How To Stop Puppy From Crying In Crate

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Puppies usually cry when they are left in their crates because they are unfamiliar with the new environment and feel scared and alone. The best way to stop the puppy from crying in the crate is to make the crate a positive experience for them. With patience and dedication, eventually, the puppy will learn to enjoy and even look forward to being in their crate. This article provides a few tips to help stop your puppy from crying in its crate and enjoy a positive puppy-crate experience.

How To Stop Puppy From Crying In CrateZPGrPP7R9Z9AM5VxCl7PZozQbyc3V0nBSyGLLZSBU8xa8MGyEYMmOO29CF74y5g22nDOUUaFff

  1. Start crate training slowly: Gradually introduce the puppy to the crate. Put tasty treats and toys inside, so the puppy associates the crate with something positive. Spend time inside the crate with the puppy each day to get him used to the space.
  2. Make the crate comfortable: Place something soft on the floor of the crate, such as an old blanket or towel. Line the sides with extra towels or stuffed animals. Avoid putting blankets that can be chewed on or swallowed.
  3. Give the puppy incentives: Offer a treat or toy to the puppy when first put into the crate. Offering incentives will make the puppy more likely to stay inside the crate and can help reduce anxiety.
  4. Create a regular routine: Establish a regular feeding and sleeping schedule for the puppy. Make sure to keep the schedule consistent to create a sense of comfort and certainty.
  5. Ignore excessive whining: If the puppy begins to whine, ignore it. Responding to whining with attention or affection may reward the behavior and make the whining more likely to continue in the future.
  6. Make sure the puppy gets enough exercise: Puppies who are bored or have a lot of energy may whine more in the crate. Make sure to take the puppy out to play for at least 30 minutes each day and give mental stimulation through activities such as walking or playing fetch.

Will Your Puppy Ever Like His Crate?

Yes, with proper training, most puppies can learn to like their crate and even enjoy spending time in it. It is important to make sure the crate is comfortable, safe, and a positive place for your puppy to be. With time and patience, your puppy can come to see their crate as a safe place they can relax.

Crate Training Basics

  • Keep Training Sessions Short: Keep training sessions short – no more than 5 – 10 minutes,  just long enough for your pup to learn something new. Long training sessions can be exhausting for puppies, and their short attention span can lead to boredom and lack of focus.
  • Use Positive Reinforcement: Reinforce good behavior by praising your pup every time he completes a task correctly. Use kind words and delicious treats as rewards.
  • Make Crate Time Special: Make crate time special by giving your pup a special toy or blanket to help him feel more relaxed and comfortable in the crate.
  • Supervise Crate Time: When introducing your pup to crate time, supervise at all times. This will help them feel comfortable and secure in their new space.
  • Make Crate Time Known: Let your pup know when it’s time for crate time. Ring a bell or give them a cue to let them know that it’s time to go and relax in the crate.
  • Make Crate Time Fun: During crate time, offer fun activities like puzzles or games to keep your pup entertained.
  • Give Your Pup Breaks: Make sure to give your pup plenty of breaks from the crate. This will help to keep him from getting bored or feeling too confined.
  • Increase Crate Time Gradually: Increase the amount of crate time gradually. Start with short stays and slowly increase the duration until your pup is comfortable being crated for as long as you need them to be.
  • Give Yourself Breaks Too: Don’t forget to take breaks for yourself. Puppy training can be stressful and exhausting. Make sure you take time for yourself too.
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How Long To Let Your Puppy Cry In His CrateMIq9qNAd2 Jo20YQjaWx3fKiNEOS3ILOWAc2pbEy2xamqGlWJbQH ickyQszx2dSyF9TajoGbN vAxynH IcHa

The answer to this question depends on the age of the puppy. Young puppies (e.g. 8 weeks to 6 months old) can generally only be expected to hold it for an hour or two. If the puppy is older than 6 months, they may be able to hold it for up to 4 hours. However, this is still a very short amount of time and should not be considered appropriate for any extended period of time. It is important to note that, regardless of age, you should never use a crate as a form of punishment.

