Many Dogs owners don’t know Things to expect from a female dog after mating. It’s been a few weeks since you brought home that adorable little puppy, and now she’s all grown up – and pregnant! What do you need to do to make sure your furry friend has a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery?
Below we’ll cover some of the things you can expect from your dog during her pregnancy, as well as tips for taking care of her. Remember, always consult your veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns.
In this article, we’ll cover the following:
How to Know if Your Dog Is Pregnant

It can be tough to tell if your dog is pregnant, especially early on. Most dogs will start to show some signs of pregnancy around the fourth week, but some won’t start to show until the sixth or seventh week.
So how can you tell if your dog is expecting? There are a couple of things to look for. One is that your dog’s nipples will start to get bigger and darker. Another is that your dog will start to gain weight.
If you’re not sure, it’s always a good idea to take your dog to the vet and have them checked out. The vet can do an ultrasound to confirm whether or not your dog is pregnant.
Things to Expect During Your Dog’s Pregnancy
So your dog is pregnant! Congratulations! Now’s the time to start preparing for your new arrival. Here are a few things you can expect during your dog’s pregnancy:
The first thing you’ll probably notice is a change in your dog’s appetite. She’ll be eating more than usual, so make sure you have plenty of food and water available.
Your dog will also start to gain weight, so don’t be surprised if she starts to look a bit rounder around the middle. As her pregnancy progresses, she may start to have trouble getting up and down, so you’ll need to be extra careful not to let her climb stairs or jump up on furniture.
She may also start to experience morning sickness, which can lead to vomiting and diarrhea. If this happens, be sure to keep an eye on her water intake and make sure she stays hydrated.
Around the seventh or eighth week of pregnancy, you’ll be able to feel your dog’s puppies moving around inside her tummy. It’s an amazing experience!
In the last few weeks of pregnancy, your dog will start getting ready for labor. She may become restless and have difficulty sleeping. When she does go into labor, she may strain for a while before the puppies actually start coming out. But once they do, the happy reunion will be worth all the preparation!
How to Care for Your Pregnant Dog
Now that you know your dog is pregnant, it’s time to start preparing for the arrival of her puppies. Here are a few things you should do to make sure she has a healthy pregnancy and delivers healthy puppies.
First, make sure she has a comfortable place to rest. Provide her with a soft bed and plenty of blankets. You may also want to set up a whelping box for her. This is a small pen or crate that will be used to give birth and care for the puppies.
Second, make sure she has plenty of food and water. She will need more food than normal during her pregnancy, so increase her diet accordingly. And make sure she always has access to fresh water.
Third, take her to the vet for regular checkups. Your vet will monitor her health and ensure that everything is going smoothly. He or she may also prescribe some prenatal vitamins to help ensure a healthy pregnancy.
Finally, keep an eye on her weight and body condition. As she gets closer to giving birth, she will start to gain weight and her body will start to change shape. You don’t want her to get too heavy or too thin, so keep an eye on her condition and adjust her diet as necessary.
Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Now that you know your dog is pregnant, it’s important to start watching what she eats. During the first stages of pregnancy, your dog should continue to eat the same food she’s been eating. But starting at around the fourth week, you’ll need to start slowly transitioning her to a new diet
There are a few things you’ll need to avoid during this time: raw meats, dairy products, and fish. These foods can be harmful to both the mother and her puppies. Instead, focus on giving her nutrient-rich foods like rice, eggs, and chicken.
Preparing for Labor and Delivery

Once your female dog has been bred, there are a few things you need to do to prepare for labor and delivery. The first is to make sure she has a warm, comfortable place to give birth. You can set up a whelping box for her, or use a small kennel.
If you have other animals in the house, you’ll want to make sure they’re separated from your dog during delivery. They may be curious and want to check out the new arrivals, but this can be dangerous for the puppies.
You’ll also want to keep an eye on your dog during labor. If she seems to be struggling, or if the puppies are coming out too quickly, you may need to call the vet. Labor usually takes anywhere from two to six hours, but it’s best to be safe than sorry.
Post-Delivery Care for Your Dog
So your dog has just given birth, and now it’s time to start taking care of her and her new puppies. Here are a few things you can expect in the days and weeks following delivery:
Your dog will be tired and need plenty of rest. Make sure she has a quiet place to rest and plenty of fresh water and food.
Your dog’s milk will be coming in, so make sure you have plenty of puppy food on hand. Depending on how many puppies she has, she may need to nurse them every two to three hours.
Your dog’s nipples may become enlarged and sore from nursing, so you may want to apply a little bit of coconut oil or petroleum jelly to them after each feeding.
Your dog’s vulva will be swollen and may bleed a little bit for up to two weeks after delivery. This is normal, but if the bleeding gets excessive or if you see any pus or discharge, call your vet.
Once your female dog is pregnant, it’s important to keep an eye on her health and provide her with the necessary care to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy. Expect some changes in your dog’s behavior and diet during this time, and be sure to provide plenty of love and support.
By following these tips, you can help ensure a healthy pregnancy for your dog and a safe delivery of her puppies. Congratulations – you’re about to be a pet parent!