated as “pet-friendly.” Some people even keep dogs in their office. Of course, this does not mean that all apartments are pet-friendly. Not all landlords allow dogs; for some buildings, certain breeds of dog may be unacceptable.
- What kind of dog should you get? There are many breeds of dogs, so it is best to visit an animal shelter or a pet supply store in your area to find out what the most suitable dog for you and your apartment would be. A small dog that would fit well in your apartment is perfect. You should know how to take care of it, whether or not it requires a lot of exercise. Some breeds are not able to handle a lot of exercise, so you may have to make adjustments as you adjust to having a dog in your apartment.
- Getting a dog trained in advance You may have to have the dog trained so that it would not be destructive or noisy. If you do not have time to take the dog to a trainer, then you should know how to train the dog yourself.
- A few household tips for living with a dog Living with a dog in your apartment will be different from living with a cat. Although both animals can get along well in small spaces, this article focuses on the dog. It is important to keep the dog on a leash when you are out walking it. Even though dogs are usually friendly and playful, you should never leave a dog alone in your apartment. Dog hair all over the place or on the furniture could be very annoying for the other tenants in your building.
Dogs can help you live a more peaceful and relaxing life because they love attention and affection.
Are Boxers Good Dogs for Apartment?
Even though your boxer dog may seem like the perfect house pet, he might not be the best choice for an apartment. So before you adopt your dog, make sure it is a good fit for your new home.
Or look into other breeds such as dachshunds or even terriers, which are good dogs for apartments. Even though you have had this breed for a while, it is important to keep him on a leash.
The boxer can be very persistent and will always try to walk into your home. Also, do not get too attached to your boxer dog. If you decide to get another boxer as a pet, he might want to keep the same schedule and even may not want to go outside at all.
Keeping a dog requires some planning. If you’ve ever kept an apartment, you know it’s not easy to do so. Dogs need love and attention just like humans do.
Of course everyone needs a companion, but if you have no backyard, what dog type should you choose? Don’t worry if you have even less than 500 square feet of space to work with – your choice still isn’t that limited.

Medium Apartment Dogs Pros and Cons
Medium sized dogs make great pets for apartment living, because of their temperaments and sizes. Medium sized dogs include 15-30 pounds but are mainly 25 pounds.
These furry little friends rarely need a lot of grooming. They are relatively inexpensive compared to the cost of large breed puppies.
Small dog breeds that you should consider if you plan on adopting or buying one of these pups is the Pomeranian or Maltese.

Here are the pros of keeping a medium-sized dog:
- Love him or her, because he or she doesn’t require much grooming. However, even though they are “cheap,” pampered pets make great companions.
- Your apartment will always look good when you don’t have to sweep and vacuum in order to maintain it. Small dogs are super adorable.
- You won’t have to worry about taking your small pup to the groomer too often.
- They are better suited for apartments. So this means they will fit into a small space without complaining.
- These small dogs can have a lot of character and personality.
- They are very unique animals that require less exercise, which makes them perfect for city living.
Here are the cons of keeping a medium-sized dog:
- They cost more than their mini counterparts, especially if you buy a purebred dog.
- You are going to have to pay for expensive spaying and neutering surgery.
- There is the cost of food and vet bills.
- They need a little more attention than some dogs.
- Since they are so athletic, they can have separation anxiety and may get grumpy in the cold or hot weather.
Medium sized dogs make great pets for apartment living, because of their temperaments and sizes. Medium sized dogs include 15-30 pounds but are mainly 25 pounds.
Small Apartment Dogs Pros and Cons
Dogs have been shown to improve morale, keep us active, reduce stress and loneliness, and provide unconditional love.
People in apartments need no less than that but perhaps a smaller version for the same price range.
The size of your apartment will not determine the size of your dog. If you only can afford a small apartment, don’t worry about it! There are some dogs out there perfectly suitable for your new home.
Even if your home space is fairly small, it can. There are pet-friendly apartments out there. In fact, you may be surprised at how much your new apartment can fit.

Here are the pros of keeping a small sized-dog:
- Dogs love your time. Small dogs will not hog the attention and space of your apartment.
- Dogs can be an excellent way to express yourself and find social interactions without the stress of a full-grown dog.
Here are the cons of keeping a small-sized dog:
- Small dogs can be difficult to train. Most small dogs require patience and the willingness to take a while to teach your dog new tricks and how to behave properly.
- They can be quite difficult to bring up. Your new roommate will not want to take their pet out in public.
- In fact, most small dogs do not see their owners in public and will likely become very shy when exposed to people they don’t know.
Large Apartment Dogs Pros and Cons
Large apartment dogs can be a great addition to a family, but there are some things to consider before bringing one home.

