Are Border Collies Aggressive No e1662914774371

Are Border Collies Aggressive? If you are considering buying a Border Collie, or you already own one, the first thing you should know about this breed is that they are not aggressive dogs. So if you’re thinking of training your dog to be an attack dog, this isn’t the breed for you! However, if you love being outdoors and hiking with your canine companion, then the Border Collie may be perfect for you. What do I mean by saying that Border Collies are not aggressive?

Overview Border Collies Dog

Border Collies are a type of herding dog that was originally bred in the Scottish Borders. They are known for their high intelligence and trainability, as well as their strong work ethic. Border Collies are not naturally aggressive dogs, but they can become fearful if they are not properly socialized or trained. They are also extremely loyal and responsive to their owners, which makes them great companions. Their agility and athleticism make them popular working dogs, especially in competitive sports such as sheepdog trials. Although sometimes referred to as a rough collie, this breed is gentle and loving with children.

The average lifespan of a Border Collie is 10-13 years. Many Border Collies die from cancer due to their close proximity to livestock like sheep. It’s common for these breeds to experience eye problems such as cataracts, lens luxation, entropion and corneal dystrophy. Patellar luxation may also be present in some dogs at birth. These problems don’t typically cause any discomfort for the animal and usually aren’t detected until later in life. If a Border Collie is unable to feel pain in its hind legs, it could be experiencing patellar luxation or hip dysplasia.

Border Collies should live inside homes rather than outside because they need human contact to maintain a stable mental state. An isolated dog will often develop an increased fear response and misbehaviors such as excessive barking and digging. These dogs have been used extensively by police forces across North America, Europe, Australia, Africa and Asia because of their intelligent nature and ability to quickly learn new tasks without extensive training time spent on repetition

Are Border Collies Aggressive?

No, as a whole, border collies are not aggressive dogs. They are very loyal and respond well to training and socialization. However, if a border collie does not receive sufficient training or have its needs met as an adult dog it can develop a fear of strangers or other animals. When that happens it is important to look for ways to help them overcome their fear in order to make them comfortable once again with visitors and other pets in your home. One way to do this is by introducing the pet slowly and gradually over time so they don’t feel overwhelmed by new people or other animals.

What Causes Border Collie Aggression?

There are a number of reasons why a Border collie may become aggressive.

1. Un-spayed female dog – Female dogs that have not been spayed can become territorial and will attack other animals or people who enter their territory.

2. Fearful dog – If your Border collie is fearful, it will show its aggression through fear biting or barking at unfamiliar people or animals when they come close to it

3. Play aggression – Border collies are often extremely playful, which can sometimes lead to play aggression if the dog is too rough with the person/animal they’re playing with

4. Separation anxiety – If your border collie has separation anxiety, it might display this behavior by barking excessively and jumping on you when you return home

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5. Socialization problems – A border collie can develop socialization problems if it is isolated from others during its critical puppy development stage

6. Punishment-based training methods – Punishment-based training methods such as alpha rolls, choke chains, and leash corrections for minor infractions such as nipping or growling can cause your Border collie to feel angry or defensive towards their owner

7. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – Dogs that have suffered some form of trauma in the past may act aggressively towards strangers as a result

8. Mental illness – The mental illness known as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can also trigger aggressive behavior in some cases

9. An injury – Minor injuries to the eye or head could make your Border collie more prone to becoming aggressive

10. Low-level aggression – Low-level aggression would include behaviors like snarling, snapping, and lunging

11. High-level aggression – High-level aggression includes behaviors like biting and attacking

12. Genetic predisposition toward aggressiveness- Some dogs inherit genetic traits that make them more likely to be aggressive

How Do Border Collies Interact With Other Dogs

Border Collies generally get along well with other dogs, but they may be overly enthusiastic in their play. They also do not like to share food or toys, so if there are two or more Border Collies in the same household, it is important to make sure that they each have their own special items. Dogs that do not have strong prey drives might not be the best choice for a border collie as these breeds often try to herd them and will nip at the heels of slow-moving animals.

How Do Border Collies Interact With Children

Border Collies interact very well with children, as long as they have been properly socialized and trained. They are patient, loving, and protective of their families. Border collies are also easily trained for many different activities. One way to train a border collie is to train them to herd sheep or other animals by following the voice commands of their owner or leader.

The dog will run back and forth between livestock in order to keep the animals in line. The dogs are often used in these types of settings because they have a natural tendency to chase after things that run away from them. These dogs need a lot of physical activity and love to work; this breed needs plenty of exercise in order to maintain good health.

How Much Exercise Does A Border Collie Need

Border collies are high energy dogs that need a lot of exercise. A good rule of thumb is to provide them with at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. This can be in the form of walks, runs, hikes, or any other activity that gets their heart rate up. Without enough exercise, border collies may become destructive or start displaying other problem behaviors. It’s also important to keep an eye on your dog’s weight as they have an increased risk for developing health problems such as arthritis and diabetes if they become overweight.

