How To Tell If A Cat Is Pregnant
Cats are one of the most popular pets around the world, and it’s not uncommon for owners to find themselves in a situation where they have to determine whether their cat is pregnant. While there can be some obvious signs that your cat is expecting, such as a swollen belly or increased appetite, there are also some more subtle signs that can be harder to spot. In this article, we’ll look at the signs of how to tell if a cat is pregnant and how to tell if your cat is expecting.
How To Tell If A Cat Is Pregnant

It is difficult to tell if a cat is pregnant in the early stages. However, once the cat is further along in her pregnancy, there are some signs that you can look for. These include:
Increased appetite: A pregnant cat will eat more than usual.
Abdominal enlargement: The abdomen of a pregnant cat will begin to swell as the kittens grow.
Nipple enlargement: The nipples of a pregnant cat will become larger and more noticeable.
Nesting behavior: Pregnant cats may begin to look for a place to nest and give birth.
Behavioral changes: Pregnant cats may become more affectionate and may seem more anxious or restless.
If you are still unsure whether or not your cat is pregnant, you should take her to the vet for a proper diagnosis.
Examining the Cat’s Nipples To Tell If It Is Pregnant
The most definitive way to tell if a cat is pregnant is by having a veterinarian examine her. However, if you are unable to have a vet examine her, you can look for some physical signs that may indicate she is pregnant. One of the changes that may occur is that the nipples may become enlarged and more prominent. If the cat is pregnant, the nipples may become pinker and more prominent. In some cases, the nipples may even produce a milky discharge. Additionally, the cat’s abdomen may become distended and she may become more affectionate.
How To Tell If A Cat Is Pregnant By Testing Hormone Levels
If you suspect that your cat is pregnant, the best way to confirm it is by testing hormone levels. The most common hormone test used to confirm pregnancy in cats is a progesterone test. Progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum in the ovary and is only present during pregnancy. A rise in progesterone levels is an indication of pregnancy. Your veterinarian will take a blood sample and send it to a laboratory for analysis of progesterone levels. The results will tell you if your cat is pregnant and at what stage of gestation.
How To Tell If A Cat Is Pregnant By Looking for Nesting Behavior
Nesting behavior is one of the most common signs of a pregnant cat. This behavior is characterized by the cat gathering blankets, soft materials, and other items to create a nest in which to give birth. If you notice your cat gathering materials, or carrying them around in their mouth, this may be a sign that they are pregnant. Additionally, if you notice your cat spending more time in a particular area or corner of the house, it may be trying to prepare a nest in which to give birth.
How to Perform a Home Test to Determine if a Cat Is Pregnant

Monitor your cat’s behavior: Pregnant cats may display nesting behavior, such as seeking out dark, secluded spaces and displaying more affection than usual.
Feel your cat’s abdomen: You may feel a firm, round lump in her abdomen that could indicate pregnancy.
Keep track of her heat cycles: A female cat that has not been spayed will go into heat every few weeks. If this cycle stops and she shows no signs of going into heat, she may be pregnant.
Observing Physical Changes in the Cat To Tell If It Is Pregnant
- Changes in appetite: A pregnant cat may start eating more than usual and may even become picky about certain foods.
- Changes in behavior: A pregnant cat may become more active and playful, or more cuddly and affectionate.
- Changes in appearance: A pregnant cat may start to look more rounded and her nipples may become more prominent.
- Changes in weight: A pregnant cat may start to gain weight, although this might not be noticeable until later on in the pregnancy.
- Changes in temperature: A pregnant cat’s temperature may drop slightly before rising again around the time of birth.
- Changes in nesting behavior: A pregnant cat may start to look for a suitable place to give birth, such as a box or other enclosed area.
How to Observe Your Cat’s Behavior To Tell If It Is Pregnant
- Look for physical changes. You may notice that your cat’s nipples are enlarged, or that her stomach is getting larger.
- Monitor her appetite. An increase in appetite is a common sign of pregnancy in cats.
- Look for nesting behavior. Pregnant cats will often start nesting and gathering materials to build a nest for their kittens.
- Pay attention to her behavior. Pregnant cats may become more affectionate and needy, even wanting to sleep with you.
- Track the calendar. A cat is usually pregnant for between 58 and 65 days. If your cat is close to this time frame and showing some of the symptoms of pregnancy, it’s likely she is pregnant.
- Watch for morning sickness. Just like humans, cats can experience morning sickness during the early stages of pregnancy. If you notice your cat vomiting more frequently, it may be a sign of pregnancy.
How to Monitor Your Cat’s Weight and Appetite To Tell If It Is Pregnant
- Monitor your cat’s weight regularly. Cats can gain or lose weight during pregnancy, so keeping track of your cat’s weight is key to tell if it is pregnant. Weigh your cat on a regular basis and note any changes.
- Watch your cat’s appetite. A pregnant cat may eat more or less than usual. If your cat’s appetite increases significantly or decreases, it may be a sign of pregnancy.
- Monitor your cat’s behavior. Pregnant cats may become more affectionate and clingy. They may also start to show signs of nesting, such as looking for a quiet, comfortable spot to rest.
- Pay attention to physical changes. Look for signs of physical changes such as an enlarged abdomen or nipples that may indicate pregnancy.
Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy in Cats

