How to Make a Dog’s Testicle Drop is a subject that hardly anyone talks about, yet we all want to know. While I wouldn’t necessarily agree that teaching a dog to drop his testicles is ‘funny’, this article will give you some tips on how to do so.
No dogs were harmed in the process of writing this article, as it should be rather clear that it’s advised for people to read at their own risk! I’ve seen some remarkable photos of dogs with their testicles tied together.
Actually, when I was growing up, I saw a photo in a newspaper or magazine that really impressed me because the dog had to fight so hard to get his testicles back.
I thought the dog was very brave and that the male animal had a lot of grit in him. That’s the exact same spirit that you should have when you teach your dog to drop his testicles.
So if you want to get a few laughs, and you don’t mind the possibility of getting an embarrassed and protective hound on your lap, then read on.

How to Make a Dog’s Testicle Drop?
There is no one definitive way to make a dog’s testicle drop, but some methods are more successful than others. One common approach is to apply pressure to the scrotum just below the testicles. This can be done by hand or with a tool such as a hemostat. This method works best on small dogs, as bigger dogs tend to have a large muscle mass in their leg or buttocks area that helps support the testicles.
- Hold the dog’s scrotum in your hand. If possible, have another person hold his hind legs so that the lower leg is under the dog’s belly.
- Place your thumb in the scrotum and press down hard with your fingers. In some cases, the testicles may not fall easily because of the muscle mass in the area. The dog’s owner may have to slightly move the testicles downward before applying any pressure.
- Continue to apply pressure for about 10 minutes. If the dog’s testicles still do not come down, it is likely that there is not enough tissue in the scrotum to keep them from hanging. The owner can try gently massaging the testicles.
If the dog’s testicles are too far away from the body, the dog may have a hernia, which can be fixed by a veterinarian.
One common approach to make your dog’s testicles to drop is to apply pressure to the scrotum just below the testicles. This can be done by hand or with a tool such as a hemostat.
How Long Can It Take For A Dog’s Balls To Drop?
The testicles of a dog typically descend into the scrotum within two to four weeks of birth. The exact time frame depends on several factors. Some dogs go through the process a little faster, while others go through it much slower.
What’s more, testicles can shrink and enlarge at different rates during the same dog’s lifetime.
Finally, some dogs may simply develop a habit of hanging lower than usual and have no unusual physical condition.

The Consequences of Retained Testicles in Dogs

The consequences of retained testicles in dogs are primarily infertility and a higher risk of developing cancer. The following are the consequences of retained testicles in dogs:
1. Infertility
The only reason to surgically remove testicles from a dog is to prevent them from getting into the dog’s scrotum. Some dog owners have their dogs castrated because they worry that if the dog does not go through the reproductive process and conceive a litter, it will grow sexually aroused and become sexually frustrated.
While some dogs may indeed get sexually aroused after having the testicles removed, others are relieved of this worry because they no longer feel the need to urinate frequently.
2. Cancer
Testicles in a dog have to be kept sterile and away from the body’s immune system. The immune system responds to all normal testicular elements as foreign and attacks them with antibodies.
There are very few testicular elements that are not harmful, including the testicles themselves. When a dog is spayed, the immune system cannot sense testicular elements as foreign, and therefore, these testicular elements will not be detected by the immune system, which is why dogs get cancer.
3. Immune system regulation
The immune system responds to all normal testicular elements as foreign and attacks them with antibodies. When a dog is castrated, the immune system cannot sense testicular elements as foreign, and therefore these testicular elements will not be detected by the immune system, which is why dogs get cancer.
4. Demasculinization
The immune system functions in much the same way as a human’s, except that it is a human’s that resides in the body. It is his body that acts as the immune system; however, it is always subject to chemical and physical influences.
And this is what has been misinterpreted for centuries as the cause of diseases.
5. Pain
Pain in castrated dogs does not occur at the time of castration but develops immediately afterward and lasts for several days. Pain is often so intense that castrated dogs seek shelter, prevent movement, and remove themselves from any possible threat or danger.
6. Testicular structure
The testicles are not simply containers of sperm. They are functional and are involved in a host of endocrine and hormonal activities necessary for normal growth, development and reproduction. As such, an examination of the testicle is required to determine if the surgical procedure has been performed correctly.
The consequences of retained testicles in dogs are primarily infertility and a higher risk of developing cancer.
Retained Testicle Cryptorchidism In Dogs

