Dogs are very wonderful when they not bitting or have not bitten someone, especially the people you know. But that is their nature and dog bites often happen to children. Adults can also be victims of dog bites but children are much more likely to be bitten. Knowing what to do when a dog bite occurs is important and very essential. It could be the difference between saving a life or losing it.
Dog bites may easily become infected with bacteria, therefore it’s crucial to treat the wound as soon as possible. Also, you need to evaluate the injury to establish its seriousness. It may be possible to do first aid on yourself in some situations. Some situations require rapid medical attention.
Damages a Dog Bite Can Cause
A dog bite can result in a wide range of serious medical problems. Infections, rabies, nerve and muscle injury, and many more fall under this category. Dog bites can cause:
- Infection: Every dog has the potential to harbor infectious bacteria in his mouth, including but not limited to staphylococcus, Pasteurella, and capnocytophaga. Those with compromised immune systems or diabetes can be at a higher risk of infection. Get medical attention if you experience any of these symptoms after a dog bite.
- Traumatic muscle and nerve injury: If an animal is bitten deeply enough, it can puncture blood vessels, muscles, and nerves beneath the skin. This can happen with even seemingly minor wounds, such as puncture marks.
- Bones that are broken: Broken, splintered, or cracked bones, especially in the legs, feet, or hands, are possible outcomes of a bite from a big dog. If you think you may have fractured a bone, you should seek immediate medical attention.
- Rabies: Rabies is a fatal viral disease that attacks the central nervous system. In the absence of treatment, fatalities might occur within a few days of infection. If you have been bitten by a dog and you are unsure of the dog’s vaccination history or you know that the dog is not up to date on its rabies shots, you should seek emergency medical assistance.
- Tetanus: Tetanus is a bacterial infection that causes a painful and sometimes fatal condition. In a country like the United States, where childhood vaccinations are widely available, this is quite unusual. A tetanus booster vaccine is recommended every ten years for adults. Respected Origin.
- Scarring: Scarring can occur if the skin is torn by a dog bite. In most cases, moderate scarring will fade away with time. Medical procedures like grafting and plastic surgery can help lessen the appearance of scars, even on prominent regions of the body like the face.
- Death: Deaths caused by dog bites in the United States are extremely uncommon. Children under the age of 10 account for almost 70% of fatal dog bite cases.
How to Tell if You Have an Infected Bite
Dog bites might cause either minor discomfort or cause serious injury. Holes in your skin might appear, with or without bleeding. Bruising is another possible outcome. You can suffer from joint or tendon damage, depending on where the bite occurred.
Symptoms manifest themselves in many ways, Like having:
- a rise in body temperature, redness, and inflammation near the injury.
- a cut that leaks pus.
- localized or generalized wound pain or discomfort.
- a state of high body temperature or shivering.
A human bite can quickly spread illness due to the high concentration of microorganisms in a human mouth. In the event of a deep bite, medical attention is recommended.
How to Clean a Dog Bite and the First Aid Treatment
If you or someone you know has been bitten by a dog, it is imperative that you take quick action to protect the wound from infection and hasten the body’s recovery. The following are the primary first-aid actions that you need to take:
- Clean the Wound up: It’s important to properly disinfect dog bites. If you run water over the wound for five to ten minutes, the germs and dirt will be washed away. You should then wash the area with mild soap and water after flushing the bite. Make sure you give it a good, long rinsing.
- Stop the Wound from Bleeding: Stop the bleeding by applying pressure to the area with a clean cloth or bandage as long as it continues to bleed. If the wound is bleeding, control the bleeding. Raise the injured area above the level of the heart to assist in stopping the bleeding.
- Use an antiseptic: To aid in the prevention of infection, the wound should be treated with either an antiseptic cream or a solution. You can apply an antibacterial ointment such as Neosporin, a disinfectant such as betadine or hydrogen peroxide, or a combination of the two.
