Does PetSmart Neuter Cats?
When it comes to taking care of your furry family members, neutering cat is an important part of that responsibility. Neutering cats can help reduce the number of stray cats and kittens, which can help keep your furry family members healthy and safe.
But when it comes to neutering cats, you may be wondering if PetSmart offers this service. In this article, we’ll explore the answer to that question, as well as some other topics related to neutering cats.
Does PetSmart Neuter Cats?
The short answer is yes, PetSmart does neuter cats. However, PetSmart does not offer this service at all of its stores. In order to find out if your local PetSmart offers neutering services, you should contact the store directly. PetSmart stores that do offer neutering services typically partner with local animal shelters or veterinary clinics to provide these services.
Benefits of Neutering Cats
Neutering cats offers a wide range of benefits for your pet and for your community. Neutering cats can help reduce the number of unwanted cats and kittens in your community.
It also helps reduce the risk of diseases such as feline leukemia and feline AIDS, which can be spread by unneutered cats. In addition, neutering cats can help reduce their risk of developing certain types of cancer, as well as reduce their risk of certain types of behavioral problems.
Neutering cats can also help your pet live a longer, healthier life. Research has shown that neutered cats can live up to three years longer than unneutered cats. This is because neutering cats can help reduce the risk of certain diseases, as well as reduce their risk of developing certain types of cancers. Neutering cats can also help reduce spraying, fighting, and other undesirable behaviors.

Cost of Neutering Cats at PetSmart
The cost of neutering cats at PetSmart can vary depending on the specific services that are being performed. Generally, the cost of neutering cats at PetSmart will range from $50 to $150. This cost typically includes the cost of the anesthesia and any medications that may be necessary for the procedure.
Alternatives to Neutering at PetSmart
If your local PetSmart does not offer neutering services, there are still other options available. For example, you can contact your local animal shelter or veterinary clinic to inquire about neutering services. Generally, animal shelters and veterinary clinics offer more affordable rates than PetSmart, so this may be a more cost-effective option for you.
How to Prepare Your Cat for Neutering
Before you take your cat in for neutering, there are a few things you should do to ensure that the procedure goes as smoothly as possible. First, you should make sure your cat is up to date on their vaccinations. This will help ensure that your pet does not come into contact with any infectious diseases during the procedure.
Second, you should make sure to feed your cat a few hours prior to the procedure. This will help to ensure that your pet is not hungry during the procedure and will also help to reduce the risk of nausea after the procedure is complete.
Finally, you should try to keep your pet calm and relaxed before, during, and after the procedure. This will help to reduce any stress or anxiety that your pet may experience during the procedure.
Aftercare for Neutering Cats

Once the neutering procedure is complete, there are some aftercare steps that you should take to ensure that your pet recovers as quickly and as comfortably as possible.
First, you should keep your pet indoors for at least a few days after the procedure. This will help to ensure that your pet does not become stressed or anxious during the recovery process.
Second, you should keep your pet’s incision area clean and dry. This will help to reduce the risk of infection and will also help to ensure that the healing process goes as smoothly as possible.
Finally, you should make sure to monitor your pet for any signs of discomfort or infection. If you notice any signs of discomfort or infection, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.
In conclusion, yes, PetSmart does neuter cats. However, not all PetSmart locations offer this service, so you should contact your local store to find out if they offer neutering services. Additionally, there are other options available, such as animal shelters and veterinary clinics, which may offer more affordable rates than PetSmart. Before you take your cat in for neutering, you should make sure they are up to date on their vaccinations and have been fed a few hours prior to the procedure. Finally, after the procedure is complete, you should keep your pet indoors and monitor them for any signs of discomfort or infection.
FAQs On Does PetSmart Neuter Cats?
1.Is Neutering Painful for Cats?
The good news is that neutering cats is typically a relatively painless procedure. The neutering process generally only takes a few minutes and is typically performed while your pet is under anesthesia. This helps to ensure that your pet is comfortable and not in any pain during the procedure. After the procedure is completed, your pet may experience some discomfort, but this should be minimal and should go away after a few days.
2. Does petco neuter cats?
Yes, Petco offers neutering services for cats at their full-service pet hospitals.
3. How much does petsmart charge to neuter a cat?
While exact pricing can vary, neutering a cat at Banfield typically falls somewhere between $40 and $150. This is just an estimate, so contacting your local Banfield is the best way to get a confirmed price.
4. What is neutering a cat called?
neutering a cat is called castration.
Neutering is a general term used for spaying (females) and castration (males) to refer to the surgical sterilization of animals. However, for cats specifically, the procedure for males is called castration.