Some of the pros of having a large dog in an apartment are:
- They can be great companions.
- They can provide security.
- They can help with chores like fetching the mail or taking out the trash.
Some cons of having a large dog in an apartment are:
- They can be very difficult to train.
- Housebreaking issues will likely occur (especially if your dog is not accustomed to using a doggy door).
- The outside may not appeal to some people.
- Puppy-proofing your home.
Worst Dog Breeds for Apartments
The worst dog breeds for apartments are typically large and require a lot of exercise. These dogs are often difficult to housebreak and require a lot of attention and mental stimulation.
Also, large dogs can be very territorial and aggressive. If you are going to have a large dog in an apartment, make sure you prepare the home carefully.
Enclose your yard, fence off a patio, and build a dog run. Otherwise you’ll end up with more trouble than you bargained for. We’ve compiled a list of the ten worst dog breeds for apartments below.
If you’re thinking about getting a dog, this list will help you determine which dog breeds would be best suited for your lifestyle.
The list of the 9 Worst Dog Breeds for Apartments
1. Pit Bull Terrier

The Pit Bull is an incredible breed with a lot of passion, intelligence, and drive. This is an extremely loyal and courageous dog, known for having a lot of energy.
Although Pit Bulls are said to be great family dogs, they do not mix well with small children and they can become very territorial and aggressive.
The Pit Bull may also become destructive if it doesn’t get enough exercise.
2. Rottweiler

The Rottweiler is a large dog and can be very aggressive. The Rottweiler is very protective of its territory and requires a lot of exercise.
If you’re thinking about getting a dog, be sure to look for an adult Rottweiler that has been properly socialized. The Rottweiler needs a lot of exercise, so keep your dog from getting bored.
The Rottweiler is an incredibly hard-working dog and will enjoy plenty of physical activity. The Rottweiler is a great dog for family life, but it does best in an outdoor environment with plenty of exercise.
3. English Mastiff

The English Mastiff is a beautiful dog that can be a difficult breed to find, but it’s worth the wait. It’s one of the most intelligent dogs, known for its gentle nature.
The English Mastiff is a very strong dog that does not need a lot of exercise. It’s a great family dog and it’s intelligent enough to be gentle with children.
The English Mastiff is known for protecting its territory and having an unruly attitude. The English Mastiff is easily trained, but it can also be very stubborn.
4. Dogo Argentino

The Dogo Argentino is one of the most athletic dogs and is known for its incredible speed. If you want a dog that will be fast and strong, this is the dog for you.
The Dogo Argentino is best for owners who are looking for a great running partner and a nice companion. The Dogo Argentino is also a great guard dog and has a very high prey drive.
The Dogo Argentino needs a lot of exercise and a lot of mental stimulation. The Dogo Argentino is a very high-energy dog that is easily bored. It’s a great breed for kids who have activity levels like the Dogo Argentino does.
5. Akita

The Akita is one of the most intelligent breeds and it’s a great watch dog. You can train your Akita to be gentle, but it does not do well with other dogs because of its stubborn nature.
The Akita is a great watch dog and will protect its territory. The Akita is also a great guard dog, but it has to be trained well because it can attack for no reason. The Akita is also known for being very loyal to its owner.
The Akita is known to be an excellent herding dog, and if you have a lot of sheep or goats, this is the breed for you.
The Akita is a very difficult dog to train and you need a lot of patience. It’s a great breed for children, but it doesn’t do well with other dogs. The Akita is a very energetic breed, and it needs lots of exercise.
6. Alaskan Malamute

The Alaskan Malamute is best for owners who have a lot of time on their hands. The Alaskan Malamute is very playful and loves to play all day long.
The Alaskan Malamute doesn’t do well with cats and kids because of its protective nature. They need lots of exercise and are best for owners who have a lot of free time.
The Alaskan Malamute is a good breed for kids and adults, but it does not do well with other dogs because of its nature.
The Alaskan Malamute is a great watchdog, but it will attack on purpose if you ignore its warnings. The Alaskan Malamute is very smart and it gets bored easily.
7. Bloodhound

Bloodhounds are alert and very loyal dogs that have a great sense of smell. The Bloodhound doesn’t do well with other dogs, but can be trained to do well around kids.
The Bloodhound is a very curious breed and it loves to bark. The Bloodhound can be stubborn, but it does well in obedience training. The Bloodhound is a great watchdog and will bark if somebody approaches its territory.
The Bloodhound has lots of energy and needs lots of exercise. The Bloodhound is a stubborn breed and it does not listen to anybody. The Bloodhound is also very vocal and will make lots of noise if it has an itch.
8. Saint Bernard

The Saint Bernard is very loving and devoted to its family. The Saint Bernard does not do well with other dogs, but can be trained to do well around kids.
The Saint Bernard is a very loyal and protective breed. The Saint Bernard is also a very gentle and calm dog that does not like to fight. The Saint Bernard is a very playful breed and it loves to have kids around.
The Saint Bernard has lots of energy and needs a lot of exercise. The Saint Bernard is a very stubborn breed and does not listen to anybody.
The Saint Bernard is also very protective and can be aggressive at times. The Saint Bernard is a very heavy dog and it will need extra exercise.
10. American Eskimo Dog

