Can I Get Worms From My Cat Licking Me?

Can I Get Worms From My Cat Licking Me

Can I Get Worms From My Cat Licking Me? It’s not unusual for cat owners to report their cats licking them. While this behavior is usually harmless, some people worry about the possibility of getting worms from their cat’s tongue. While it is possible for cats to transmit worms to humans, it is unlikely that … Read more

What Can I Give My Dog For Bad Breath?

What Can I Give My Dog For Bad Breath

What Can I Give My Dog For Bad Breath? Bad breath in dogs can be extremely distressing, especially if it’s persistent. Fortunately, bad breath can be an easy problem to solve. There are several home remedies for bad breath, with treats and regular brushing generally leading the list. Bad breath in dogs is often caused … Read more

Why Does My Female Dog Smell Like Fish?

Why Does My Female Dog Smell Like Fish

Why Does My Female Dog Smell Like Fish? As dog parents, we care about the health and happiness of our pets. However, the reality is that most of us haven’t spent a lot of time learning about our dogs’ health issues. We love our furry family members but we don’t always understand them, which can … Read more

A Comprehensive Guide to Flying with Large Dogs

A Comprehensive Guide to Flying with Large Dogs

Flying with Large Dogs | Flying with pets can be stressful and often times last-minute decisions have to be made. Although traveling may always be necessary, it certainly can be miserable with large animals. Luckily, there are ways to travel with your pet that will make both of you happy. This comprehensive guide will help … Read more

Are Dogs Immune to Tear Gas?

Are Dogs Immune to Tear Gas

Are Dogs Immune to Tear Gas? It might not be a common occurrence, but there have been reports of dogs being susceptible to tear gas. While it is uncommon, there is always the chance that your dog will be affected by tear gas and could potentially go into shock. Being aware of this and taking … Read more

Why Do Huskies Scream? (7 Reasons Why)

Why Do Huskies Scream?

Why Do Huskies Scream? If you live with a husky, you’re probably well-acquainted with their signature howl. But why do huskies scream? While it might seem like they’re just being annoying, there are actually a few reasons behind this behavior. Read on to learn more about why your husky screams and what you can do … Read more

Why Does My Cat Bite My Nose And What Does It Mean?

Why Does My Cat Bite My Nose

Why Does My Cat Bite My Nose? It’s a question many cat parents ask themselves – why does my cat bite my nose? Is it because they’re trying to tell me something, or are they just being playful? You may have noticed when you pet a cat that they tend to lie on their side … Read more