Cryptorchidism is a condition where one or both of the testicles have not descended into the scrotum.
Retained testicle cryptorchidism is a specific type of cryptorchidism where one or both testicles remain in the abdomen or inguinal canal.
This condition is most commonly seen in dogs, and can often lead to fertility problems. Cryptorchidism may be congenital or iatrogenic, where a testicle is either removed for therapeutic purposes or retained due to the surgical intervention of a veterinarian.
Differential Diagnosis
Abnormalities of the testicle include cancer, orchitis, or traumatic injury. Other conditions that may mimic cryptorchidism include displacement of the testicle, hydrocele, or retroperitoneal hematoma.
If the diagnosis is based on a suspicion of testicular cancer, an ultrasound of the abdomen is essential. Microscopic examination of tissue obtained from the inguinal canal of cryptorchid testicles should be performed if suspected as orchitis, or trauma associated with orchitis.
Can Cryptorchidism be Corrected in Dogs?
Yes, cryptorchidism can be corrected by surgery. The timing and extent of the surgery is dependent on the age and health of the dog. Anesthesia is required in all cases.
Preoperative Considerations
Careful assessment of the testicles and scrotum is important. The surgeon must avoid injuring either the testicle or the urethra, as testicular tumors has been described in males with cryptorchidism.
The surgeon should have all the necessary equipment to be able to perform surgery on both testicles at once. If one testicle is involved, it is removed first so that if any remnant of the testicle enters the scrotum it will be removed rather than strangulating the urethra.
Yes, cryptorchidism can be corrected by surgery. The timing and extent of the surgery is dependent on age and health of the dog.
How Much Does Cryptorchidism Surgery Cost?
Cryptorchidism surgery, or the removal of an undescended testicle, can cost up to $800. This price may increase if the surgery is complicated or if the dog is a large breed. The cost of the surgery is actually between $500 – $800.
The first half of this will be paid to the vet, who will be performing the procedure in most cases, but there may be some negotiation on this point.
How Long Does Cryptorchid Surgery Take?

Cryptorchid surgery is a relatively short procedure that takes around 45 minutes to complete. The anesthetized dog will be under a general anesthetic in order to make the whole procedure easier. The vet will be examining and removing the testicle from the scrotum.
Is Cryptorchidism Covered by Pet insurance?
Yes, cryptorchidism is covered by pet insurance if the dog’s problem is reported. Most insurance companies will only pay for the removal of one testicle. In some cases, a dog may need both of his testicles removed.
Which Dog Breeds are Prone to Cryptorchidism?
- The Australian Cattle Dog is a breed that is prone to cryptorchidism.
- The Dachshund is another breed of dog that is prone to cryptorchidism.
- The Rottweiler is a breed that is prone to cryptorchidism.
- The Boxer is a breed that is prone to cryptorchidism.
Does the Dog Need to be Neutered After Cryptorchid Surgery?
Some veterinarians may recommend neutering a dog after cryptorchid surgery, while others may not. Be sure to discuss this with your veterinarian.
How Often do Dog Testicles Need to be Removed?
The testicles should be removed after each heat cycle or every six months.
Is Cryptorchidism Hereditary?
Cryptorchidism is a common congenital anomaly that is believed to be caused by genetic factors. This condition often runs in families and is more common in first-degree relatives. Cryptorchidism can also be acquired.
Cryptorchidism Dog Behavior

