The Ultimate Guide to Training Your Bernedoodle Puppy 10 Popular Methods
The Ultimate Guide to Training Your Bernedoodle Puppy 10 Popular Methods

Congratulations on your new Bernedoodle puppy! These adorable crossbreeds are known for their playful and friendly nature, making them a popular choice for families and solo owners. However, as with any new pet, providing your Bernedoodle with the training they need to thrive is essential.

That’s why we have put together this ultimate guide to training your Bernedoddle Puppy, featuring ten popular methods for raising a happy and well-behaved pup.

So, whether you are a first-time dog owner or an experienced trainer, this guide has something for everyone. From crate training to socialization, we will take you through the most effective methods for training and setting your Bernedoodle up for success.

10 Popular Methods to Training Your Bernedoodle Puppy 10 Popular Methods

1. Positive Reinforcement

When it comes to training your Bernedoodle puppy, one of the most important and gentle methods you can use is positive reinforcement.

This means rewarding your puppy for good behavior instead of punishing them for bad behavior. Positive reinforcement can include treats, praise, and even playtime with their favorite toys.

For example, if you want your Bernedoodle to come when called, you can start by calling their name and rewarding them with a treat when they respond. This can help encourage your Bernedoodle to repeat desirable behaviors, making training a more enjoyable experience for both you and your pup while strengthening your bond.

Most decent Bernedoodle breeders recommend positive reinforcement as one of the best training methods when advising new pet owners.

However, it’s important to note that positive reinforcement is not just about treats. It can also include verbal praise, petting, and other forms of positive attention. The key is to use rewards that your pup finds motivating and to be consistent in your approach.

2.  Clicker Training

Another popular method of training for Bernedoodle puppies is clicker training. This technique involves using a clicker, a tiny device that you can hold in your hand. It makes a unique clicking sound when you press it.

Clicker training is based on operant conditioning, which means that your pup learns to associate a specific behavior with a reward based on the sound of the clicker.

To begin clicker training, you must first teach your pup to associate the clicker with a reward, such as a treat. Once your pup has learned this association, you can use the clicker to mark and reward desired behaviors.

For example, if you want your Bernedoodle to sit on command, you can use the clicker to mark the moment they sit and then reward them with a treat. It’s also a great way to communicate with your puppy without using words, which can be especially helpful if you have trouble speaking loudly or clearly.

Clicker training can be a highly effective way to teach your pup new behaviors, as it allows for precise timing and clear communication between you and your pup. With proper practice and consistency, you will be amazed at how quickly your Bernedoodle picks up new skills through clicker training.

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3. Mirror Training

Bernedoodles are smart and trainable dogs, but they can also be quite stubborn at times. That’s where mirror training comes in!

Mirror Training is a unique approach to puppy training that involves mimicking your puppy’s behavior and movements. This approach is all about setting a good example for your pup to follow.

Dogs are natural mimics, so if they see you doing something, they are more likely to do it too. This means you can simply teach your Bernedoodle good habits and behaviors by modeling them yourself.

For instance, if you want your pup to sit when asked, you can demonstrate this behavior by sitting yourself and then encouraging your pup to do the same. Over time, they will come to associate your behavior with the desired outcome and will begin to mirror your actions without any prompting.

Just remember to reward good behavior with lots of praise and treats, and your Bernedoodle will be well on their way to becoming a well-behaved companion.

4. Relationship-Based Training

Another approach to training your Bernedoodle puppy is through relationship-based training. As the name suggests, this method focuses on building a strong bond between you and your pup, which in turn will help them learn and respond better to your commands.

To implement relationship-based training, it’s important to spend quality time with your pup, providing affection and treats. This can include going on walks, playing games, and giving lots of belly rubs.

By strengthening your relationship in this way, you will create an environment of trust and mutual respect that will make training sessions more effective and enjoyable for you and your Bernedoodle.

Relationship-based training emphasizes communication and understanding between you and your pup. This means taking the time to learn your dog’s body language and cues and responding appropriately to their needs and wants.

5. Biting Training

One of the biggest challenges of owning a Bernedoodle puppy is dealing with their biting behavior. However, with the right approach, you can help your pup learn to control their biting and develop appropriate mouthing habits.

Hence, one of the first things you should do is establish a “no bite” policy. You should stop playtime or interaction with your puppy every time it bites. This will teach your pup that biting leads to negative consequences and that they should find other ways to play and interact with you.

Another effective technique is redirection, where you offer your pup a chew toy or treat to redirect their biting behavior away from people or objects they shouldn’t be biting.

It’s also important to teach your pup bite inhibition, which means training them to control the force of their bites. This can be done through gentle corrections, such as yelping or saying “ouch” when your pup bites too hard.

