There are a few reasons your dog may be digging on your bed. One reason may be that they are seeking attention. If you have been neglecting your dog or ignoring them when they try to get your attention, they may start digging on your bed to get noticed. Another reason could be that your dog is bored and is looking for something to do.
If you don’t provide your dog with enough stimulation, it may become destructive. Lastly, your dog may simply be trying to make itself comfortable. If your bed is the only soft surface in your home, they may be trying to create a cozy spot to sleep.
Regardless, it is crucial to figure out why your dog is digging in your bed and take steps to stop the behavior.

Why Does My Dog Dig On My Bed?
There are a few reasons your dog may be digging on your bed.
1. It could be that your dog is trying to get comfortable. If your dog is digging before lying down, it may be that he is trying to make a soft spot to rest his head.
2. Your dog may be looking for something that he knows is hidden in your bed. This is especially true if he is only digging in one spot. If you think this is the case, try to figure out what he is looking for and remove it from your bed.
3. Some dogs like to dig. If your dog is constantly exploring, even when there is nothing hidden in your bed, he may enjoy the act of digging. This is often the case with dogs bred to search, such as terriers. If your dog is digging for fun, you may want to provide him with a digging area, such as a sandbox, where he can dig to his heart’s content.
4. Your dog may be experiencing anxiety or stress. If your dog is normally well-behaved but has started digging in your bed, he may be experiencing some stress or anxiety. A change in routine could be caused by moving to a new house or adding a new pet or family member. If you think your dog is stressed or anxious, talk to your veterinarian about ways to help him feel more relaxed.
5. Bed digging may also be a sign of boredom. If your dog is left alone for long periods, he may start digging in your bed to entertain himself. This is especially true if he has no toys or bones to chew on. Try to give your dog some more attention and give him some chew toys to help relieve his boredom.
6. Finally, your dog may simply be trying to get your attention. If you have been ignoring your dog or scolding him for bad behavior, he may start digging in your bed to get your attention. Try to spend more time with your dog and give him plenty of positive reinforcement when he behaves well.
How to Get Your Dog to Stop Digging Your Bed
If your dog is anything like ours, they love to dig. It’s a great way to relieve boredom and expend energy. Unfortunately, this means your dog will likely dig in your bed occasionally. While it may not seem a big deal, it can harm your bed. Not to mention, it could be more enjoyable.
You can do a few things to get your dog to stop digging on your bed.
1. Try to figure out why your dog is digging in the first place. If your dog is searching because he’s bored, try to give him more toys and attention. If your dog is digging because he’s anxious or stressed, try to create a more calm and relaxed environment.
2. Give your dog an alternate place to dig. If your dog enjoys exploring in your bed because it is soft, try giving him a blanket or a pillow to explore instead.
3. Try using a deterrent. If your dog is digging in your bed because he likes how it smells, try spraying it with a lemon-scented spray or placing a lemon-scented candle near it.
4. Be consistent with your commands. If you tell your dog “no” when he’s digging in your bed, make sure you follow through with it. Consistency is vital when it comes to training your dog.
5. Be patient. Your dog may take some time to learn that he’s not allowed to dig in your bed. Don’t get frustrated and give up; with patience and perseverance; you’ll eventually get there.
What Do I Do If My Dog Won’t Stop Digging in My Bed?
Whatever the reason, stopping your dog from digging on your bed is essential. Not only is it destructive behavior, but it can also be dangerous if your dog happens to dig up something sharp or poisonous.
Here are a few tips to help stop your dog from digging in your bed:
- Provide your dog with plenty of toys and chew toys to keep him occupied.
- Make sure he has a comfortable bed of his own to sleep in.
- Spend more time playing with and walking your dog.
- If your dog is anxious, try relaxation techniques such as dog massage or yoga.
You can help your dog stop digging on your bed with a bit of patience and effort.
Digging Dog Breeds
Some breeds of dogs are more prone to digging than others. Dogs bred to hunt, such as terriers, hounds, and dachshunds, or dogs with a strong prey drive, such as herding dogs, may be more likely to dig. Certain working and herding dogs were bred to follow their noses, and some dogs have a strong instinct to explore.
Why Does My Dog Scratch My Bed Sheets?
There could be a few reasons your dog scratches your bedsheets. One possibility is that she’s trying to get your attention. If you often give her attention when she’s on your bed, she may have learned that this is an excellent way to get your attention.
Another possibility is that she’s bored and is looking for something to do. If she doesn’t have many toys or doesn’t get to go on many walks, she may see your bed as a place to play.
Finally, she may be trying to mark her territory. If she’s scratching and urinating on your bed, she may try to keep it for herself.
Why Do Dogs Dig at Their Beds Before Lying Down?
There’s a simple reason your dog might be digging at their bed before lying down: they’re trying to make themselves more comfortable. Like humans, dogs want to be cozy before they drift off to sleep, and digging at their beds is one way to achieve that.
If your dog has been looking for their bed, you need to figure out why it’s worth taking a closer look at its bedding. If it’s old or uncomfortable, they may try to fluff it up to make it more comfortable. Alternatively, they may try to cool off their bed on a hot day by digging at it to create a breeze.

There are a few reasons your dog may be digging on your bed. One reason could be that they are bored and are looking for something to do. Another reason could be that they are trying to find a comfortable spot to sleep. Finally, it is also possible that your dog is digging in your bed because they are anxious or stressed. If your dog is searching on your bed, it is essential to figure out the reason why so that you can address the issue.