How Long Does It Take For Puppy To Stop Crying At Night In A Crate?

The amount of time it takes for a puppy to stop crying at night in a crate can vary greatly depending on the individual puppy and the training techniques used. Some puppies can adjust quickly and in as little as a few days, while others may take several weeks. Proper training techniques that focus on positive reinforcement and consistency are essential for helping puppies to adjust more quickly.

Puppy Won’t Stop Crying In Crate At Night

Puppy won’t stop crying in the crate at night may be due to anxiety or stress caused by a variety of factors. Puppies may be scared of being left alone, not used to the dark, or uncomfortable in their crate. They may also be hungry or thirsty, need to potty, or simply want attention. It is important to identify the cause in order to help the puppy peacefully settle into the crate. If the puppy is anxious, try using a white noise machine or a night light in the crate. Providing an enclosed, comforting “den-like” space, such as provided by a security blanket or cushion may also help. If the puppy is hungry, thirsty, or needs to go potty, address the need before crating. You can also provide a low-level distraction, such as a ticking clock, to help the puppy transition to caringly being left in the crate. Praise your pup after he settles in and resume a routine of exercise, mental stimulus, and affection during the day.

Crate Alternatives

  • Doggy Den 
  • Pet Teepee 
  • Pop-up Pet Tent 
  • Soft-sided Portable Kennel 
  • Pet Snuggle Cave 
  • Fleece-Lined Dog Bed 
  • Toy Box 
  • Progressive Puzzle Plush Dog Toy 
  • Dog Playpen with Shade Cover 
  • Foldable Pet Ramp

Causes of Puppy Crying in the CrateeEvjwbgf jEdqp86na9q J6FU8vv5s67tqkOD88mKYMzZJRZWjaV1Sa0W8F6l9SHkL9w1eK26anDJqW5QYCTBNw5JHW vLHObodJY9hEewr dYp3sZeGQ3YJDw5Y5AwB7vdTh9Pvq4ckMCiOIwwmYaQ

  1. Separation Anxiety: Separation anxiety can be a common cause of puppy crying in the crate. This can be due to puppies not being accustomed to being separated from their mother, littermates, or their owners. An anxious puppy may cry out of fear or loneliness and struggle to settle in the crate.
  2. Immaturity: Sometimes puppy crying in the crate can be attributed to a puppy’s immaturity. If puppies are too young, they may not be able to stay in the crate for extended periods. Puppies may also be too young to understand the concept of being kept in a crate.
  3. Improper Crate Training: One of the most common causes of a puppy crying in the crate is improper crate training. If a puppy has not been taught the correct way to use the crate, or if the crate is not an inviting and comfortable environment, the puppy will become frustrated and cry out in protest.
  4. Potty Accidents: Potty accidents are one of the leading causes of a puppy crying in the crate. If the puppy is not properly house trained, or if the puppy is crated for too long, it may have accidents in the crate. This frustration will cause them to cry out so they can be let out.
  5. Poor Lighting: Poor lighting can be another potential cause of a puppy crying in the crate. If the crate is too dark or the puppy has a fear of the dark, it may cry in the crate out of fear.
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What Shouldn’t I Do If the Puppy Cries in His Crate?

If the puppy cries in his crate, it is important not to give in and let him out. While it may be difficult, it is important to stay calm and not yell at or punish the puppy for crying. Instead, try to identify any possible causes for the distress and address them in a positive manner. If the puppy is too hot or thirsty, provide them some cool water and/or a frozen toy to chew on. If they seem scared or lonely, provide some extra comfort and reassurance.

Puppy Crying in His Crate: When to Worry

If your puppy is crying in his crate, it is important to determine why he is crying in the first place. It could be due to separation anxiety, boredom, fear or stress, or physical discomfort such as eating, drinking, or having to go to the bathroom.

If it is a result of anxiety, boredom, or fear, it’s important to take steps to address these issues. If the puppy is isolated, try providing him with better toys and stimulation. If he is feeling frightened, it may help to provide a safe spot in the crate with some kind of reassuring items, such as a soft blanket or stuffed toy.