- Protect the wound by covering it: To prevent the wound from becoming contaminated anymore, cover it with a sterile bandage or dressing. Alternately, replace the dressing on a daily basis or if it becomes soiled or damp.
- Be on the lookout for indicators of infection: Observe the wound carefully for any indicators of infection, such as redness, swelling, pus, or an increase in the level of discomfort. Get medical care as soon as possible if you have any of these symptoms.
- Seek medical assistance: If the wound is deep or extensive, or if the dog that bit you was unknown or may have been rabid, you should get medical assistance as soon as possible. It’s possible that you’ll require stitches, a tetanus shot, or even rabies treatment if you were bitten by the animal.
How will your doctor treat you?
Your Doctor will want to hear more details about the dog and the circumstances surrounding the bite. If there’s any chance of an infection, they’ll probably clean the area again, use an antibiotic ointment, and recommend drugs like Augmentin.
Make sure you know when your last tetanus shot was and that you are up to date before you go outside after any bite. The protection provided by a tetanus shot lasts for ten years. If it’s been more than five years since your previous booster and the wound is unclean, your doctor may advise you to get one.
Your doctor may also advise you to have sutures, but it will depend on the severity of your injury. Nevertheless, unless the incision is on the dog’s face or if it may leave a very severe scar if left unstitched, most canine wounds are left open to heal.
When is a Dog Bite Injury expected to heal
One in four dog attacks needs medical care, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The majority of dog bites recover within ten to fourteen days. Yet, it may take longer for more severe dog bites to recover.
The severity of your dog bite will determine whether or not you need medical attention, such as stitches or perhaps surgery. If you’ve been bitten by a dog and are experiencing any of the symptoms listed below as the wound heals, medical attention should be sought immediately.
- Swelling.
- Redness.
- Extreme tactile sensitivities.
- Sedimentation of fluids leaving a cut or wound.
Especially in the initial few days following the dog bite occurrence, these symptoms may be part of the natural healing process; nonetheless, it is essential to double-check just to be sure. If you think the dog who bit you could have been infected with rabies, you should see a doctor immediately.
What Kinds of Compensation Can I Get If a Dog Bites Me?
If your claim for compensation is approved, you will be able to get money for the following expenses related to your dog bite injury:
- medical care.
- A drop in earnings.
- Reduced potential income.
- Disfigurement.
- Damage to the skin that won’t heal.
- Losses not directly related to the economy
How much money you can get from a dog bite depends on a lot of things, such as how bad your injuries are and how long it takes you to recover. For emergencies, here is a list of contacts in different countries for you.
Tips to Avoid Dog Bites
We’ve been trying hard to discuss what to do if a dog attacks you or a loved one. Now, though, let’s talk about how to avoid dog bites. Dogs are fantastic pets and friends, but it is vital to keep in mind that they are still animals with instincts and can act aggressively if they feel threatened, terrified, or uncomfortable. To be safe from dog attacks, remember these guidelines:
Never approach a dog you don’t know, and definitely don’t try to pet or cuddle a strange dog. It’s important to remember that even a seemingly docile dog might suddenly snap if it feels threatened.
Never approach a dog without first asking the owner if you can pet it, and always let a dog sniff your hand before touching it.
Learn to decipher your dog’s body language: Warning signals such as growling, snarling, or bared fangs may be displayed by an anxious or angry dog. Keep your distance and avoid making eye contact with the dog if you see these signals.
Keep your cool: dogs can sense when you’re nervous or scared, and that might make them more likely to attack. Avoid making any abrupt movements or noises that might frighten the dog, and speak in a soothing tone.
Dogs might get hostile if they think someone is trying to take their food. A dog’s mealtime is not the time to try to take food away from it or otherwise disrupt it.
To reduce the risk of being bitten, it’s advisable to avoid approaching dogs who appear fearful or aggressive. A dog that is acting violently or nervously should be given lots of room and avoided.