Why Dogs Sneeze in the Morning
Why Dogs Sneeze in the Morning

Dogs sneeze for a number of reasons, but the most common is because they have a cold or an allergy. Morning is a common time for dogs to sneeze because that’s when they wake up and their nasal passages are dry.

Dogs sneeze for a number of reasons, but the most common is because they have a cold or an allergy. Morning is a common time for dogs to sneeze because that’s when they wake up and their nasal passages are dry.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the top 10 reasons why dogs sneeze in the morning.

Reasons Why Dogs Sneeze

Dogs sneeze for many reasons, and the root cause of sneezing can be difficult to determine. Allergies, infections, and tumors are among the most common causes of sneezing in dogs. Dental problems, such as tumors and abscesses, may also cause sneezing. Sneezing may also be caused by airborne irritants, foreign bodies, or nasal mites.

If your dog is sneezing frequently, it’s important to take him to the veterinarian for a check-up. The veterinarian will be able to determine the cause of the sneezing and recommend the appropriate treatment.

1. Allergies

Do you know why your dog sneezes in the morning? It’s usually because of allergies. Just like people, dogs can suffer from seasonal allergies, food allergies, and environmental allergies.

Dogs are particularly prone to environmental allergies because they spend so much time outside. Pollen, dust, and other allergens can get caught in their fur and cause a reaction. The most common symptoms of environmental allergies in dogs are sneezing, coughing, itchy skin, and watery eyes.

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If you think your dog might be suffering from allergies, take him to the vet for a diagnosis. There are a lot of treatments available for allergies, including medications and allergy shots. So don’t wait—get your dog checked out if you think he might be having problems with his allergies.

2. Respiratory Infections

You might be wondering why your dog always sneezes in the morning. Well, there are a few reasons why this might be the case.

One possibility is that your dog is suffering from a respiratory infection. When dogs catch a cold, their nasal passages become inflamed and they start sneezing as a way to clear out the infection.

Another possibility is that your dog is allergic to something in his environment. Pets can be allergic to things like dust, pollen, and smoke, and when they come into contact with these allergens, they will start sneezing.

If you think your dog might be sneezing because of a respiratory infection or an allergy, it’s best to take him to the vet for a diagnosis.

3. Dust or Mold in the House

It’s probably not a coincidence that your dog starts sneezing the moment you walk in the door. More often than not, it’s because of all the dust or mold in the house.

Dogs are more sensitive to these allergens than we are, so they’re more likely to start sneezing as soon as they come into contact with them. And since they spend so much time on the floor, they’re especially susceptible to sucking up all that dirt and dust.

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Mold is another big sneeze trigger for dogs, and it can be found in surprising places like damp basements and crawlspaces. If you think your home might be harboring a mold problem, it’s a good idea to have it checked out by a professional.

4. Hairspray or Perfume Irritating Their Noses

One potential reason for your dog’s morning sneezing is that he’s irritated by the hairspray or perfume you’re wearing. Dogs have a much more sensitive sense of smell than we do, and so these scents are much stronger to them.

If your dog is constantly sneezing in the morning, try avoiding hairspray and perfume around him, and see if that makes a difference. And if you really can’t go without these products, try spraying them in the air instead of directly on your skin.

5. Cigarette Smoke

It’s no secret that dogs hate cigarette smoke. In fact, just being around cigarette smoke can make them sneeze. But why is that?

Well, it all has to do with their sense of smell. Dogs have a much stronger sense of smell than we do, and they can detect cigarette smoke from miles away. Not only that, but the smoke actually irritates their nasal passages, which is why they sneeze.

So if you’re a smoker, be sure to keep your cigarettes away from your dog. It’s not only bad for your dog’s health, but it’s also bad for your own health as well.

6. Teething Puppies

When your pup is teething, it’ll sneeze a lot. This is because the new teeth are pushing through the gums, and it’s irritating as hell. (Sorry, puppies.) The good news is that this is a temporary phase, and it won’t last long.

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In the meantime, there are a few things you can do to make your pup more comfortable. You can give them frozen puppy treats to gnaw on or put ice cubes in their water dish. And if the sneezing is really getting to you, you can give them a little bit of Benadryl to help calm them down.


You might be wondering why your pup always sneezes in the morning. Well, wonder no more! Check out the top 10 reasons why dogs sneeze in the morning, according to experts.

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