If the crying is due to physical discomfort, such as having to go to the bathroom, straining, or pain from any underlying medical conditions, then it is important to schedule a vet appointment right away. Depending on the cause, treatment may include medications, diet changes, or other lifestyle modifications.

It is normal for puppies to cry in their crates at various times, but if the crying persists frequently or if it is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it is important to take your puppy to the vet.

Crate Training Puppy Tips for SuccessOJdLYW H7vBerGuWSITOi7rQ8QUWAJBIUt7F 32kZ8Ksm1tK KSeGop1Kux1tLNWE Lip4t2dhhLCpMipzeFkfuZVrJSB0E0KWUhNqUywvrZ9NMD862DdRk of1LIlS4LdBfQowOX4VnarVdTa5gCyQ

  1. Start Slowly: Long periods of confinement can be stressful for puppies, so it is important to introduce them to the crate slowly. Place your puppy’s crate in the same room you are in, and allow them to explore it.
  2. Make It Comfortable: Make sure to line the crate with plenty of blankets and toys for your puppy. Add a treat to the crate to make it more appealing.
  3. Reward Calm Behavior: Provide treats and praise to your puppy for calmly entering the crate. Never force them in and never use the crate as punishment.
  4. Close the Crate: Once you have established a positive relationship with the crate, begin to close the door. When you are present with your puppy, slowly close the door and then open it right away. Gradually increase the amount of time the door is closed while you are present.
  5. Crate Separately: To help your puppy get used to being in the crate, have them stay in the crate for short periods of time in a different room from you. Increase the amount of time gradually and provides lots of praise when they are calm and quiet.
  6. Crate at Night: Eventually, it is important to have your puppy get used to spending time in the crate at night. Create a calm atmosphere and get your puppy into the crate for quiet time before bed. Provide treats when they are calm, and make sure to take them outside for bathroom breaks.
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How Do I Introduce the Crate To My Puppy?

  • Introduce the crate in a positive way by using treats or special toys. Give your puppy the opportunity to explore the crate and become comfortable with it.
  • Place the puppy’s bed, toys, and treats inside the crate. Do not force your puppy to get in the crate. Let them go in it at their own pace.
  • When your puppy is comfortable, have them stay in the crate for a few minutes at a time. Reward them with treats and verbal praise when they stay in the crate and when they come out.
  • Gradually increase the amount of time your puppy spends in the crate. Make sure to let them out for potty breaks and to get exercise.
  • Over time, your puppy will begin to associate the crate as their safe place, and no longer view it as a punishment.


Q. Do I let my puppy cry in the crate?

A. No, it is not recommended to let your puppy cry in the crate. It may cause distress and anxiety in the pup, can lead to a fear of confinement, and could create a habit of howling and barking out of discomfort. Instead, provide a safe, comfortable, and secure place for your pup and set clear rules and expectations around how they should behave.

Q. Should I let my puppy cry in a crate at night?

A. No, you should not let your puppy cry in a crate at night. Doing so can be upsetting and stressful for the puppy, and can lead to additional behavioral problems.

Q. How long do I let the puppy cry in a crate?

A. When crate training a puppy there is often a period of time where the puppy will cry or whine in order to settle themselves in the crate. During this period, owners should allow the puppy to cry for a few minutes in order to get used to being left alone, but it is important to not allow the puppy to continue crying for too long. Generally, owners should check in on the puppy every 5-10 minutes, reassuring them that everything is okay, before allowing the puppy to calm itself and possibly go to sleep.


There are multiple strategies you can use to help stop your puppy from crying in a crate. These include positive reinforcement, reducing boredom, creating a safe and comfortable environment, setting up consistent rules, and providing your puppy with regular walks and exercise. Regardless of the strategy you choose, it’s important to be consistent and patient as you teach your puppy to be comfortable in their crate. With time, consistency, and an attitude of understanding and love, you can help your puppy learn to be happy and settled in their crate.

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