The American Eskimo Dog is very loving and devoted to its family. The American Eskimo Dog is an excellent watch dog and will bark if somebody approaches its territory.
The American Eskimo Dog is very territorial and will be aggressive towards other dogs that enter its territory. The American Eskimo Dog can be aggressive towards strangers and will also growl when in its territory.
The American Eskimo Dog is very protective and does not like to leave its territory. The American Eskimo Dog is very alert and loves playing. The American Eskimo Dog is very intelligent and loves to learn tricks.
The American Eskimo Dog is also good with kids and very affectionate. The American Eskimo Dog is a very loyal and protective breed.
Find Adoptable Apartment Dogs
Getting a dog is one of the biggest commitments you will ever make and should not be taken lightly. Many people look into getting an apartment dog, but few know what dogs are best for living in an apartment environment.
That’s why finding adoptable apartment dogs can be beneficial.
If you love your job, chances are you probably love the day when you get home too. Unfortunately, work is such a busy place that you usually don’t get the chance to just unwind and relax after spending so many hours in the office.
That’s where dogs come in – they can be your best friend during those long nights. Plus, you get to bond with your new pup when you’re both at home, alone.
Pets can provide many benefits to their owners, including the benefits of companionship and unconditional love. Some dogs are perfectly suited for living in an apartment, but others may not fare as well.
How to Choose the Right Dog Breed for Your Apartment
Dogs need three things to grow up into responsible adults:
- Exercise
- Discipline
- Space.
For example, an apartment is not the place for bulldogs since they tend to be lethargic and will use a lot of energy playing in small spaces.
In the example above, choose two or three dog breeds that you would like, cross-reference those breeds against the list provided by experts, and once done pick one with fewer problems so as to avoid costly mistakes.
Choosing the right dog for you might be more difficult than picking a pet, but it will reap the same rewards.
Choosing a good dog for apartment living is not always as simple as just picking one of the breeds listed in this guide.
There are many dog breeds that will get along well with an apartment, but many other types of dogs will not.
In order to help you find the right breed for apartment living, we’ve researched dog breeds that are suitable for apartment living.
How to Choose a Good Dog for an Apartment
One of the first things you need to consider when choosing the right dog breed for apartment living is space. While many dog breeds are great apartment dogs, not all of them will be able to live in an apartment without issue.
For example, bulldogs, which are not particularly active dogs, tend to prefer large spaces. Similarly, small dogs such as pugs tend to be more comfortable in smaller spaces.
While all of these small dogs will still do well in apartments, you will have to consider the size of your apartment when choosing the right dog breed for apartment living.
For example, if you live in a studio apartment, then you will want to avoid small dogs or big dogs that need a lot of space. The size of the dog will also be a factor when choosing the right dog breed for apartment living.
Living with Dogs in an Apartment: What You Need to Know
When you live in an apartment and are looking for a dog, there are four things that need to be taken into consideration.
- First of all, people with apartments usually live a busy lifestyle, so the more active dogs that adapt well are preferred.
- Second, small breed dogs can be too noisy when barking, so a larger breed is usually a better choice.
- Third, smaller apartment spaces mean less freedom for your new pet, so make sure the dog has enough space to move around.
- Fourth, large breed dogs that tend to be more destructive and noisy, will need a lot of space to run around.
The choice of dog breed is always a difficult one, because it’s almost impossible to get a dog that will perfectly fit your needs.
Even if you do get a perfect dog for your apartment, it will be very important to train the dog.
The best dog breed to have in an apartment depends entirely on the size of your space. If you live in a small apartment, getting a large breed dog is not really an option.
Smaller dogs may bark too much, but when you need a house pet and don’t have a lot of space, having a dog that is not barking will be very important.
I have had a number of dogs in my life, and I think the best breeds for an apartment are the Golden Retriever, Labradoodle, Beagle and Yorkshire Terrier.
Final Thoughts: Best Dogs For An Apartment
Dogs can be a great choice for an apartment, but they may not be the best choice for your new home. Apartment living with pets can be a breeze with the right knowledge. This guide is filled with helpful tips on making your apartment the best place for your pet, including the best dog breeds for living in an apartment and how to care for them in an environment that is both dog- and apartment-friendly. Hope you found these Best Dogs For An Apartment resourceful? Let’s know your thoughts and questions below.
Further Reading:
Rottweiler: Every Information You Need to Know About This Dog
Rhodesian Ridgeback: The Lion Fighter
1000 Interesting Dog Names and their Meaning
Cane Corso: Every Information About This Breed
Golden Retriever: Everything You Need To Know About This Breed
25 Cutest Dog Breeds to Keep as Pets
Rottweiler Pitbull Mix: Every Information