Weight gain: A pregnant cat will gain weight as the kittens develop.
Changes in appetite: Cats will often show decreased or increased appetite during pregnancy.
Nipple enlargement and secretion: As the kittens grow, the mother’s nipples may become enlarged and secrete a milky fluid.
Nesting behavior: A pregnant cat may start to display nesting behavior, such as looking for a warm, safe place to give birth.
Abdominal enlargement: The mother’s abdomen will increase in size as the kittens grow.
Increased affection: Pregnant cats may become more affectionate and seek more attention from their owners.
Abdominal tenderness: As the kittens grow, the mother’s abdomen may become tender to the touch.
Milk production: Toward the end of the pregnancy, the mother’s mammary glands may produce milk.
Morning Sickness: Some cats may exhibit signs of morning sickness such as vomiting or loss of appetite.
When to Take a Cat to the Veterinarian for a Pregnancy Test

If you suspect that your cat is pregnant, it is important to take her to the veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis. A veterinarian can perform an ultrasound to look for developing kittens or do a blood test to confirm the pregnancy. Cats typically show signs of pregnancy between 35 and 45 days after conception, so if your cat has been around an intact male and is displaying any of these signs, it is best to take her to the vet as soon as possible.
How to Diagnose A Cat Pregnancy with a Veterinary Exam
Visiting your veterinarian is the best way to diagnose a cat pregnancy. During the exam, the vet will be able to assess the cat’s health, confirm the pregnancy and determine how many kittens the cat is expecting.
- Palpation: The veterinarian will gently feel the abdomen of the cat to feel for any fetuses. It is best to wait until at least day 25 of the pregnancy for this to be successful.
- Ultrasound: Ultrasounds are typically done after day 25 of the pregnancy to confirm the pregnancy, determine the number of fetuses, and assess the size and health of the fetuses.
- Blood Test: Blood tests can be done to measure the level of a hormone called relaxin which is only present during pregnancy. This is typically done after day 20 of the pregnancy.
- X-Ray: X-rays can be done to assess the skeletal development of the fetuses. This is typically done after day 40 of the pregnancy.
If the cat is pregnant, the veterinarian will be able to provide advice on the best ways to care for the cat during her pregnancy. This could include special diets, supplements, and exercise recommendations.
Ultrasound and X-Ray to Confirm Pregnancy in Cats
Ultrasound and X-ray are both commonly used to confirm pregnancy in cats. Ultrasound is the preferred method as it can be used to accurately determine the number of kittens the cat is carrying and their estimated gestational age. Ultrasound involves using sound waves to create an image of the developing fetuses in the uterus. It is generally performed at three to four weeks of gestation.
X-rays are not as accurate as ultrasounds but can be used to confirm that a cat is pregnant. X-rays can be used to detect the presence of a fetus or fetus within the uterus. X-rays are usually performed between four to six weeks of gestation.
Both ultrasound and X-ray are non-invasive procedures and are generally considered safe for pregnant cats. However, if your cat is pregnant, you should always consult your veterinarian before performing any diagnostic tests.
If you suspect your cat is pregnant, you should take her to the vet for a thorough examination. A vet can accurately diagnose pregnancy and advise you on how to care for your cat during pregnancy and delivery. If you’re not sure whether your cat is pregnant, look for physical signs such as a larger abdomen, nipples that are more swollen than usual, and a decrease in activity. You can also watch for behavioral changes such as more affectionate behavior and frequent grooming. By monitoring your cat’s behavior and physical appearance, you should be able to determine if she is pregnant.