dog fight

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Dogs are social animals, and when properly trained, many of them get along peacefully with other dogs. Unfortunately, some dogs do not, and their interactions can turn aggressive and even violent. If your dogs are fighting, you must take immediate action to stop it. This guide will provide some tips for stopping dogs from fighting and explain how to recognize the signs of an impending fight. Understanding the causes of aggression between dogs will also help you prevent conflicts from occurring in the future.

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  1. Be Calm: The first thing to do when dogs are fighting is to stay calm and not get involved. Respectfully set a boundary and move in between the dogs to separate them.
  2. Distract Them: Use a toy, treat, or loud noise to distract the dogs and separate them.
  3. Create a Barrier: If you have a leash or other object, use that to create a physical barrier between the dogs to keep them separated.
  4. Train Them: Work with a professional dog trainer to help your dogs learn proper behaviors and understand how to handle situations with other dogs.
  5. Neuter Them: Having both dogs neutered can reduce the testosterone responsible for fighting.
  6. Socialize Them: A well-socialized dog is less likely to start a fight with another dog. Take your dog to parks, dog daycare, or pet-friendly events to help improve their social skills.
  7. Change Living Environments: If you have two dogs living together, consider giving them more space to reduce the likelihood of one dog feeling threatened.
  8. Crate Them: If your dogs are fighting, put them in separate crates to provide each dog with a safe place.

How Do You Get A Dog To Release A Bite?

If your dog is biting something or someone, the first step should always be to remove the dog from the situation. Once the dog has been removed from the situation, it is important to remain calm and avoid punishing the dog as this may only increase the dog’s aggression. If the dog is still biting, remain calm and use a flat, low voice to command the dog to let go. If the dog does not let go, a firm “No!” can help to reinforce your command. You can also use a toy or treat to try and encourage the dog to release the bite and redirect its attention from the item they are biting.

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Dogs fight for a variety of reasons. They may fight due to dominance issues or due to territorial disputes. If a dog feels threatened, it may fight to protect itself, its home, or its possessions. Lack of socialization, stress, lack of exercise, and age can also all contribute to fighting. Inadequate medical care can contribute to aggression. Disease, pain, or increased fear may make a dog more likely to lash out in a fight.

How To Tell A Dog Fight From Rough Play

It is important to know how to tell the difference between a dog fight and play. Dog fights can be difficult to tell apart from playing, but there are certain signs and behaviors to watch out for.

Signs of a dog fight:

  • Dogs stiffening or freezing in place
  • Upright tails (often a sign of aggression)
  • Hackles raised, fur standing on end
  • Growling, snarling, and baring teeth
  • Lunging and biting
  • Dominance displays such as mounting
  • Vocalizations such as yelping, screeching, whimpering
  • Body contact such as pushing, wrestling, or chasing

Signs of play:

  • Tails wagging
  • Play bows with front legs stretched out
  • Puppy-like behavior such as growling and nipping
  • Non-threatening vocalizations such as barks or whines
  • Leaping and rolling around together
  • Taking breaks and resetting
  • Jaw-to-jaw contact and gentle mouth play (using no teeth)
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If a dog fight is thought to be occurring, it is important to intervene immediately and separate the dogs.

Types of Dog Fights

  • Street (unregulated) Fights: Illegal street fights, where people bring their dogs and gamble on their animals’ chances of winning, are highly dangerous and can have devastating effects on the animals involved.
  • Professional Dogfighting: Professional dogfights are more organized and much more regulated than street fights. While still illegal and just as cruel, these fights usually involve larger purses or more participants and can be used as a form of entertainment.
  • Weight Pulling: Weight-pulling contests involve two dogs pulling against each other in an effort to pull a weighted sled or cart the fastest over a specific distance. While this competition isn’t as violent as other forms of dog fighting, it can still be dangerous and cause psychological harm to the dogs involved.
  • Coursing: Coursing is a sport where two dogs enter a field, and the aim is for one to chase the other in a pre-set course. While it is usually non-mortally, it can lead to serious physical injury if the chase becomes too intense.

