My Cat Has Worms How Do I Clean My House
If you have a cat, chances are you’ve had to deal with worms at some point. Worms are unpleasant, but they’re also a sign that your cat is healthy.
Unfortunately, they can also be a sign that your house is not as clean as it could be. If you think your cat has worms, there are some things you can do to clean your house and get rid of the pests.
Worms are one of the most common parasites that can affect cats. If your cat has worms, it’s important to take steps to clean your house and get rid of the infestation. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to get rid of worms in your home.

My Cat Has Worms How Do I Clean My House
How to Clean Your House If Your Cat Has Worms
If your cat has worms, it’s important to take steps to clean your house and prevent the spread of the infection. The first step is to remove all of the feces from your home.
This can be done by scooping it up with a shovel and disposing of it in a plastic bag. Next, you’ll need to disinfect all of the surfaces in your home. This can be done by using a bleach solution or by hiring a professional to do it for you.
Finally, you’ll need to make sure that your cat is getting treatment for the worms. This can be done by giving them medication or by taking them to the vet. By taking these steps, you can help to prevent the spread of worms in your home.
1. Deworm Your Cat
1. Deworm Your Cat Roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and heartworms are the four main sorts of worms, and the type of deworming medicine you need will depend on the type of worm that has affected them.
The most prevalent parasite in cats, and particularly prevalent in kittens, is the roundworm. Through the consumption of fleas, tapeworms also commonly spread diseases. Although less frequent, hookworms and heartworms should still be taken seriously. Take your cat to the clinic for a precise diagnosis if you’re unclear of which parasite it has.
Then, your veterinarian will suggest a course of action and a prescription. However, I would always advise obtaining the medicine from a vet, especially if you are deworming kittens. You may also buy deworming medication over-the-counter.
2. Put On Protective Equipment
It can seem a little theatrical to put on safety gear to clean your house. However, this is a crucial step that you cannot afford to skip when dealing with worms. If you mistakenly consume worm eggs that are lurking in your house, you might get worm illnesses. The last thing you want is for this to occur!
The most frequent feline intestinal parasite that may spread to humans is the roundworm. People may breathe in their eggs when they become airborne. Therefore, while dealing with roundworms, particularly when cleaning up hard, dry feces, you must use a N95-rated dust mask.
I also advise wearing gloves and, at the very least, rubber boots as additional safety gear. To ensure that I am as safe as possible, I always like to wear full-body overalls. Wearing a temporary apron would be more appropriate, however. When feasible, always use protective gear that can be thrown away immediately after use: disposables.
3. Empty their trash can.
After your cat has been dewormed, you may start cleaning your house to get rid of any worm remains! Because roundworm and tapeworm eggs may be detected in your cat’s faeces, the first place you should look is its litter box.
Given that roundworms are spread by feces, this is particularly crucial if your cat has them. However, getting rid of tapeworm eggs is just as crucial. Before being consumed by the cat and leading to a tapeworm infection, these eggs are first consumed by an intermediate host. Therefore, getting rid of the eggs helps stop these processes.
While your cat is healing from worms, you must empty the litter box every single day. To get rid of as many eggs as you can, always empty the tray and clean it with a disinfectant. To stop the parasites from spreading to you, I advise using disposable gloves and other protective gear that you can discard right away after usage.
4. Repair Other Mishaps
Of fact, episodes of diarrhea and vomiting are among the signs of worm infestation in cats. It’s crucial to clear up all of these mishaps as quickly as you can. In most situations, worms and their eggs will only be found in the faeces, but in cases of severe infestations, worms may also be found in the vomit. Use caution if handling these compounds.
If the mishap occurs on a hard surface, tissue or paper towels may be used to soak up and clean up as much of the mess as you can. After usage, clean the floor with detergent and hot, boiling water. After that, use a disinfectant spray to get rid of any undesirable germs. Always use care while choosing items to avoid harming the hard floor.
Carpet cleaning is more challenging. Clean up as much as you can, then steam your carpet before using a carpet cleaner as directed on the package. To get rid of the stains and smells on your carpet, it might be tempting to use cleaner in larger concentrations. However, doing so might harm the floor, thus it is preferable to repeatedly clean the area.
I also advise purchasing an enzymatic cleanser. Enzymatic cleansers break down the smelly molecules to make them go away permanently, unlike many cleaning agents that mask odors rather than removing them. Apply once more, if necessary, multiple times.
5. Scrub every hard surface.
Many individuals mistakenly believe that they just need to clean the areas where their cat has directly urinated or defecated. When your cat has a worm infestation, you must clean out all the hard surfaces in your house. The worms or eggs might have easily clung to your cat’s hair and spread throughout your whole house.
Fortunately, worms find it difficult to survive for extended periods of time on hard surfaces, but it’s best to be cautious than sorry. Pay close attention to ridges and crevices while cleaning hard surfaces. Worms will most likely gather in these locations and have the best chance of surviving.