Cryptorchidism is a condition in which one or both testicles fail to descend into the scrotum. While this condition is primarily a physical issue, it may also have some impact on a dog’s behavior.
Cryptorchid dogs still produce testosterone, which is the hormone responsible for many of the behaviors typically associated with intact (unneutered) male dogs. Since one or both testicles are retained in the abdomen or inguinal canal, the levels of testosterone produced can be similar or slightly reduced compared to dogs with normally descended testicles. As a result, cryptorchid dogs may exhibit behaviors commonly seen in intact males, such as:
- Marking territory with urine
- Roaming or attempting to escape to find mates
- Aggression or dominance toward other dogs, particularly males
- Mounting objects, people, or other dogs
However, it’s important to note that each dog is unique, and behavior can vary based on factors such as breed, socialization, and individual temperament. Furthermore, the degree to which cryptorchidism affects behavior can also vary.
Why Might Dog’s Testicle Not Have Descended?
Cryptorchidism, also known as retained testicles, is a condition in which one or both of a dog’s testicles fail to descend into the scrotum as they should during development. There are a number of possible reasons why a dog’s testicle may not have descended, including:
- Genetics: Cryptorchidism can be an inherited trait, meaning that dogs with a family history of retained testicles may be more likely to develop the condition themselves.
- Hormonal imbalances: In some cases, hormonal imbalances during fetal development or puberty can prevent the testicles from descending into the scrotum.
- Infections: Certain infections, such as canine brucellosis, can cause inflammation and damage to the testicles, making it more difficult for them to descend properly.
- Trauma: Trauma or injury to the testicles or surrounding tissues can also interfere with their normal development and descent.
- Abnormalities of the reproductive tract: In some cases, structural abnormalities within the reproductive tract can prevent the testicles from descending as they should.
Retained testicles can increase the risk of certain health issues, such as testicular cancer and torsion (twisting of the testicle), so it’s important to have dogs with cryptorchidism examined and monitored by a veterinarian. In many cases, neutering (removal of the testicles) is recommended to help prevent potential complications and reduce the risk of passing the condition on to offspring.
What Are The Side Effects Of Undescended Testicle Surgery?
Undescended testicle surgery, typically known as orchiopexy, aims to reposition the testicle(s) into the scrotum. While generally a safe procedure, it does carry potential side effects, like any surgery. Here’s a breakdown of the most common ones:
General surgical risks:
- Bleeding: Though minimal, some bleeding and bruising around the incision site are expected.
- Infection: The surgical site can become infected, presenting with redness, swelling, pus, and fever.
- Anesthesia reactions: While rare, adverse reactions to the anesthetic used during surgery can occur.
Specific to orchiopexy:
- Testicular retraction: In some cases, the testicle might migrate back from the scrotum (reascending testicle), requiring further surgery.
- Testicular damage: Although uncommon, the testicle or surrounding tissues might be inadvertently damaged during surgery.
- Testicular atrophy: If the blood supply to the repositioned testicle is compromised, it may shrink (atrophy). This can impact fertility.
- Vas deferens injury: The tube carrying sperm from the testicle (vas deferens) could be damaged, potentially affecting fertility.
What Happens If The Undescended Testicle Is Not Treated?
Leaving undescended testicles untreated can lead to several potential complications, impacting both physical and emotional well-being. Here’s a breakdown of the risks:
- Reduced sperm production: The higher temperature within the abdomen compared to the scrotum hinders sperm development and maturation. This can lead to decreased sperm count and motility, potentially resulting in infertility in later life.
- Increased risk of testicular malformations: Undescended testicles are more prone to structural abnormalities that can further affect sperm production.
Testicular health:
- Testicular torsion: The undescended testicle is more susceptible to twisting of the spermatic cord (torsion), a painful and potentially serious condition that can cut off blood supply and damage the testicle. This can lead to infertility or even necessitate emergency surgery to remove the affected testicle.
- Increased risk of testicular cancer: While the absolute risk remains low, studies suggest an association between undescended testicles and a slightly higher risk of developing testicular cancer in adulthood.
Psychological impact:
- Self-consciousness and emotional distress: Boys with undescended testicles may experience anxiety, embarrassment, and low self-esteem due to the visible abnormality of their scrotum. This can affect their social interactions and overall well-being.
What Is The Latest Treatment For Undescended Testicle in Dogs?
For undescended testicles in dogs, the latest treatment remains surgical neutering and removal of the retained testicle(s), similar to the traditional approach. However, advancements in the field have focused on refining the techniques and minimizing complications:
1. Minimally Invasive Surgery:
- Laparoscopic cryptorchidectomy: This minimally invasive option utilizes small incisions and a laparoscope to locate and remove the undescended testicle(s) through laparoscopic instruments. It offers several advantages:
- Smaller incisions: Reduced scarring and faster recovery.
- Improved visualization: Precise surgery due to magnified views.
2. Advanced Surgical Techniques:
- Ultrasonically guided surgery: Preoperative ultrasound helps pinpoint the exact location of the retained testicle, especially for those located high in the abdomen, leading to a more targeted and efficient surgery.
- Tissue-sparing techniques: Minimizing dissection and preserving surrounding tissues during surgery can reduce nerve damage and pain.
3. Early Neutering:
- While traditionally neutering was delayed until one year of age, current recommendations suggest earlier intervention (around 6 months) for dogs with undescended testicles. This potentially reduces the risk of complications like testicular torsion and cancer.
4. Post-operative Care:
- Pain management: Tailored pain relief strategies ensure your dog’s comfort during recovery.
- Elizabethan collar: This cone prevents licking and irritation of the surgical site.
- Activity restriction: Moderate exercise limitations for optimal healing.
Diagnosis of Retained Testicles in Dogs
Diagnosis of retained testicles in dogs is typically done through a physical examination and by taking a history of the dog’s health. The physical examination may include examining the abdomen and scrotum.
The history of the dog’s health is important because it gives information about possible genetic or acquired factors that might have caused the cryptorchidism. Physical examination may reveal a normal or enlarged prostate. The enlarged prostate should be examined for possible stones.
Symptoms of Retained Testicles in Dogs