Should I Use A Leash On My Border Collie

If you plan on using a leash with your border collie, be sure to give them plenty of opportunities to run and play off the leash in a safe area first. Letting them have this experience will make it easier for them to learn how to follow commands and stay near you when they are leashed. It is also important that they learn not only heel but heel on my left side so that they don’t pull at the leash or cause an injury when walking.

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How Do I Stop My Dog From Digging Up The Yard

  1. One of the best ways to stop your dog from digging is to provide them with an alternative outlet for their energy. If they have a place to run and play, they are less likely to want to dig up your yard.
  2. Another way to stop your dog from digging is to make sure they are getting enough exercise. A tired dog is a good dog, and a tired dog is less likely to want to dig holes in your yard.
  3. You can also try training your dog not to dig. This may take some time and patience, but it can be done. Start by teaching them the leave it command, and then move on to teaching them that digging in the yard is not allowed. If you notice that they’re about to start digging, redirect them to another spot in the yard where you don’t mind if they dig.
    If you have any questions or concerns about your pet, please consult a veterinarian or animal behaviorist as soon as possible.

Signs Of Aggressive Behavior In Border Collies

The main sign of aggression in a border collie is when they bark excessively and lunge at people or other animals. Other signs can include

1. Growling: If your dog is growling and showing teeth, it’s an indication that he’s feeling aggressive. If your dog continues to show this behavior, you should contact a professional as soon as possible to help you work through the situation. Your dog may also show agitation if you try to handle him while he’s sleeping, eating, chewing on something, etc. He may start growling if he feels threatened by something such as being approached by another animal or person; if he’s startled by loud noises; if someone reaches for him while he’s eating; or even just sitting on the couch watching TV with his owner (a lot of strangers might walk by).

2. Shaking/whining: It’s not uncommon for dogs to shake or whine when they’re fearful. These actions could be triggered by anything that scares them, including a stranger knocking on the door; thunderstorms or fireworks; children yelling and running around near them; sudden sounds like sirens or thunder claps. If these behaviors occur repeatedly – meaning they happen every time something new scares them – it could be a sign of generalized anxiety disorder in dogs.

3. Tail tucked between legs: You’ll know your dog is feeling submissive when he tucks his tail between his legs, flattens himself against the ground, and looks away from whatever frightens him.

4. Yawning/drooling: Fearful dogs will often yawn or drool because their adrenaline has been released, making them feel tired and exhausted.

5. Panting: Dogs who are stressed out and anxious will usually pant heavily. These heavy breaths are caused by two different things: the release of adrenaline, which makes the dog feel tense and nervous; and a rise in body temperature due to all that hard breathing.

6. Rolling over onto back or stomach: A fear-aggressive dog will typically turn over onto his back, belly exposed, and urinate when confronted with an uncomfortable stimulus.

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7. Cowering: When pets become frightened, they usually cower to protect themselves from any type of attack. They lower their head between their front paws and look downward toward the ground.

Tips To Prevent Aggression From Developing In Border Collies

Border collies are not naturally aggressive dogs, but they may become fearful if they are not properly socialized or trained. Here are some tips to prevent aggression from developing in your border collie:

  1. Socialize your border collie early and often. Introduce them to as many people, places, and things as possible so they learn to be comfortable in new situations.
  2. Train your border collie using positive reinforcement methods. Reward them for good behavior so they learn that it is something you want them to do.
  3. Do not punish your border collie for bad behavior. This will only make them more fearful and could lead to aggression. It is important to never strike a dog with any object, including your hand. When the dog does a good thing, praise them!
  4. Provide proper boundaries for your border collie. Make sure there are plenty of safe spots for them to go when they need time away from everyone else. Make sure their food, water, and toys are all on one side of the room so they can choose whether or not to interact with other animals.
  5. Provide plenty of exercise opportunities for your border collie throughout the day. Give them at least two thirty-minute walks per day plus a couple opportunities to run around outside or play fetch indoors.

Why Is My Border Collie Barking Or Howling

There are a number of reasons why your border collie may be barking or howling. Perhaps they’re bored and are looking for something to do. Maybe they’re trying to get your attention. It could also be that they’re feeling anxious or stressed. If you think your border collie is barking or howling excessively, it’s important to take action. Here are a few things you can do to help reduce your dog’s barking or howling

1) Provide them with plenty of exercise

2) Stimulate their mind with challenging games

3) Reward good behavior with treats or playtime

4) Spend time with them each day so they don’t feel lonely

5) Address the underlying cause – anxiety, boredom, etc.

What Is The Best Diet For A Border Collie

If you’re thinking about getting a border collie, you might be wondering what the best diet for them is. The answer is that, like all dogs, border collies need a diet that is high in protein and low in fat. They also need a diet that is rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. The best way to ensure that your border collie gets all of the nutrients they need is to feed them a high-quality commercial dog food. However, you can also supplement their diet with some healthy homemade meals.


If you are thinking about getting a border collie, you may be wondering if they are aggressive dogs. The answer is No, border collies are not naturally aggressive. However, they may become fearful if they are not properly socialized or trained. They are also extremely loyal and responsive to their owners, which makes them great companions. If you take the time to socialize and train your border collie, you will have a loyal and loving companion for life.