The best technique to guarantee that any leftover worms are eliminated is to use a solution of boiling water and bleach. However, as usual, use caution while using bleach to prevent harm to your flooring or furnishings. Enzymatic cleansers and disinfectant sprays also function effectively.
6. Thoroughly wash your carpets
One of the most crucial things you should do while cleaning your home after a worm infestation is probably washing your carpets. There are several methods for worms and their eggs to get into carpets. For instance, you or your cat can bring in polluted dirt or animal excrement from outdoors. The worms end up on your carpet the very next moment.
Roundworms, tapeworms, and hookworms are just a few of the many varieties of worms that may live on carpets. While some only have a few days to live, others might live for weeks. The true danger comes from their eggs, which may survive there for much longer. For many months, tapeworm and roundworm eggs, for instance, may survive on carpets. If they are not removed right away, they could later lead to an infection.
Cleaning your carpets can help you avoid this. I prefer to start by vacuuming my carpet and then steam cleaning it since the most efficient approach to get rid of worms is to use heat. While you let the salt settle, be sure to keep your cats and other pets in a different room. Lastly, vacuum the salt and worm carcasses before throwing everything away.
One thorough cleaning should be sufficient, but continuing to vacuum and steam your home will assist get rid of any worms that may still be present after the first cleaning.
7. Clean soft furniture
Worms may, unfortunately, thrive on other materials than carpet. Other soft items like bedding, pet beds, cushions, blankets, and cat toys may also support the survival of these bothersome parasites. They may quickly spread to these regions by adhering to your cat’s hair.
As a result, you must be sure to wash all of these soft furnishings. Place anything that your cat has come into touch with in the washing machine. To avoid further infection in the future, be sure to run a hot cycle to ensure that any residual eggs are destroyed.
If they are in a room where your cat has access to, larger fabric furniture pieces like a sofa or an armchair should also be cleaned. The best method is to use a steam cleaner since it generates the heat required to destroy the eggs. Simply use hot water and detergent to clean leather furniture.
The cracks on soft furniture items are where the worm eggs are most likely to survive, much as when cleaning hard surfaces. Make sure you fully engage and occupy the whole sofa. A worm infection might return in a few months if you miss any places.
8. Purify the outside space
The majority of owners will lament, “My cat has worms! How should my home be cleaned? But if you have an outdoor cat, cleaning the exterior of your house is just as important as cleaning the inside. It serves no use to put in infinite effort to ensure that the inside of your home is clear of worms just to discover eggs and worms hiding on your patio.
Here again, boiling water is your best bet. Bleach should be added to the boiling water in the kettle. To destroy any worms on your concrete patio, spread this mixture over the whole area. Avoid using a forceful hose or pressure washer since doing so might spread the parasites across your yard.
Worms and other parasites are UV-sensitive and will perish if the surface they are living on gets overheated and dry from the sun’s rays. As a result, you may also try covering any soil that you suspect of being contaminated using a transparent plastic tarpaulin sheet and pinning it down with pebbles. Any worms and their eggs on the soil’s surface will be killed over the course of a few days and weeks when the UV radiation penetrates the plastic.
The top layer of soil, where the bulk of worms and their eggs would be located, may also be removed from minor contaminated regions. To avoid re-infection, use gloves when doing this and dispose of the worm-infested soil at a landfill.
You must also make sure to clear up your cat’s excrement right away if it defecates in your garden. The same is true for any neighborhood or wild cats who utilize your garden as a kitty litter box. Unfortunately, any of these creatures might be infected with worms, and as was previously noted, transmission via excrement is most probable. Every day, make an effort to inspect your garden for feces and securely remove it.
9. Clean and Disinfect Any Tools Used
After completing the aforementioned processes, the last thing to do is to disinfect all of the instruments you used throughout the procedure. If you removed the worms and their eggs from your yard, you should also remove your vacuum, steam cleaner, and even the boots you were wearing.
All of them must be cleaned with hot water and paper towels, which are then discarded. During the cleaning process, make an effort to utilize as much disposable gear as you can, such as disposable gloves, aprons, towels, and more. This makes it simpler to verify sure there are no worms left in your house.
Make sure to place your used clothing and other debris in a garbage bag before putting that bag inside another, just to be safe. So that the infection source is as far away as possible, take this trash to a landfill or a skip.
Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Worms in Your Cat
Worms are a common problem for cats, and ignoring them can have serious consequences. If left untreated, worms can cause anemia, weight loss, and even death in cats.
In addition, worms can be passed from cats to humans, so it’s important to take steps to prevent and treat them. If you think your cat has worms, talk to your veterinarian and follow their recommendations. Worms are a common problem, but taking action can make all the difference.
What Are The Different Types Of Worms That Can Affect Cats?
