13 Common Dog Breeds That Kills Rabbit

13 Common Dog Breeds That Kills Rabbit: It’s no secret that dogs are natural hunters. And while many dog breeds are content to play fetch there are common dog breeds that kills rabbit for pleasure.

While it’s impossible to list every dog breed that is likely to kill a rabbit, there are 13 breeds that are particularly prone to this behavior. If you have one of these dog breeds and you’re concerned about your rabbit’s safety, go through this blog post to know what to do.

Common Dog Breeds That Kills Rabbit

Common Dog Breeds That Kills Rabbit

1. Chihuahuas

2. Dachshunds

3. Jack Russell Terriers

4. Australian Cattle Dogs

5. Beagles

6. Boston Terriers

7. Boxers

8. Bull Terriers

9. Cocker Spaniels

10. Labrador Retrievers

11. Pit Bulls

12. Rhodesian Ridgebacks

13. Staffordshire Bull Terriers

Some of these breeds might surprise you. For example, most people think ofLabradors as being gentle and good with kids. But the truth is, they are one of the most likely dog breeds to kill a rabbit.

So if you’re thinking of getting a dog, make sure to do your research first. And if you already have a dog, be extra careful when introducing him or her to your new bunny friend.

What Dogs Can Live With Rabbits?

While some dog breeds are generally more compatible with rabbits than others, it’s important to remember that individual personalities and proper management are key to a successful cohabitation. That being said, here are some breeds that tend to be good companions for rabbits:

Low prey drive breeds:

  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: Gentle, playful, and adaptable.
  • Basset Hound: Laid-back, friendly, and not prone to chasing.
  • Pug: Affectionate, calm, and content with lounging.
  • Maltese: Devoted companion breed with low prey instincts.
  • Bichon Frise: Lively but gentle, enjoys calm playtime with rabbits.

Larger, calm breeds:

  • Golden Retriever: Friendly and patient, but supervision is crucial.
  • Great Pyrenees: Gentle giants known for protecting smaller animals.
  • Newfoundland: Gentle, docile, and known for their love of children and animals.
  • Bernese Mountain Dog: Patient and good-natured, ideal for supervised playtime.

What Is The Difference Between These 13 Breeds And Other Breeds?

So you’re probably wondering what the difference is between these 13 breeds and other breeds of dog.

Well, for a start, these 13 breeds have a propensity for killing rabbits. Not all dogs are created equal, and sadly, some of them are more likely to go after our furry friends than others.

It’s important to be aware of this if you’re a rabbit owner, or if you live in an area where there are lots of rabbits. Make sure you keep your furry friend safe by keeping them inside, and by keeping your dog on a leash when you’re out and about.

Why Do These 13 Breeds Have A Tendency To Kill Rabbits?

Common Dog Breeds That Kills Rabbit

So why do these 13 breeds have a tendency to kill rabbits? There are a few reasons.

For one, dogs are predators, and they instinctively see rabbits as prey. In addition, many of these breeds were bred to hunt, so they have a natural hunting instinct. And finally, some dogs may view rabbits as a threat, since they can compete with them for food or territory.

If you have one of these breeds of dog, it’s important to be aware of their natural inclinations and take steps to ensure the safety of your rabbits. You can do this by keeping your rabbits in a safe enclosure that’s inaccessible to your dog, or by keeping them on a leash when you’re out walking your dog.

How Can You Prevent Your Dog From Killing Rabbits?

Protecting your furry friends, both rabbits and dogs, requires a proactive approach built on understanding and positive reinforcement. Here are some effective strategies to keep your dog’s natural hunting instincts in check and create a harmonious household:

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  • Leash Up: Keep your dog on a leash during walks, especially in areas with wild rabbits. This allows you to control their attention and prevent any sudden chases.
  • Fence It In: Secure your yard with a tall, sturdy fence to deter rabbit entry and prevent your dog from digging under or escaping.
  • Separate Spaces: When indoors, provide separate and safe spaces for both animals. Use baby gates, crates, or different rooms to ensure their comfort and prevent unsupervised interactions.


