Can Dogs Eat Peppermint Candy? You might think that giving your dog peppermint candy every now and then is a harmless treat, but you might be surprised to find out that dogs can’t eat peppermint candy.
While it’s true that peppermint does have some health benefits for dogs, such as helping with upset stomachs and occasional indigestion, it’s not a good idea to give them peppermint candies specifically. The problem with peppermint candy for dogs is that it can be dangerous. Peppermint contains menthol, which is a compound that can be toxic to dogs in high doses.
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the dangers of peppermint candy for dogs, as well as some other safe alternatives.
What Is Peppermint Candy?

Let’s start with the basics—what is peppermint candy? Peppermint candy is a type of confectionery that’s made from peppermint oil, sugar, and cornstarch. It has a bright red color and a refreshing mint flavor.
It’s usually sold in the form of small, hard candies, and it’s a popular Christmas candy. But can dogs eat peppermint candy? The answer might surprise you.
Can Dogs Eat Peppermint Candy?
You might be surprised to know that dogs can eat peppermint candy. In fact, it’s a great way to keep their breath smelling fresh.
But before you go giving your dog a big ol’ piece of peppermint candy, you should talk to your veterinarian to make sure it’s safe for them. Some dogs can have an allergic reaction to peppermint, so it’s always best to be safe.
And if your dog does happen to enjoy peppermint candy, make sure you don’t give them too much. It’s easy for them to overeat and end up with an upset stomach.
The Benefits of Peppermint Candy for Dogs
You might be surprised to learn that peppermint candy is actually good for dogs. It’s a natural breath freshener, and it can help calm an upset stomach. Plus, it’s a source of fiber, which is important for dogs who are prone to constipation.
So if your dog is looking for a tasty treat, go ahead and give her a piece of peppermint candy. Just make sure it doesn’t contain any chocolate, which can be toxic for dogs. And as with all treats, moderation is key—don’t overdo it!
The Risks of Peppermint Candy for Dogs

You might be surprised to know that peppermint candy is not good for dogs. In fact, it can be downright dangerous.
Here’s why: peppermint contains menthol, which is a chemical that can cause serious problems for dogs. It can cause stomach upset, vomiting, and even liver damage.
So if you’re ever wondering whether or not it’s safe to give your dog peppermint candy, the answer is a resounding no. Stick to dog-safe treats instead.
How to Give Peppermint Candy to Dogs
So, can dogs eat peppermint candy? The answer is yes, but you need to be careful how much you give them. Peppermint is a natural source of menthol, and while that’s not harmful to dogs, it can make them a bit sick if they eat too much.
If you’re going to give your dog peppermint candy, make sure it’s the unsweetened kind. And start with just a little bit at first to see how they react. If they seem to like it, you can give them a little more. But always keep an eye on them, just in case they have an adverse reaction.
FAQs About Peppermint Candy and Dogs
So, can dogs eat peppermint candy? The answer is a little complicated. Dogs can eat peppermint candy, but it’s not recommended.
Here’s why: Peppermint contains menthol, which can be toxic to dogs in high doses. It can also cause discomfort and gastrointestinal problems.
But that doesn’t mean you have to avoid giving your dog peppermint candy altogether. In small doses, it’s generally safe and can even be beneficial, providing your pup with some relief from stomach issues like nausea and indigestion.
So if you’re going to give your dog peppermint candy, make sure it’s in moderation and keep an eye on your pup for any adverse reactions.
You might be surprised to learn that dogs can eat peppermint candy, and in fact, it can be healthy for them. Peppermint contains menthol, which is a natural anti-inflammatory and can help soothe your dog’s stomach.
Make sure you only give your dog peppermint in moderation and avoid giving them any candy that is sugar-free. Sugar-free candy can be dangerous for dogs because it contains xylitol, which is toxic to them.
Peppermint candy is a safe and healthy treat for your dog, but make sure you moderate it. Stick to small pieces and avoid any sugar-free variants.