There are a number of different types of worms that can affect cats. The most common are roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms. Cats can also be affected by heartworms, although this is less common.
1. Hookworms

Both dogs and cats may have hookworms. These worms attach themselves to the intestinal lining of your pet and feed on their blood.
Adult animals may not exhibit any signs, while younger animals may have anemia and bloody diarrhea.
If your pet consumes or tramples soil containing hookworm larvae, or if your pet hunts a rodent carrying hookworms, they might get the parasite.
Hookworm larvae may tunnel into the skin and produce severe itching if individuals walk barefoot over soil that contains them.
2. Roundworms

One of the most prevalent intestinal parasites seen in both cats and dogs, roundworms are long, white, and spaghetti-like in appearance.
Puppies and kittens may be more badly impacted than adult dogs and cats, who may not exhibit any overt symptoms. Young animals may have a potbelly and delayed development, and symptoms might include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and poor coat quality.
Roundworm eggs are passed from infected animals via their feces, where they end up in the ground where they may be eaten by other animals, who would then start the cycle all over again.
Roundworm-infected pregnant dogs and cats may pass the parasite on to their fetuses. Worms can also be acquired by eating infected rodents by pets that hunt them.
The parasite’s larvae may enter our bodies and spread sickness if humans unintentionally consume these eggs.
3. Tapeworms

Infected cats and dogs have segmented worms called tapeworms in their small intestines. The pet’s feces sometimes include tapeworms, which resemble microscopic, creeping rice grains.
Although dogs may exhibit symptoms including scooting, discomfort around the anus, and unexplained weight loss, most canines don’t exhibit any clinical indications of a tapeworm infestation. Weight loss, tapeworm segments near the anus, and persistent vomiting are all potential warning signals in cats.
Egg-containing segments are expelled from the worm and land in the animal’s excrement. The “flea tapeworm” is the most prevalent kind of tapeworm, and as its name implies, it is spread when animals ingest infected adult fleas.
A person may develop tapeworm if they ingest an infected flea, albeit this is uncommon.
4. Whipworms

In North America, cats seldom get whipworm infections; the condition only affects dogs. With a longer, narrower rear end and a broader front end, whipworms resemble whips. Adult dogs are more often affected by this worm than pups.
Pets may not exhibit symptoms when there are few worms present. With their whip-like tails, the worms injure the intestines in severe infestations, which may result in bloody diarrhea.
Pets who like to dig around in the dirt run the risk of unintentionally ingesting whipworm eggs that have gotten into the ground from an affected animal.
There is minimal chance that you may get dog whipworm from your pet since it is not a zoonotic concern.
How Do Indoor Cats Get Worms In The House?

Even though they stay inside, several pathways can introduce these unwelcome guests:
1. Fleas: This is a common culprit for tapeworms. Even indoor cats can encounter fleas hitching a ride on humans, other pets, or even clothing. When your cat grooms, they might accidentally swallow an infected flea, leading to a tapeworm infestation.
2. Infected prey: While rare, an indoor cat who occasionally catches a rodent or insect (think house fly!) unknowingly ingests worm eggs through the prey.
3. Eggs on shoes or clothes: Microscopic worm eggs can cling to your shoes or clothes and get tracked into the house. If your cat ingests these eggs, they can become infected.
4. Shared litter box: If you have other pets, especially outdoor ones, they can unknowingly transmit worm eggs through shared litter boxes.
5. Passed from mother to kittens: Kittens can be born with worms if their mother was infected during pregnancy.
6. Contaminated soil: Even indoor potting soil can sometimes contain worm eggs. If your cat ingests dirt while grooming, they could become infected.
7. Direct contact with infected animals: Even brief contact with other infected animals, like stray cats, can transmit worms.
Remember: Regular veterinary checkups and preventative medications are crucial for protecting your indoor cat from worms. Early detection and treatment ensure your feline friend’s health and well-being.
How Can I Prevent My Cat From Getting Worms?
Preventing your cat from getting worms is definitely the best approach! Here are some effective strategies:
1. Regular veterinary care and deworming:
- Schedule routine checkups: Your vet can recommend a deworming schedule based on your cat’s age, lifestyle, and risk factors. Kittens typically need more frequent deworming than adult cats.
- Follow the recommended deworming protocol: Don’t skip doses or deviate from the vet’s prescribed medication and schedule.
- Consider year-round prevention: Many medications protect against several types of worms and offer year-round coverage, simplifying the process and providing consistent protection.
2. Flea and tick control:
- Use a monthly preventative: Fleas carry tapeworm eggs, so keeping your cat flea-free significantly reduces the risk of tapeworm infection. Choose a product recommended by your vet and use it year-round, even on indoor cats.
3. Control your cat’s environment:
- Keep them indoors: Limit their exposure to potentially infected animals and soil. Consider leashed walks or secure outdoor enclosures if supervised outdoor access is desired.