Symptoms of retained testicles in dogs may include swelling and redness of the scrotal area, pain, difficulty walking, and reluctance to move. Severe pain is typical. If a testicle is blocked, heat and redness may occur over time.
Dogs that have cryptorchidism may also have lack of urine, frequent or no urination, excessive whining or crying, abnormal prostate or bladder function tests, appetite loss, weight loss, or vomiting.
Treatment of Retained Testicles in Dogs
The treatment of retained testicles in dogs may include surgical correction of the cryptorchidism, medications to reduce swelling and pain, antibiotics to treat infection, castration to eliminate testosterone, oestrogens or antibiotics, a mechanical splint to protect the testicles or scrotum, or surgery to remove the testicle.
Most dogs are able to go home on the first day of surgery.
The treatment of retained testicles in dogs is a relatively simple process. The veterinarian will first make an incision in the scrotal sac and remove the retained testicle.
If the other testicle is also retained, the veterinarian will remove it as well. Surgery to remove the testicle is always performed in an operating room because testicles are delicate organs and may rupture if they are simply cut out.
Recovery of Retained Testicles in Dogs
If your dog’s testicles have been retained, don’t worry – there is a good chance they can be successfully recovered. Your veterinarian will use surgery to remove the testicle(s) and the scrotal sac.
If the dog has two healthy testicles, he or she can be expected to make a complete recovery from the operation. If the dog has one testicle and one or both testicles have been frozen, the veterinarian will likely have to remove both testicles at the same time.
He or she will also expect to see some degree of chronic inflammation and swelling around the site of the testicle removal.
Can Dogs with one Testicle Reproduce?

Yes, dogs with one testicle can reproduce. There is a slight increase in the number of abnormal sperm cells produced. This does not seem to impact the quality of the semen. Dogs with one testicles produce normal semen.
There is no increased risk of the sperm being abnormal, although there is a slightly increased chance that the semen will be abnormal in some way. The situation will vary from one animal to another depending on his or her particular genotype.
Prevention of Retained Testicles in Dogs
Prevention of retained testicles in dogs is through neutering at an early age. This is done by removing the testicles from the dog while it is still a puppy. Early neutering is the best way to prevent future problems.
Retained testicles can develop into testicular cancer, usually in older dogs. If a dog already has testicular cancer, early neutering will prevent the cancer from spreading. Neutering at an early age also prevents the problem of prostate problems later in life.
Did you know that one in every three dogs is born with a retained testicle? This can often lead to fertility problems, infertility, and cancer. But don’t worry, there are things you can do to help your dog drop his testicles. Check out our latest blog post for some tips.
How late can a dog’s testicle drop?
Normally, a dog’s testicles descend into the scrotum by the age of 6 to 8 weeks. However, there are some exceptions and variables to consider:
Late descenders:
In some cases, especially with larger breeds, the testicles might descend slightly later, up to 3 or 4 months. However, if descent hasn’t occurred by this time, it’s crucial to consult a veterinarian to rule out any potential issues.
If both or one testicle remains undescended after 6 months, it’s a condition called cryptorchidism. This necessitates veterinary intervention, as retained testicles pose health risks like cancer and torsion.
Can a dog’s testicle be manually dropped?
No, a dog’s testicle should not be manually dropped. Attempting to manually move a retained testicle can be dangerous and harmful to your dog.
Who fixes undescended testicles in dogs?
Undescended testicles in dogs are typically addressed by a veterinarian, specifically one with expertise in reproductive surgery.
How much does undescended testicle surgery cost for dogs?
Laparoscopic cryptorchidectomy: $800 – $1,500+
Inguinal cryptorchidectomy: $400 – $800
Abdominal cryptorchidectomy: $600 – $1,200+
Do animals feel testicle pain?
While we can’t definitively say that animals feel testicle pain exactly like humans, the available evidence strongly suggests that they do experience pain in their testicles and react to it in similar ways.
What age do puppies get undescended testicles?
The term “undescended testicles” doesn’t quite apply to puppies in the same way it does to humans. In humans, testicles develop inside the abdomen and then normally descend into the scrotum by 6 to 8 weeks of age. However, puppies are born with their testicles already within the scrotum, usually nestled near the inguinal rings (openings in the abdominal wall).
The process for puppies is more about the testicles moving further down within the scrotum rather than truly descending from the abdomen. This movement typically happens gradually over the first few months of life and should be complete by the age of 4 to 6 months.
Can undescended testicles correct itself in dogs?
No, unfortunately, undescended testicles in dogs cannot correct themselves. Once a dog reaches 6 months of age and both testicles haven’t fully descended into the scrotum, the condition is called cryptorchidism, and it requires veterinary intervention.
Further Reading:
Rottweiler: Every Information You Need to Know About This Dog
Rhodesian Ridgeback: The Lion Fighter
1000 Interesting Dog Names and their Meaning
Cane Corso: Every Information About This Breed
Golden Retriever: Everything You Need To Know About This Breed
Rottweiler Pitbull Mix: Every Information