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  1. Stay calm. Don’t yell or kick the dogs, it will only make the situation worse.
  2. Try to distract the dogs by making loud noises, throwing a blanket or towel over them, or spraying them with a water gun or hose.
  3. If safe to do so, try to gently pull the dogs apart by their hind legs or grab their collars.
  4. Once the dogs are separated, move them away from each other and into separate areas.
  5. Ask your veterinarian to recommend a trainer or animal behavior specialist if needed.

How Can You Stop Two Dogs From Fighting Without Getting Bitten In The Process

The best way to stop two dogs from fighting without getting bitten is to use a quiet but firm verbal command, such as “No!” or “Stop!” and move the dogs away from each other. If it is practical, use a leash or some type of barrier to keep the dogs apart. If the dogs are in a ‘fight or flight’ mode, it is important to speak in a calm manner and avoid looking directly into the eyes of the dogs. It may be necessary to also spray the dogs with a misting bottle, hose them down with cold water, or make a loud noise to startle them and break the fight. If the fight continues, it is important to seek the help of a professional dog trainer or behaviorist.

How Do I Stop Two Dogs From Fighting In The Same Household?

  • Make sure both dogs have plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. Tired dogs are usually less likely to fight.
  • Separate the dogs when you’re not able to supervise them.
  • Feed the dogs in separate rooms.
  • Provide separate spaces for each dog, such as a bed or crate.
  • Practice obedience training with both dogs.
  • Don’t allow either dog to show aggression or try to dominate the other.
  • Intervene in fights by using a distraction such as a loud noise or throwing a towel or blanket over the dogs.
  • Make sure both dogs receive equal amounts of attention and affection.
  • Consult a professional dog trainer or animal behaviorist for help if needed.

How To Stop Jealous Dogs From Fighting

  • Separate the dogs: Whenever possible, it’s best to keep the dogs separated to prevent them from having the opportunity to fight. It’s also beneficial to allow each dog to have his own space to retreat to during mealtimes or when feeling threatened.
  • Provide mental stimulation: Dogs who don’t have an outlet for their energy can become agitated and prone to aggression. Providing mental stimulation in the form of interactive puzzle toys or mentally challenging games is a great way to help alleviate boredom and potentially lessen the opportunity for fighting.
  • Train obedience: Consistent obedience training can help teach the dogs to obey commands like “leave it” and “sit” which can help them to be less defensive and reactive.
  • Establish a hierarchy: Dogs who fight out of jealousy are often looking for ways to challenge what they perceive as the other dog’s higher status. Establishing a calm, consistent hierarchy based on trust and respect can help prevent the jealous dog from challenging the other one too often.
  • Discourage resource guarding: Teaching your dogs to respond positively to one another for treats, toys, and food can help discourage resource guarding.
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How To Stop Two Dogs From Playfighting During A Walk

  • Use a reward-based training system: Make walking a pleasure for both dogs by issuing treats, toys, or vocal praises when the dogs walk together nicely.
  • Break up the walk: Try having two separate walks. Break the walk into two shorter walks so the dogs don’t get as wound up and provoked to fight.
  • Make sure each dog has its own leash and harness: Giving each dog its own equipment gives each dog its own space and helps to reduce tension on the leash.
  • Keep toys or treats with you: Having something to distract the dogs with can help them stay focused on something else and reduce play fighting.
  • Train the dogs to stay close to you: Training the dogs to stay close to your side can help limit their ability to fight since they are too close together.
  • Correct bad behavior immediately: Don’t tolerate play-fighting. If either dog initiates play-fighting, correct the behavior immediately with a stern tone and body language that lets them know play-fighting is not acceptable.
  • Take breaks: If the play-fighting continues, take a break and remove the dogs from the situation. Visiting a nearby park or dog run can help distract them and keep them occupied.