- Clean the litter box daily: This minimizes exposure to worm eggs shed by other pets (if applicable) and reduces overall bacterial growth.
- Wash bedding and toys regularly: Use hot water and detergent to eliminate potential worm eggs.
- Practice good hygiene: Wash your hands after handling your cat or cleaning their litter box.
- Avoid feeding raw meat: Raw meat can harbor worm larvae, so stick to commercially prepared cat food.
4. Prevent contact with infected animals:
- Limit interaction with stray cats or unknown animals.
- If you have multiple pets, ensure all are on proper parasite prevention.
5. Be mindful of potential contamination:
- Use clean potting soil: Opt for sterilized or commercially prepared mixes.
- Be aware of potential soil exposure: If your cat tends to lick or chew plants, consider alternative indoor greenery options.
By following these preventative measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of your cat developing a worm infestation, promoting their overall health and well-being. Remember, consult your veterinarian for personalized advice on the best prevention methods for your specific feline friend.
How Do You Know If Worms Are All Gone?
Unfortunately, there’s no definitive way to know for sure that all worms are gone from your cat without professional confirmation. This is because some types of worms may not show any visible signs even during an infestation, and eggs can remain dormant in the environment for a while.
Here are some indicators that can suggest the worms are gone, but they are not absolute guarantees:
- Absence of visible worms: If you haven’t seen any signs of worms in your cat’s stool, fur, or vomit for several weeks after completing the prescribed deworming treatment, it’s a good sign. However, some worm species are microscopic or shed segments intermittently, so this isn’t foolproof.
- Improvement in clinical signs: If your cat was experiencing symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, or scooting due to worms, a noticeable improvement after treatment is encouraging. However, other factors could also cause these symptoms.
- Negative stool test: Your veterinarian can perform a fecal flotation test to check for the presence of worm eggs in your cat’s stool. If the test comes back negative after your cat has completed the deworming regimen, it suggests they are worm-free. However, eggs can be undetectable during certain stages of the worm’s life cycle, and not all worm types are detectable through fecal tests.
The most reliable way to confirm your cat is worm-free is through a follow-up visit to your veterinarian:
- Schedule a follow-up appointment: Discuss your observations and concerns with your vet. They may recommend one or a combination of the following:
- Repeat fecal test: This can help identify any remaining eggs, especially if the first test was conducted early after treatment.
- Blood test: Some blood tests can detect specific types of worm infections.
- Physical examination: The vet may observe your cat for any remaining signs or symptoms suggestive of worms.
Based on the test results and your cat’s overall health, your veterinarian can confirm if the worms are gone and advise on future preventative measures.
Discovering your cat has worms can be daunting, but remember, you’re not alone. By prioritizing both treatment and thorough cleaning, you can effectively combat the infestation and create a safe, worm-free haven for your feline friend.
Remember, prevention is key. By incorporating regular veterinary care, proper parasite control, and mindful cleaning habits into your routine, you can significantly reduce the risk of future worm infestations, ensuring your cat enjoys a happy and healthy life.
FAQs On My Cat Has Worms How Do I Clean My House
1.Should I Quarantine My Cat with Tapeworms?
If your cat has tapeworms, you may be wondering if you should quarantine them. The answer depends on the severity of the infestation and the risk of your cat infecting other animals or humans.
If the infestation is severe, it’s best to quarantine your cat to prevent the spread of the worms. You’ll also need to clean your house thoroughly to remove any eggs that may be present.
2. Can cats spread worms in the house?
Unfortunately, yes, cats can spread worms in the house.
3. How long can cat worms live on surfaces?
- Roundworm eggs: Up to years in ideal conditions.
- Hookworm eggs: Up to several months under favorable conditions.
- Tapeworm eggs: Less than a few weeks in most environments.
Remember, these are just estimates. The actual survival time can vary considerably depending on the specific circumstances.
4. Can I touch my cat if it has worms?
Ultimately, the decision of whether to touch your cat rests with you. However, by being mindful of the risks and taking appropriate precautions, you can minimize the chances of contracting worms from your feline friend.
5. Should I deworm myself if my cat has worms?
It’s not recommended to self-deworm if your cat has worms. While some types of worms can transfer from pets to humans (zoonotic infections), it’s not a common occurrence with good hygiene practices like thorough handwashing after handling your cat or its litter box. Additionally, human deworming medications are different from those given to animals and can be harmful if taken without proper diagnosis and prescription.
6. Can cat worms live on clothes?
Adult cat worms cannot live on clothes for long periods. They are adapted to living inside the warm, moist environment of a cat’s intestines and wouldn’t survive for long in the drier conditions on clothes. However, worm eggs can be transferred to clothes and survive for weeks or even months, depending on the type of worm and the environment.
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