Dog Not Eating After We Move [Why And What You Can Do]

Dog Not Eating After We Move. If you are experiencing problems with your dog’s eating habits after moving to a new home, you are not alone. Dogs often go through many changes when they are moved from one home to another and it can take some time for them to get back into the routine of things, especially if the new house does not allow them as much freedom as the old one did.

Dogs who are left at home for long periods of time without the companionship of their owners may also have trouble adjusting, and this too can lead to eating issues.

Reasons Why Your Dog Might Not Be Eating

Dog Not Eating After We Move
  • They have a new diet and are still getting used to it.
  • They are just being picky.
  • They have a dental problem or illness.
  • There may be something wrong with their stomach or other organs. – They could also have anxiety issues, stress, depression, or PTSD.

You might need to switch dog food brands if your dog is not eating as often as they should be.
If you notice that your dog has been off their food for more than two days and seems lethargic, take them in for an examination.

Contact the vet and ask them what they recommend when you go in for the appointment so that the vet knows how serious the situation is.

The vet will want to perform a physical exam on your dog, look at his gums, eyes, ears and skin color, check his heart rate and temperature.

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They’ll also do blood work to rule out organ failure or disease.
It’s always better to be safe than sorry!

Transitioning Your Dog’s Diet

A common problem that occurs after a move is your dog not eating. If you’ve tried to make your new home feel as much like your old one, but this doesn’t seem to help, there are other steps you can take.

For example, it might be time to transition their diet. Feeding them the same food they ate at home will only remind them of what they’re missing and won’t allow for any progress in becoming acclimated.

It’s important to know what type of food your dog has been eating and what foods he likes before changing his diet too drastically. If you don’t know, start by reading the label on his current food bag and try something with similar ingredients.

Always introduce a new food gradually so your dog can adjust to each change. Monitor how much he eats during these two weeks and look for signs of allergies or digestive problems such as loose stool or diarrhea (which could require veterinary attention).

Once you see your dog taking well to the change in diet, increase how often you feed him until he’s eating three times per day.

Making Mealtimes More Appealing

Dog Not Eating After We Move

It could be that your dog is not hungry, but it might also be that the food you’re offering isn’t appealing to him. Dogs have a keen sense of smell, so it’s possible he doesn’t like the smell or taste of what you’re feeding him.

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If your dog has been eating one type of kibble and suddenly won’t eat it, try switching to a different flavor. Give canned food as an alternative for variety. Start by mixing small amounts of new food with old food in a slow transition process, gradually increasing the amount of new stuff until he eats only the new stuff.

If your pup still refuses to eat, try moistening his dry food with some water or broth. Watch out for treats; they can quickly become unhealthy if fed too much of them (you should limit treats to 10% of daily calories).

When all else fails, talk to a vet about other options such as supplements and medications.

When to Worry and Seek Veterinary Care

Dog Not Eating After We Move

If your pet is refusing food and water, has lost a significant amount of weight, or is vomiting frequently or having diarrhea, it’s time to get help. If you have any other concerns about your pet’s health that persist after reading this post, please consult with your veterinarian.

To find out if there is an underlying problem that may be affecting your dog’s appetite, take them for a veterinary exam. Whereby your pet doctor will examine their ears, eyes, nose and throat; their heart rate; skin condition; overall demeanor and body condition; lungs and chest cavity; abdomen; genitals and urinary tract; the presence of injuries (e.g., cuts on their feet); and any evidence of recent surgery or injury.

Your vet can also order blood tests to investigate further, so don’t hesitate to make an appointment as soon as possible.

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Chances are, your dog is just stressed from the move. Give him time to adjust and make sure he has access to his favorite food and toys.

If you’re still concerned about your dog’s health after a few days, take him to a vet for a checkup. For it’s important to be prepared before you pack up your house and head out.

That includes packing up all of your pup’s stuff as well! Here are some helpful items to include in your pet’s moving kit
Collapsible water bowl- Since pets need water no matter where they go, it’s always good to have one with them at all times.

There’s nothing worse than finding yourself without any water when there’s a cute little animal that needs it! However, collapsible water bowls are lightweight and can fit into almost any bag or purse so they’re perfect for bringing along on an adventure.

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