How Can I Stop My 3 Dogs From Fighting Over Food

To stop your 3 dogs from fighting over food, you can start by feeding them in separate areas. This ensures that each dog will have their own safe space to eat and eliminates competition over resources. Additionally, you can take measures such as treating each dog from time to time, so that they know that they are equally loved and valued. Introducing food puzzles, toys or other treats can also help to distract them from fighting over the food. If the problem persists, consider consulting a trained behavior expert.

Will Muzzles Stop Dogs From Fighting?

Muzzles can help to prevent dogs from fighting by reducing their ability to bite another dog, but even with the muzzle on, a dog may still act aggressively. The most effective way to stop dogs from fighting is to safely and calmly supervise the situation and separate the dogs if necessary.

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  1. Do not try to intervene in the fight yourself. You may be too close to the dogs and could end up being bitten or even injured.
  2. Do not yell or shout at the dogs. This could further agitate them and make the fight worse.
  3. Do not chase the dogs around or make any sudden moves. Doing so could startle them and make them even more aggressive.
  4. Do not try to hit or hit the dogs with an object. Doing so could result in the dogs attacking you or continuing to fight in an even more heightened state.
  5. Do not grab either dog by the collar or body parts while they fight. This could result in further injuring or damaging the dogs.

What To Do When You Can’t Break Up A Fight

When you can’t break up a physical fight, it is essential to step back and assess the situation first. Remain as calm as possible before intervening. If the participants are not too aggressive, try to separate the people involved by gently pushing them away from each other or try to move them away from one another. Speak calmly and firmly and use non-escalated language to ask them to stop. If necessary, call for help if the situation is out of your control. If the fight continues, it is best to remain a safe distance away and call emergency or local authorities for assistance.

How To Prevent Dogfights

  • Make sure you are in control when introducing new dogs to unfamiliar or aggressive dogs.
  • Don’t let your dogs roam free, as this is a surefire way to get them into fights. Make sure they are always under supervision.
  • Neuter your dogs to reduce their aggression and territorial instincts.
  • Provide consistent, positive reinforcement training for both of your dogs.
  • Always keep an eye out for signs of aggression in both dogs, such as growling, raised hackles, lip licking, snarling, and barking.
  • If a fight does break out, use a firm voice to distract the dogs and separate them by using a barrier or a blanket.
  • If the aggression persists, contact a professional for assistance.


Q. Can dogs live together after fighting?

A. Yes, dogs can live together after fighting, depending on the severity of the fight. If the quarrel was just a small altercation, it is likely that the dogs will easily live together after some space and time for calming down has passed. If the fight was more serious, it is often necessary to consult with an animal behaviorist or a veterinarian to identify and help resolve any behavioral issues that may exist between the two dogs.

Q. Is it normal for dogs to fight sometimes?

A. Yes, it is normal for dogs to fight sometimes if they are not properly socialized or are not getting along. Fighting between dogs may be a sign of dominance or territoriality.

Q. Should I let my dogs fight for dominance?

A. No, you should not allow your dogs to fight for dominance. Dogs that are allowed to fight for access to resources, attention, or dominance may become increasingly aggressive and may also cause injury to each other or to people.

Q. Will dogs stop fighting on their own?

A. No, dogs will not usually stop fighting on their own. Dogs will continue to fight until one dog either gives in or is removed from the situation. If two dogs are in a fight it is often best to introduce a distraction and remove them from the situation before the fight escalates further.


In conclusion, preventing dogs from fighting can be accomplished by spaying or neutering dogs, providing adequate exercise, preventing boredom and separation anxiety, providing proper socialization for puppies, and making sure all dogs are supervised while they are together. It is also important to ensure that all dogs involved are given ample space to avoid conflicts, educate owners about canine body language, and use positive reinforcement strategies. When conflicts still arise, use a loud and abrupt noise to startle the dogs apart and prevent them from escalating further.

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