Why Is My Dog Barking at Guests? How to Stop It?

When guests come over, the first thing they notice isn’t your style or your furniture; it’s your dog barking and running around like crazy. You explain to them that you’ve tried everything to stop him from doing this, but nothing has worked.

Is there anything you can do to calm him down before they visit next? Here are some tips that will help you get on your dog’s good side when company comes knocking.

Why Is My Dog Barking at Guests?

Aggressive Behavior

The reason behind your dog’s barking might be fear, which can turn into aggression. A guest that is unfamiliar with dogs may be mistaken for an intruder, causing your pup to growl and bark aggressively.

Instead of putting his nose in your face or knocking over plants, try distracting him with a toy or activity so he’s focused on you instead of whoever is at your door. Or have visitors stop by when you’re home – after all, no one really likes getting barked at by a stranger! Your dog may need further training to overcome his aggressive behaviour problem.


There’s a whole host of reasons your dog might be nervous, but there are a few things you can do in any situation to calm him or her down. First and foremost, keep your dog on a leash during all interactions with guests so that you have physical control over him or her and can quickly prevent any barking.

Try carrying some treats in your pocket for times when your dog is particularly excitable. Distract him or her by tossing one of these treats near their feet (even if it means bending down) and then praise them when they or stops barking.


If your dog is anxious or excited, he may bark when there are guests in your home. A lot of dogs don’t know how to act around new people and are easily overwhelmed by a variety of stimuli. When he gets excited, he’ll begin barking even before you can tell him quietly.

In order to stop him from barking in these situations, you have to teach him what it means when guests arrive: no barking! The first step is getting him used to having people in his own home so that he doesn’t react as if they’ve just popped out of nowhere.

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If you’ve ever had a dog, you know they can be protective of their space. This includes both inside and outside your home. Because some dogs are naturally protective, it’s important to properly socialize them with people and other pets during puppyhood.

This will help ensure that Fido does not develop any lasting or severe phobias that may cause him to bark incessantly when strangers enter your home—or worse, bite someone!

Start by introducing guests to your pup while he is still young. Make sure each person takes turns holding, petting and talking to Fido in his own environment so he gets used to being around new people in familiar places.

Once he’s grown accustomed to visitors coming by on a regular basis, you can slowly introduce him to new environments like parks and restaurants so he learns that there’s nothing scary about different places as long as you’re there with him.

Remember: The more comfortable your pup is around people and other animals, the less likely he’ll be territorial over his surroundings.


A dog’s propensity to bark at new visitors is known as fearfulness and is a common behaviour exhibited in many canines. This can be frustrating for you, your dog, and your guests.

However, there are ways you can reduce fearfulness in your pet and make sure she greets new people with a wagging tail instead of frantic barking. Here are a few tips that may help you get started

Attention Seeking

Some dogs will bark when a person comes over for a visit, not out of fear but because they’re just trying to get your attention. They may be lonely and want some company or just want you to pay them more attention. Other dogs may bark at guests because they want your undivided attention.

Maybe they need food or water, playtime outside, petting, or something else. In these cases, barking isn’t actually problematic—it’s a sign that you need to pay attention! If your dog barks often during visits, keep their routine in check and make sure they have enough toys and exercise so that they don’t feel neglected when someone comes by.

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Age Differences

The reason for a barking dog depends on its age. Puppies bark for many reasons. They can have separation anxiety and be anxious about being left alone. They might feel territorial or simply excited and overwhelmed by new people or surroundings.

With proper training, puppy behaviour can be curtailed before it becomes a bigger problem when they become adults. Adult dogs should never be left unsupervised with children because of their tendency to bite out of fear.

Both children and dogs must learn how to behave around each other so that both groups of people remain safe at all times when together. Show your adult dog how pleased you are when they don’t bark in response to guests, which will make your dog more likely to repeat good behaviours like not barking in front of the company later on in life.

How to Stop Dog From Barking at Guests

Teaching your dog to stop barking, which is a natural propensity, even with the greatest dog training methods, won’t happen quickly. Training must be done consistently, and it’s crucial to be patient and give your dog praise.

Rewarding Successful Encounters

The best technique to adapt your dog to human interaction if they are battling with barking as a result of lack of socialization is via exposure. Invite as many guests as you can to your home at various times, and want plenty of attention and goodies from them.

Your dog will gradually come to understand that receiving love, attention, and goodies from new people is a positive experience. Take your dog on as many walks as you can in a variety of locations to help him or she learn that visitors are not always dangerous, especially when they are in an unusual setting.

Diverting Attention to the Public

It’s crucial to stop allowing dogs that are extremely eager to bark all the time. You want to avoid rewarding your dog for barking for attention if you chance to be walking them since many other people may want to interact with them if they seem happy and non-threatening.

The simplest method to stop this when your dog recognizes the stranger is to quietly turn around and go in another direction, eliminating any potential of interacting. Keep snacks nearby so you may give your dog a treat after they have stopped barking.

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Your dog will eventually start to understand that barking makes it impossible to communicate with humans after some practice. Reward your dog for being well-behaved when they approach another person quietly.

Prevention Techniques

It’s crucial to use preventive measures to prevent your dog from interacting with strangers if you have to leave them inside or outdoors alone. Depending on where you typically keep your dog, you may learn how to stop a dog from barking while left alone (inside or outsides).

Make sure to shut the windows and curtains while you leave your dog inside so they can’t see any outsiders, such as the mailman bringing a delivery or a passerby on the street. Installing a tall fence is beneficial if your dog wants to be outdoors since it will prevent them from seeing beyond your yard (opaque fencing material works best for this).

Distracting Technique

Distracting your pet is one of the easiest methods to stop barking, and it’s as easy as it seems. By rattling your vehicle keys, you may easily occupy your dog. Your dog’s focus is diverted toward you by the jingling sound.

Tell them to “sit” when you’ve gotten their attention, and when they comply, reward them with a treat. If you do this often, your dog will start to understand that good behaviour benefits them and that barking at strangers does not result in a reward.

The Subtle Approach

Allow your dog to bark a few times once they begin to bark while a stranger is there. Then say “Quiet” while holding their snout softly. Avoid screaming because it reinforces undesirable behaviour. Stop touching their muzzle. Give them a treat if they don’t speak.

Repeat the procedure if they start barking once again, rewarding them each time they do so. Increase the intervals between rewards gradually so that the instruction may take effect. You may try this strategy without holding your dog’s muzzle if doing so creates frustration or uncooperative behaviour.

Instead, quietly use your order while remaining calm, and then distract them from the stranger by offering them a reward or something to munch on, such as a little piece of chicken.