6. Crate Training

Crate training is a popular training method that’s used to teach your Bernedoodle puppy to feel comfortable and safe in their own space.

While some people might feel that crating a puppy is cruel or inhumane, the truth is that when done properly, crate training can provide the safest and most secure space for your puppy to rest and relax, as well as a valuable tool for potty training and preventing destructive behavior when you can’t supervise your puppy.

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To start, choose a crate that is the right size. You want it to be big enough  for your puppy to be able to lie down in comfortably.

Your pup should also be able to stand up and turn around, but not so large that they end up using one end as a bathroom and the other as a bedroom.

Put their favorite toys and treats inside, and let them explore on their own terms.  Once they are comfortable going in and out of the crate, you can start closing the door for short periods while you are in the room with them.

Gradually increase the time they spend in the crate, but always ensure they have something to keep them busy, like a puzzle toy or chew. It’s also essential to never use the crate as a punishment, as this can create negative associations and make it challenging to continue training.

7. Socialization

Socialization is a critical aspect of training your Bernedoodle puppy. This process basically involves exposing your puppy to different people, animals, and environments so that they can develop the skills necessary to interact with the world around them.

Socialization should begin as early as possible, ideally when your puppy is between 3 and 14 weeks old. During this period, your puppy is more receptive to new experiences and less likely to develop fear or anxiety.

A great way to socialize your puppy is to take them on walks in different environments, such as the park or the beach.

You can also invite friends and family over to meet your puppy or take them to a puppy training class where they can interact with other dogs.

That is, the ultimate key to socialization is to expose your puppy to as many different experiences as possible in a positive and safe way. Remember to take things slow and not overwhelm your puppy, as this can be counterproductive.

8. Barking Training

Barking is a natural behavior for dogs, but excessive barking can be annoying and disruptive. Hence, training your Bernedoodle puppy to control their barking is essential for both you and your furry friend’s sanity.

Start by identifying the triggers that cause your puppy to bark, such as strangers, other dogs, or loud noises. Then, teach your puppy the “quiet” command by rewarding them with treats and praise whenever they stop barking on command.

Being patient and consistent with your training is crucial, as your puppy may take some time to learn all these things.

You can also provide your puppy with toys and activities to keep them mentally stimulated and less likely to bark out of boredom.

However, if your puppy still continues to bark excessively, consult a professional trainer or behaviorist for additional guidance.

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Remember, barking is a form of communication for dogs, so it’s important to understand why your puppy is barking before trying to stop it.

9. Outdoor Walks – Leash training

Taking your Bernedoodle puppy for outdoor walks is essential to their development. Not only does it provide them with exercise and mental stimulation, but it also allows them to explore their environment and interact with other dogs and people.

However, before you take your puppy on outdoor walks, make sure to train them on leash walking.

Leash training is crucial because it will teach your puppy to walk calmly on a leash without pulling or becoming agitated. Hence, starting leash training as early as possible is important to avoid any behavioral issues.

The first step in leash training is getting your puppy used to wearing a collar or harness. You can do this by putting the collar on your pup during meal times or playtime.

Once your pup is comfortable with the collar, you can start attaching a leash and letting them drag it around the house. This will get them used to the sensation of having something attached to their collar.

When you are ready to start walking your puppy outside, start by taking them to a quiet area with minimal distractions.

Then, gradually take your puppy on short walks, rewarding them with treats and praise for walking calmly on the leash.

On the other hand, if your pup starts to pull on the leash, stop walking and wait for them to come back to your side before continuing.

10. Discourage Nipping

While it may be cute when your Bernedoodle puppy nips at your fingers or toes, it’s also essential to discourage this behavior early on.

After all, puppies explore the world with their mouths, but nipping can quickly become a bad habit if left unchecked.

One effective way to discourage nipping is to let out a yelp or high-pitched squeal when your puppy bites you.

This mimics the behavior of their littermates, who would let out a similar sound if a bite was too hard, letting your pup know that their bite was too rough and encouraging them to be gentler.

Another way to discourage nipping is to redirect your puppy’s attention to a chew toy or bone whenever they start to nip. This will give them something appropriate to chew on and help redirect their energy.

Hence, make sure that your puppy has access to plenty of appropriate chew toys and bones to keep them occupied as much as possible.


Training your Bernedoodle puppy can be a challenging but rewarding experience. By using the methods outlined in our ultimate guide, you can help your furry friend develop good manners, obedience, and behavior while strengthening your bond.

Remember to be patient, consistent, and positive throughout the training process, and don’t be afraid to seek professional help.

So, what are you waiting for? Start training your Bernedoodle today!

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