  • Early Socialization: Expose your dog to rabbits early on in a controlled setting, like on leash walks past caged rabbits. Reward calm and curious behavior to build positive associations.
  • Basic Obedience: Train your dog on basic commands like “heel,” “stay,” and “come.” This gives you control over their attention and helps redirect them from distractions like rabbits.
  • Leave It: Teach your dog the “leave it” command, paired with a hand signal, to discourage them from chasing small animals. Reward them generously for focusing on you instead.


  • Channel the Chase: Provide your dog with plenty of exercise and playtime through walks, fetch, or agility courses. This helps expend their energy and fulfill their natural instinct to chase in a safe and controlled way.
  • Scent Games: Engage your dog’s powerful sense of smell with scent games using rabbit-scented toys. This can redirect their interest and provide mental stimulation.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Always reward your dog’s desired behavior, like ignoring rabbits or responding to commands, with treats, praise, or petting. This reinforces positive choices and discourages unwanted behaviors.

What Should You Do If Your Dog Does Kill A Rabbit?

So you now know the 13 dog breeds that are prone to killing rabbits. But what if your dog is one of those breeds? What should you do?

First and foremost, you should never try to confront an attacking dog. That’s just asking for trouble. Instead, try to get help from someone who can calm the dog down. (Someone like a police officer, for example.)

If your dog has actually killed a rabbit, you need to take action. You can either take the rabbit’s body to a veterinarian or have a wildlife specialist take care of it. either way, you need to make sure the rabbit’s body is disposed of properly.

How Do You Introduce A Dog To A Rabbit?

Introducing a dog and a rabbit requires patience, proper planning, and close supervision to ensure a safe and positive experience for both animals. Here’s how you can do it:

Before the introduction:

  • Prepare the environment: Choose a neutral space, unfamiliar to both animals, and free from distractions. Have separate crates or enclosures ready for each animal.
  • Individual attention: Ensure both the dog and rabbit are well-rested and comfortable. Give them individual attention and positive reinforcement beforehand to keep them calm and receptive.
  • Training check: Make sure your dog is well-trained on basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come.” This gives you control over their behavior and allows you to redirect their attention if needed.

The introduction process:

  1. Scent exchange: Start by swapping objects with the animals’ scents, like blankets or toys. Allow them to familiarize themselves with each other’s scent in a non-threatening way.
  2. Visual introduction: Hold your dog on a leash while the rabbit is securely in its crate or enclosure. Let them see each other from a distance and observe their body language. Look for signs of stress or anxiety in either animal, such as excessive panting, ears pinned back, or puffed-up fur. If signs of stress appear, increase the distance or take a break.
  3. Gradual proximity: Gradually decrease the distance between the animals, always keeping your dog restrained and offering positive reinforcement for calm behavior. Allow them to sniff each other through barriers like baby gates or fences before direct interaction.
  4. Supervised interaction: If both animals seem comfortable, allow brief controlled interactions under your close supervision. Keep the dog on a leash or harness and be ready to intervene immediately if any signs of aggression or discomfort arise.
  5. Positive reinforcement: Reward both animals for calm and positive interactions with treats, praise, or gentle petting. This reinforces desired behavior and strengthens positive associations.
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My Dog Killed A Rabbit What Should I Do?

Here are some steps you can take:

1. Check on your dog and the rabbit:

  • Your dog: Ensure your dog is unharmed and hasn’t ingested any parts of the rabbit that could be harmful. If you have any concerns about your dog’s health, contact your veterinarian immediately.
  • The rabbit: If the rabbit is still alive, check for injuries and seek immediate veterinary care if needed. If the rabbit is deceased, dispose of it responsibly.

2. Understand your dog’s behavior:

  • Predatory instincts: Dogs have natural predatory instincts that can sometimes lead them to chase and kill small animals. This is not necessarily a sign of aggression, but it’s important to understand your dog’s breed and instincts to manage their behavior effectively.
  • Training and socialization: Proper training and socialization can help curb your dog’s predatory instincts and teach them appropriate behavior around small animals. Consider consulting a professional dog trainer for guidance.

3. Secure your dog and prevent future incidents:

  • Leash and supervision: When outside, keep your dog on a leash and under your supervision, especially in areas where rabbits or other small animals might be present.
  • Fenced yard: If you have a yard, ensure it’s securely fenced to prevent your dog from escaping and chasing animals.
  • Positive reinforcement: Reward your dog for good behavior around small animals and redirect their attention if they show interest in chasing.

4. Be mindful of your surroundings and local regulations:

  • Respect wildlife: Be aware of local wildlife regulations and respect the natural habitat of animals like rabbits. Avoid letting your dog roam freely in areas where they might encounter protected species.
  • Responsible pet ownership: It’s your responsibility as a pet owner to ensure your dog’s behavior doesn’t harm other animals or people. Be mindful of your surroundings and take necessary precautions to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Remember, this situation doesn’t define your dog or their potential. With proper understanding, training, and responsible ownership, you can help your dog develop appropriate behavior and prevent future incidents.

My Dog Wants To Eat My Bunny

This is a serious situation, and it’s important to take steps to keep your bunny safe. Here are some things you can do:

1. Separate your dog and bunny immediately. This is the most important step. Keep them in separate rooms or enclosures where they cannot see or interact with each other.

2. Never leave your dog and bunny unsupervised together. Even if you think your dog is safe around your bunny, accidents can happen. Always supervise them closely when they are in the same room.

3. Train your dog. If your dog shows any interest in chasing or harming your bunny, it’s important to start obedience training right away. Teach your dog basic commands like “leave it” and “come,” and reward them for good behavior around your bunny.

4. Consider professional help. If you’re concerned about your dog’s behavior, or if you’re not sure how to keep your bunny safe, consult with a professional trainer or animal behaviorist. They can help you assess the situation and develop a plan to keep your pets safe.

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5. Make sure your bunny has a safe space. Your bunny should have a safe enclosure where they can feel secure and relax. This could be a hutch, a cage, or even a small room. Make sure the enclosure is escape-proof and that your dog cannot get to it.

6. Provide your dog with plenty of exercise and stimulation. A bored dog is more likely to be interested in chasing or harming other animals. Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise each day, both physical and mental. This could include walks, playtime, and training sessions.

7. Be patient. It may take some time to train your dog to leave your bunny alone. Be patient and consistent with your training, and don’t give up.

With time and effort, you can help your dog and bunny coexist peacefully. However, it’s important to always prioritize your bunny’s safety. If you’re concerned about your dog’s behavior, don’t hesitate to seek professional help.

Are There Any Other Animals That These 13 Breeds Are Prone To Killing?

Common Dog Breeds That Kills Rabbit

You might be surprised to know that these 13 breeds of dogs are also prone to killing other small animals, such as cats, chickens, and even rabbits.

So if you have any of these breeds of dog, it’s important to be aware of this and take the necessary precautions to keep your small pets safe. Make sure that your dog is properly trained and knows not to kill or harm any animals, especially those that are smaller than them.

And if you see your dog chasing or attacking any small animals, make sure you intervene and stop them right away. It’s important to be proactive and keep your loved ones safe from harm.


While it’s important to remember that any dog can kill a rabbit, if you’re looking to get a pet and you’re worried about the safety of your bunnies, it might be worth considering one of the following dog breeds.

All of these breeds have been known to kill rabbits, either out of instinct or because they were bred to hunt small prey. If you already have one of these breeds of dog and you’re worried about your rabbits’ safety, make sure to keep them in an enclosed space where your dog can’t get to them.

If you’re thinking about getting a dog and you have rabbits, be sure to do your research first and make sure the breed you choose is compatible with your furry friends.


Can a rabbit live with a dog?

While some rabbits and dogs can happily coexist, it’s important to be realistic about the challenges and risks involved. Careful planning, proper introductions, and ongoing supervision are essential for success. If you’re considering introducing a rabbit and a dog into your home, consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist for personalized advice.

Can I stop my dog from killing rabbits?

Absolutely! Protecting both your dog and the rabbits is important, and there are many ways to achieve that without resorting to harsh or harmful methods.

Are dogs a danger to rabbits?

Yes, dogs can be a danger to rabbits, but the extent of the danger depends on several factors.

Are Rottweilers good with rabbits?

Unfortunately, Rottweilers are not generally recommended as companions for rabbits. While individual personalities and proper management can play a role, several factors make Rottweilers potentially dangerous to rabbits.

Is owning a rabbit like owning a dog?

While both rabbits and dogs can be wonderful companions, owning one is quite different from owning the other.

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